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Everything posted by Besttechie

  1. Content is key, however, fresh content is even better. B
  2. Thanks Everyone! I really appreciate the comments! B
  3. You don't hear any audio in the videos? B
  4. Who here likes music? Everyone right? Well, at least most people... I had this idea literally two days ago to start a music video review site where I record videos (one every weekday) about different albums and post them on the site. The idea is to review the album, but not in a traditional way - instead of just writing or talking about it I actually play bits and pieces of generally 3 different tracks on the CD and talk about each track. Not only do I want to expose people to new music I want to make it interesting. The radio today is a poor example of the music available today and I wa
  5. I have been using this software for years, it used to be called iPod Utilis, but it is Music Rescue now - simple, straight forward, try it out. B
  6. No, it seems you will have to remove the manually unfortunately. However, I have seriously been considering removing BT Blogs - I have already stopped new users from singing up. BT Blogs did not take off as I had planned and it is just too much maintenance for something that isn't being used. B
  7. I don't have a routine of what I listen to or watch, I generally will read blogs and/or catch the occasional episode of whatever it may be. However, I am going to see Diggnation tonight in NYC - that should be fun! B
  8. Wrote a blog post about Twitter a while back. Why Use Twitter? B
  9. As Ryan stated: It does not appear your problem is malware related, make a post in PC Support and someone would be glad to continue to help you out. B
  10. Yeah, that's what I gathered after some further reading (however, I wasn't sure) which is why I said I was trying to configure Psi. B
  11. I did try the Google Talk Gadget, however as you point out it does not have voice capabilities. While I recognize that is Google's choice to keep it Windows based at this time, apparently it is possible to get it working on Ubuntu according to that thread. However, as you saw the information provided in that thread for what should work, actually doesn't at least not that simply. I finally got it to ./configure however now it errors during the make process - I can show you what it says if you would like to take a look. I am not blaming Ubuntu or the Linux community for not having Google Talk
  12. I ended up installing nvidia-settings, however, for some reason that wasn't able to save the xorg.conf file to /etc/X11/, so I copied the xorg.conf to xorg.conf.backup and then copied the nvidia-settings preview (what would be the new contents of xorg.conf) and just replaced my current xorg.conf with that those contents, saved it, and restarted X. Logged back in and it was working - that made me happy....until everything froze. B
  13. Hmm, so I decided to try the PSI route, but Ubuntu froze just as I was about to save the configuration settings. I try, I really try to use Linux as a desktop OS but things like this just...urgh. I couldn't do anything, completely locked up. B
  14. Alright, so I got my dual monitors working. Still working on Google Talk. B
  15. They are connected via DVI and are the same size - 2 20" Acer Widescreens I was following this thread which required some editing in terms of the wget'ing files as there are new versions. When it came time to ./configure it kept throwing dependency issues at me. I will go boot up Ubuntu right now and see if I can show you where I got stuck at and perhaps you can tell me what I need to install to fix it. And no, this has nothing to do with the mixing of audio like we discussed last time. Thanks iccaros! B
  16. Sounds like a registry issue, if you're using Windows XP take a look at the follow Microsoft Knowledge Base Article: Also, Kelly's Korner has what seems to be an executable which should fix it as well: B
  17. I wrote a blog entry on my predictions for Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) and figured I would share it here since I'm not sure how many of you actually venture off to the home page to read my blog. You can find the blog here: Ubuntu 8.04 Predictions If you have a digg account feel free to digg it here too. B
  18. Welcome KimslanD We are always looking for new members, thanks for joining and glad you like the name. B
  19. Besttechie


    Well, that gets rid of my theory of Hanson - Mmmbop B
  20. That sounds reasonable, until you consider what LOSING lawsuit after lawsuit might do to their trademark rights. "You haven't been able to defend the use of: "An Apple" -- under any circumstances, so you lose your right to the trademark." I'm inclined to believe it's the insular corporate culture there. "Hey, WE'RE Apple!" What's next? A trademark suit against the fruit itself? They don't have to vigorously go after NYC at all. In fact, they probably won't even go to court. Fact is they're still looking after their mark and that's all that really matters. B
  21. Thinking about this again from a trademark point of view... perhaps they are just doing it to reserve the right to protect their mark because if they didn't and someone released something with a much more infringing logo, then they could turn and around and say to Apple you lost your right to the mark when you let "so and so" use it. B
  22. My thoughts exactly. Apple has no case. The only reason I would see them even pulling this stunt off would be for publicity. B
  23. I thought I would point this out as we had a discussion about something similar recently in another thread: