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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Hello Wargod18, I am going to move this to the HJT section of the forums. Matt
  2. Hi Liz, I have also noticed some loading issues over the past thirty mins. or so. The only issue I am getting is slo load time. Perhaps it is just a server issue. It seems to be getting better now. Matt
  3. Hey marty, Try here, it will give some options: Matt
  4. Hey guys, thanks for doing this for me. I put all the images in my photobucket account. Right now I am going to use the second one by Bubba Bob. Thanks! Matt
  5. Hello flashh4, I think the reason you cannot post is your username is not yet validated on SWI. The reason could be they sent the email to the incorrect address (the one you say is in your profile that is incorrect). I'm not exactly sure how to fix this, other than you getting in contact with an admin there by other means (other than the forum or PM). Edit: You said you replied with a confirmation email. If I recall correctly, you just click a link contained in the email they sent you. Do you still have it? Matt
  6. 70% General American English 20% Yankee 10% Dixie 0% Midwestern 0% Upper Midwestern ^^^ Lol, and I live in Ohio.. guess I'm not midwest enough. Matt
  7. Unpinned, CataclysmCow provided much support in his explanation. If he would like, he may post it here. Other comments should also go here. Matt
  8. Hi CataclysmCow, If you would like to start a thread, you can state your opinions on the subject. Perhaps if you can support your claim that BV is 'hooey' this thread will be reconsidered for unpinning. I personally would like to hear your opinions. For now, I'm just going to close this thread. Matt
  9. Hi CataclysmCow, If you'd like to start a topic concerning BV, go ahead and start a thread in PC Support. Matt
  10. Matt

    Name Change

    Lol, hi all. I knew it wouldn't cause any issues. Surprisingly, you're the first person to ever say that to me. ha See yall around Matt
  11. Hey TymeKyller! What's up? That warn bar is for use by Mods and Admins. We use it if a member breaks a rule or starts doing things against the Terms of Use. When is at 0% it means you haven't done anything wrong. Only mods, admins and you can see it. When it is raised, it will affect your abilities on the forums. Matt
  12. TimeWarner Cable (RoadRunner) Download Speed: 2319 kbps Upload Speed: 268 kbps
  13. Hi marty and all, Yes, the board was down for a little while for a few hours. Everything seems to be back up and running now. It was a minor MySQL error which should be fixed now, nothing to worry about. Happy posting Matt
  14. That's horrible! Symantec buys Sygate, and Kerio is discontinuing Personal Firewall? Will there be any good free firewall now??
  15. Hello, Might I say Welcome to the BestTechie forums! You have come to a wonderful place! About your question, as of right now, unfortunately, BT only has one default theme, the one you are currently viewing. But, we may get some in the near future. So, keep an eye out for them. One way to change the theme is at the bottom of the forum homepage. You will see a little drop down menu on the left that will allow you to pick and choose. Like I said, we currently don't have any alternatives installed, but we may in the near future. Happy posting! Matt
  16. Hey all. Well, many times now, I've tried to take a stab at this, but I'm just not good enough with image manipulation. I have been trying to make a sig image that smoothly contains the following people: Pete Townshend Jimmy Page Steven Tyler John Entwistle Heh, an odd combination, I know. Anyone up for it? Like I said, I tried and failed. If you'd like, just post them in this thread. Thanks, Matt
  17. Hitest, I agree with you, but I think what has folks upset is the fact that this board was made up with a lot of "refugees" who can sort of relate with a society breaking down, that's what brought a lot of wonderful folks to this place. Folks here seem to be passionate about unfair treatment of any sort. Think of it as "the heart opening up through the keyboard" I have seen an outpour of sorrow and frustration due to the current events, not flaming. (ok, ignore jcl---I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding!!! ) Liz <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hi Liz, The reason hitest and I have mentioned abo
  18. Hello all. I would like to add just something. I think it is very nice that we all can share a common concern for such a tragic event. You guys have really shown me some other points of view to take this from and other things to consider. This has become a good discussion thread, and let's keep it at that. I'm sure no one want to get into any sort of flame war. Matt
  19. Hello, Yes, that does look to be of Logitech, more info: Matt
  20. Matt


    Hey all, I found this really cool page. We have all had the time where we needed to call a company for one reason or another, and we get that annoying machine. We have to press a secuence of numbers to tell them about our problem, which most of the time doesn't fit in their choices, and then we have to enter other information all via our phone. Well, you can actually skip all that. This site lists the steps for major IVP Systems to speak directly to a human. (USA Only) Matt