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Everything posted by Besttechie

  1. I like all of those as well, very nice! B
  2. My Leopard Review:
  3. We have yet to get neighborhood is usually quiet though, so not uncommon. Oh well, more candy for me, my brothers and mandy! B
  4. Hey guys, I'm looking to sell my 2 19" Widescreen Acer AL1916W with DVI for $115 each + shipping. These monitors normally go for $189 on Newegg without the DVI, so this is a pretty good deal (not to mention they have been used by the Besttechie ). They are in great condition, I take care of my stuff very well. If you're interested post here and PM me and we'll work something out. By the way, one is black and one is silver. Here are some pictures of them in action...if you want a better shot, let me know and I'll try and get you one. B
  5. I've been using my external LaCie Drive for probably 2 (almost 3?) years now. It's excellent, can't say anything bad about it. So I'd say you picked well. B
  6. You know the drill... B
  7. Leopard install is a complete success! I will be blogging in the near future. B
  8. Live with Leopard!!!
  9. I just got my copy!!! On my live stream!! B
  10. I just preordered my copy!
  11. is it slow running from a captured partition on a NTFS partition ? hey iccaros, You know, that was something that I was a bit worried about myself, however to my surprise the performance seems to be fine, granted I've been sick past few days and haven't been out of bed, so I haven't played with it that much, but from when I have messed with it, its been fine. B
  12. Hey guys, I decided to try out the Wubi Installer (mainly so I could blog about something) here's a review I wrote up, if you're interested: Note: I also tried the alpha release for 7.10 - it also works nicely. B
  13. Besttechie

    Blog Spam

    Alright, I just implemented a CAPTCHA system, so hopefully, this will reduce the amount of spam blogs drastically. B
  14. Besttechie

    Blog Spam

    The problem is not new, I'm well aware. I've been searching for a solution that does not have mixed reviews, but at this point, I don't think I have much choice. I will implement a CAPTCHA system as soon as possible. B
  15. Guess we're really expanding all over the globe! Welcome B
  16. Besttechie


    Hey bearskin, Glad you're doing ok and glad to see you back. We've been waiting for you! I hope everything is still the way you left it, those lab rats tend to be a little mischievous. B
  17. rv, you're one funny guy. I wouldn't give up my guitar(s) for the world! Sorry buddy! B
  18. Nice! Congrats everyone! I hope this penny is worth something in Canada, yanno, especially with the current exchange rate! B
  19. I couldn't agree more with anything you said, bobby. I am a Yankee's fan myself, and I hate when people, especially when fans (of the opposite team or same team) and sports casters go on and on about the players salary or team salary. To me, the payroll of a team or salary of an individual player is the least of the concern and not the cause of whether who wins and who loses as was clearly shown. In fact, to even bring that up, I think is pointless, especially nowadays where the numbers that are getting thrown around are just crazy. Again, just going on with what bobby said, in a short seri
  20. Chris Pirillo former host of TechTV's Call For Help, said he would shave his head if he got 1000 viewers watching his stream and 1000 chatters in chat. Read more: Also, digg the story here: Also, don't just digg, but be there at the live stream! The time and date are October 13th 2007 at 5PM Eastern! B