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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. Using a dab of glue from a hot-melt gluegun works very well for this, just make sure to use a lower temp glue so as not to burn anything.
  2. Totally agree, thats the first thing that threw me off of the entire piece. Here is a shining example of the MAJOR problems with the education system today, the teachers for the most part, just don't care enough anymore, and the system doesn't support them. Changing a quote shouldn't be allowed, as then it's no longer a quote, it has become your own conjecture. One of the things I disapprove of most in the education system today, is this ideal where "No child fails" anymore....what's up with that!! They have totally missed the point with education, to prepare the leaders of tomorrow for the
  3. Chappy


    Cripes, I don't know about this stuff but it seems to me that 2 seconds isn't much time to wait for anything. Sure, you might expect a response in less time than that, but if things "stick" occasionally I'd guess increasing that setting would give it time to "unstick." Um, no, I don't know where that setting is. I'm sure an Internet "tweak" utility would give you easy access to it though. Worth a try? (Say, increase it to 5, for starters?) (It's a TOTAL guess.) (But you probably knew that.) (Ok, I'm done.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hey Y'all Still on again, off again for me here. My
  4. I doubt you'll get the Win ME OS to boot on your machine, the hardware abstraction layer (HAL) is totally different than the machine it was installed on. XP probably had trouble booting at first, because it now has 2 boot sectors it was trying to read, and probably 2 C: drives as well, thus confusing it.
  5. Chappy


    CONGRATS to you all!! All you old-timer married type folks....good job! I made it thru 17 yrs of mostly Hell, then I left her. Couldn't live in that world anymore or I would've killed myself, she was way do I say this diplomatically....INSANE!!! There was no "middle ground" with her, and compromise was not in her vocabulary. It was her way, or all hell broke loose, and lasted for months at a time. Didn't see that side of her until the papers were signed, and knots tied, then the ugly side emerged and eventually took over. Even our son has nothing to do with her unless he has to, he
  6. Chappy

    I'm Back.......

    Welcome Back!! Glad to hear you all are OK after all this mess, and thanks for checkin in. Sure feel for all that have gone thru this, and lost family and friends. Belongings can be replaced, people can't... God Bless you all in this time of strife, stay safe!!
  7. Chappy


    Hi everyone! Well, this AM I could not get on, but just an hour ago it was all back to normal again. I called my ISP again today, and this time the top techie and I went thru a whole bunch of stuff together. The final verdict of what is really happening is still not in, but he's put a tracer on all packets going thru the dns1accesscomm name server, and heading for any server registered to net-integration. Efwis We talked about that too, wonder if that may have something to do with all this stuff. When I can't access the site (or anything hosted by NI), its almost as if they just don't exist an
  8. Chappy

    Egg Project

    Well...I guess that degree in structural engineering, and 3 years of physics, have come in handy for something eh.... It would certainly be easier if you could control the direction the egg will take on initial impact, but that's very difficult to do, so the design should be spherical. Unfortunately, that wastes weight with areas that aren't directly used to expell energy. Another thought is to make a platform in a tubular fashion, with a wide heavier base. Putting the egg on the top and having it break thru different layers of breakaway toothpicks. As the structure hits the floor on the large
  9. I'm with the don't deserve to be a Newbie anymore... I just may force your hand, and change that title for you, then lock you out of it so yuse can't change it back!!
  10. Yep, it'll work no prob, as you found out. It makes no difference if they're SIMM's or DIMM's, as long as they match pins you can even use faster RAM than your board supports, it'll just run at the slower speed is all. I have both in my box too, 1 SIMM 256, 1 DIMM 256, and one DIMM 512.
  11. What happened is that the boot files were installed onto the 2G drive...its probably the C: drive right? XP will install the boot files to C:, even if that is not the same drive the OS is on, so if the 2G drive was created first, it was designated as C: and XP loaded the boot files onto it. As others have said, I would just start over again and erase that 2G drive, and reinstall XP. Its not worth spending that kind of $$$ on Part. Magic just for this, and there really isn't another way to do it without spending money for a 3rd party partitioning tool.
  12. LOVED the surprise ending!!!
  13. "Sounds of uproarious laughter" I can actually visualize this one...
  14. Chappy

