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Everything posted by Besttechie

  1. Got a few more now, showing off the seamless integration: Pretty cool. B
  2. Alright, decided to try it myself now that I got my Macbook back and it seems to be running better than ever (more on that later). Windows XP booting up on my Macbook with 2GB of RAM in VMWare Fusion. Note: the VM has 384MB of RAM assigned to it: B
  3. Thanks needTOS! I appreciate the post. B
  4. Matt, I must say that is very nice. Pretty cool. B
  5. Few things: 1. Were you able to install any other updates? 2. Which are the 8 that fail? (What's their update # and/or name) 3. Windows Update in Vista is done via the Control Panel - I assume that's what you're doing, there is also a way to check on previous updates by clicking View Update History - see if it says anything there about why the update failed. B
  6. Yeah, seriously. I remember when I got my first computer (don't laugh at me - I know I'm young), but it was one of those eMachines that looked like the colorful iMac's, which Apple did end up suing eMachine for and won. I guess it ended up as a collectors item. The specs were: Intel Celeron 500Mhz, 64MB of RAM, 8GB HDD, Windows 98SE. I actually got Windows XP running on it. B
  7. Yeah, I wish my Macbook had the Santa Rosa board, I got mine last June so I'm maxed out at 2GB. B
  8. Very nice! How much RAM do you have? By the way, I like the quick recovery move when you go to close explorer... *mouse to the left....QUICK RIGHT!* That Macbook Air music is very catch, who is the artist? B
  9. I felt the need for a follow up post: B
  10. Possibly. Do you assume that closing the window will terminate the app because that's the correct behavior or because that's the behavior to which you're accustomed? In the context of their respective interfaces, I think both behaviors are correct. I think OS X's behavior is more correct than Windows's, but that's neither here nor there. (For the record, I think other aspects of Window are more correct than OS X.) I assume that because that is what I am accustomed to. Edit: While I realize it may be wrong from a programming/behavior perspective, I'm just used to that type of behavior based
  11. I agree with what you have said for the most part. I would like to comment on the following: Symlinks? I suppose I might have different standards of "ease". OS X doesn't identify windows and applications. There's a theory behind it but I can't recall the details at the moment. It's more sensible than the normal Windows behavior when you're dealing with multiwindow applications and applications that decouple their user-interfaces from other parts of the app. (The difference between the systems is policy, not mechanism. Clicking the X in Windows doesn't close the application -- it doesn't nec
  12. By the way, Digg link if anyone wants to Digg it. B
  13. Hey Everyone, This post is for anyone who does not read my blog, it's a list of 50 Reasons to Switch From Mac to PC. I think the list is pretty good, if you think something should be added or perhaps fixed, post it in the comments of the post. 50 Reasons to Switch From Mac to PC Enjoy! B
  14. Glad to hear that! Thanks for the feedback. B
  15. Funny you mention that...I recently made this video: B
  16. I'm aware the issue with the time is still occurring, I've been extremely busy as of late with numerous things and new projects. It is a relatively simple fix, I just need to get around to it. I will do it as soon as possible. Thanks for all of your patience. B
  17. Besttechie

    Irc Bot

    It's cool, no worries. I figured you weren't referring to WyldRyde, just thought I'd point it out though - we're always looking for new chatters. B
  18. What are the dimensions of the avatar? (you mean avatar, right? - the image on the right hand side). Current file size for avatars is: 100K and no bigger than 200x200. Edit: I believe I just fixed the avatar issue. B
  19. Besttechie

    Irc Bot Live Chat is an IRC Channel on the WyldRyde IRC Network. WyldRyde is an excellent network, that is home to a number of security and tech support sites. Such as,, Geeks To Go, Atribune, Lockergnome, BleepingComputer, 247fixes, and a number of others. It is run by knowledgeable and friendly staff as well, which I can vouch for being that I am a Network Administrator on WyldRyde. WyldRyde does not allow any illegal activities such as file sharing copyrighted material, p2p, etc. However, despite that the network is continuously growing. It usually averages 600-
  20. Note: If you have chosen the correct timezone and the clock is an hour out, this is because of daylight savings time. To correct this you can edit your 'Board settings' via your User Control Panel. B
  21. Yes, here is what I see: Time is now: 6th February 2008 - 07:42 PM I'm in New York (like you). So yes, EST. B