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Everything posted by shanenin

  1. I meant it did not even show up in the bios. With that said, my memory might be incorrect. It may have shown up, when viewing the bios setup, but did not display the proper drive information. When using the sata-to-usb connector, it once showed up as a usb device(don't remember the exact term used). But it would not show up as a mass storage device in either "My Computer" or "Computer Management". After that, it would not even show up as any usb device when I plugged it in. It was completely unresponsive.
  2. Google Apps are great. I have my whole business integrated with them. I need a simpler solution. My clients still want to keep thier email address, they just need to send out email while traveling. I was considering having them setup a gmail account, then use gmail's smtp service. I am not sure if that is ok to do.
  3. Are their any good free or maybe paid services that will allow you to use their SMTP servers for sending out a small amount of emails? For example, If I normally use my cable providers SMTP servers, but when traveling they are blocked. I would need a service that would allow me to send out emails from anywhere on the net. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  4. Do you have service pack 2 installed? I have had issues when installing nforce drivers and sp1 like you described. Installing sp2 fixed the missing driver issue.
  5. NVIDIA MCP51 Ethernet controller. I am getting different results, did you search for "0269"?
  6. What does the paid version do that the free does not?
  7. That is a great tip! I will have to remember that.
  8. What are the dimensions of the original supply?
  9. Cool, it is good to know people have success with this simple technique.
  11. I came across a hard drive that was a good candidate to try and switch out the printed circuit board. My client had very valuable information that she needed, but was not willing to pay a firm like drivesavers over a $1000 to get here data. This was a SATA drive that was spinning with a healthy sound, but it would not show up in the bios or with a sata-to-usb connector. It appeared that the circuit board had gone bad. We found the same drive with the same firmware version(I think they have to be the same) as the bad drive(in Great Britain). We put the new circuit board on the unworking drive.
  12. that seagate tool is neat, I use acronis daily and love it.
  13. I would recommend the the free version of hamachi. It is very safe. You can set up a virtual home network with anyone anywhere.
  15. If it uses a standard atx connector, you could make any micro atx power supply work.
  16. I have seen old Compaqs, pentium 3s with a non standard 24 pin atx power connector. The model you mentioned is much newer, but from the googling I did, it seems that model may also be non-standard.
  17. I have never tried to replace a fan on a PSU, I have always replaced the whole unit. Their are capacitors in a psu that can kill. So be careful if you try.
  18. The floppy definitely can be disabled in the bios. The option for the floppy is usually on the first page of the bios setup.
  19. We decided to just go with potato and green leaf salad. Good enough.
  20. The family and I are going to my Dads for Fathers Day. We are going to grill tuna. Any suggestions to a simple side dish that will go well with rare tuna?
  21. Thanks for sharing, that is what these boards are for :-)
  22. I have a friend who really likes pfsense. I think he said it is very easy to set up. This creates a very durable router. edit added later// I just noticed they have a high, 128mb, ram requirement. It may not run well with 32mbs
  23. The first thing that comes to mind is overheating. With the laptop turned off, blow compressed air into the vent where the air blows out. This will be blowing air the opposite direction. You may see a big cloud of insulating dust come out. A failing mother board would also behave like that.