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Everything posted by shanenin

  1. What exactly do you mean. By default, don't margins get assigned to everything?
  2. I understand that anytime you let an automated tool remove stuff, it could screw something up. I thought maybe combofix was more dangerous then most tools. I had smitfraudfix screw up a system once. I will be honest, I always get kind of annoyed(not at you) when people tell me, "don't run combofix, you are not properly trained"(other forums). Other then double clicking it and letting it run, what does a trained user do differently?
  3. it does not seem to be working. I am using this code. img.head { display: block; padding: 0; margin-top: 0; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;} I also tried img.head { display: block; padding: 0; margin: 0; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;} and img.head { display: block; padding: 0; margin: 0; margin-top: 0; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;}
  4. I am trying to use css to put an image center and on top of my web page. I am able to get it centered, but I have a small space above the image. I think this is a margin property, but I am not sure. I just want to have my logo at the very top of the web page without any spacing. I have tryed setting margin-top to 0, but that does not seem to help. What am I doing wrong? here is what I have for code <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> &
  5. Am I crazy to think the OS X text editor would do just that, edit text? I was working on an html file at work(on a windows machine). I brought it home to continue coding with textedit. When I open the file with it, it just renders the page in a way that a browser would do it. This is just crazy, I just want to edit the text. I know macs are so intuitive, maybe the "window's way" just confused me. This is dumb. I am still googling to figure out how to edit a file with textedit :-(
  6. I noticed many combofix tutorials recommend installing the XP recovery console. It also gives a warning about 1/100 uses will fail. What is the deal, does fail mean it damages XP or just does not remove the infection?
  7. part of the problem may be using svideo, it does not designed for hi-def video. Does your tv have a vga connection, if so you may want to use that. It will givce you a clear picture. I was assuming you have a hi-def tv, is that correct?
  8. Would the built in on screen keyboard work?
  9. I believe it installs multiple drivers, it may be easiest to uninstall it using system restore.
  10. Since vista has been out, I have sold 5 new dual core systems with XP. After service pack one, I may start recommending Vista.
  11. it sounds as if the memory is not seated properly. I would take it out and reinsert it. Make sure it is in all the way. I suppose you may have a piece of dust messing up your connection. you may want to blow out the memory slot. edita added later// with some ibm think pads, 4 beeps refers to a low battery. Do you have it plugged in?
  12. Until recently my main workstation computer was an athlon xp 2600 with 512MB or Ram.
  13. That is a decent board. You did not list the proc speed. Any thing with ddr memory is relatively fast for running ME or even XP.
  14. You mentioned in your video about using igoogle with the new domain. I was looking, but could not find that option. I would also like an option to use a notifier for new email as a firefox add on or an installed program. The ones I use seem to work only if you have an @gmail address. edit added later// Imagine that, I found it under the start link
  15. For a long time, I have not been sure on what type of service to use for my email organization. I had one personal gmail account I have been using since it first came out(hitest gave me an invite). With this account I archive everything. With my email address, shane at (the site needs updating bad), I have been using a small free account that came with Goddy webhosting. This account only has 10MBs. Since it was so small, I usually ended up deleting stuff I should have saved. I decided to use gmail for everything. Google offers free mail hosting for your own domai
  16. what you are describing sounds like the same connector used for a floppy disk
  17. I am having a tough time following what you said. 1. Do either of the computers have COA stickers on the bottom with the key? When some computers leave the factory the use a generic key to install windows. This key is different then what is on the COA. If belarc retrieved the generic key, you will not be able to activate with that. Another problem you may have is needing the correct version of your install disc. if the key in XP pro OEM, you will need a OEM xP pro cd.
  18. As Honda_Boy pointed out, try going to the chipset manufactures. I am not completely certain, but I think this is what you need. These chipset drivers contain both the raid and network drivers among others
  19. I have been searching for a while. I don't no why this is so hard for me to find. edit added// I found the answer using "Mac help". This is their built in help feature of OS X
  20. I am running Leopard. This should not be hard. I can't seem to figure out how to rename files/directories with finder.
  21. This is kind of interesting. According to the ouptut of the following command only "root" and "shane" are in the wheel group, yet the admin account called shanelindberg could also su to root. bash-3.2$ dscl . -read /groups/wheel AppleMetaNodeLocation: /Local/Default GeneratedUID: ABCDEFAB-CDEF-ABCD-EFAB-CDEF00000000 GroupMembership: root shane Password: * PrimaryGroupID: 0 RealName: System Group RecordName: wheel RecordType: dsRecTypeNative:groups SMBSID: S-1-5-21-100
  22. what does the "." between dscl and append do? edit // by the way, that command worked. I am now in the wheel group and can su to root
  23. still trying to find where that info is stored on Leopard. Unlike Linux(I have not used it in over a year, my skills are rusty), it does not seemed to be stored in /etc/groups. It is just a standard account, so I am assuming it is not a member of admin. I should be able to add it to the wheel group.