    Egg Project

    The physics of this is rather simple, to dissipate the energy the egg gathers during the fall. Just as cars (expecially race cars) these days dissipate energy, they literally fly to pieces... As the pieces leave the vehicle, the energy is dissipated thru them. With the carbon fibre race cars in F1, the closer you can get to making the carbon fiber turn to dust in a crash, the more energy is lost thru it. So, the ultimate form this "cradle" should make, is one that will absorb the initial impact, and shed pieces of the cradle as it continues through the impact zone. This way, the energy will b
  15. Chappy


    Hey all If anyone has noticed, I'm not online here as much as I used to be. The reason is simple, but the problem is very much widespread. My ISP (Access Communications) simply loses the ability to resolve any domain name on the Net-Integration servers!! Its very weird, and even my ISP has yet to figure it out, but over 250,000 users cannot connect to an Net-Integration server at certain times. Of course since is hosted by NI, that means that I cannot get on either. Its almost like they just don't exist at times... I can't even do a traceroute, all I get is "Unable to resolve ta
  16. This would make a GREAT screensaver!! Thats a fantastic idea tictoc, and I doubt it would be difficult at all.
  17. Good stuff Shadow!! I think I'll move this over to the Comedy Club tho, I think its more suited for that forum. BTW, I've never seen "Women's" golf balls....does such a thing actually exist?? I can't imagine any reason why women would need different balls than men....well, one reason..but it has nothing to do with golf!!
  18. Yup, Power Supply is definately first guess, closely folowed by MB and other major things, but try resetting your BIOS to default settings as well. Either remove the BIOS battery, or if you have reset jumpers, try that...and replace the BIOS battery while you're at it.
  19. Well, I have to add one here too for my Lovely Liz.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETY!!!! Love ya always!
  20. Chappy

    Snows A Coming

    Not hitchiking, their car hit the ditch and they were walking on the highway in a blinding snowstorm...the semi lost control and clipped them, dragging him up into the front wheel well, ending up in the center ditch of the divided highway. Really freaky, but he was the luckiest person alive that day...
  21. Chappy

    Way Behind...

    I'm so far behind in B-day's, I'm just gonna do it this way instead.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! To: Jsbowen Blim Schmidt1989 Rawe Snaxe MrBill Google Il_Wiccan Galadriel Schwerv Wolfman2001 Rustymilo Falcon1986 Marko Thomas13 Velda Flatiron 2 Jaspossum ThetrueDarkone Lam109 Sorry I missed these while I was gone, and sorry if I've missed anyone....Hope you all had a GREAT DAY!!
  22. Chappy

    Snows A Coming

    Snow....ah yes, that time of year is coming quickly indeed, and us Canucks are ready as Hitest! Of course, we're never really NOT ready for snow up here, cause it can come at any time. Haven't seen it for some time, but we can still get some snow in June, last time was in 98 I believe. That year we had a real freak snowstorm hit us in June, and I ended up in the wildest rescue I've ever been involved in. Some Chinese exchange student ended up wrapped inside a semi-trailer's front wheel, in the ditch, neck deep in 4-5 ft of freezing slush water, 10 miles out on the highway. All that
  23. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MANDY!!!! Keep up the good work, of keeping that Jeff guy in line!!
  24. Yep, only a limited number act now and get yours! Today only...for $49.95, you to can have your own 32-bit IP address, so act now before this offer is gone. Visa\Mastercard, Cash and Bank drafts accepted, no personal cheques please Payable to "Chappy's Address Store" c/o, New York, New York, 94215 Offer valid until Dec 30/05
  25. That was probably done in Maya, I've worked with Maya somewhat and this can be done with that program. Its cool, you can make a figure and add bones and joints to it that simulate the proper movement of the limb, then add motion and voila. That is a really neat little swf, she takes a lickin and keeps on tickin.