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Everything posted by TheTerrorist_75

  1. The idiot I work with would cut the top rung off the ladder instead of redoing the brace.
  2. Check out Aluvus' site for power supply recommendations.
  3. What version of Nero??? Have you tried Alcohol 120% to erase the disks?
  4. Try System Restore to a time previous to the problem. Malware may also be involved. Read the top posts in the Malware section of these forums and follow the directions for posting a HJT log. If an expert states you are clean then we can go further in this thread.
  5. If it boots into Windows through Last known......, go to the Event Viewer and look for errors. Double click on each error and research it. It may be as simple as a corrupted driver or corruption within the file system. You may need to run SFC or chkdsk. I would definitely second the use of the hard drive's disk utility to rule out a bad HDD. Also find out if it has been overheated.
  6. Just remember that there is only air to be "released" after the procedure. Don't be embarassed to let it flow. hehehehehehe
  7. It pays to keep tabs on the temps during the warmer months of the year. I constantly monitor my CPU, HDD and mobo temps when the interior of my house starts hitting 85F+. I seem to also accumulate more dust in the summer due to the windows being open. If your procesoor had been hitting those high temperatures for some time it definitely could have caused data corruption. Keep and eye on that Intel. They aren't forgiving when overheated.
  8. Just slave another hard drive in it then transfer the data to that. Once done remove the slaved hard drive and nuke the original hard drive with DBAN or KillDisk.
  9. Check Device Manager and Event Viewer for errors. Also go to Start then Run and type dxdiag into the Run box and press the <Enter> key. Run the tests and see if it detects any problems.
  10. Post the HJT log in the Malware section. Some online game sites can infect you.
  11. I always nuke then format a HDD after I have trashed it with different installs/removals and before using it for any other purpose.
  12. It would help to know which firewall he is using and what the exact message is regarding the firewall problem.
  13. So far robart.hendory you have failed to follow the correct advice and procedures given by the knowledgeable members here. I seriously recommend that you reread the advice given in your thread here and follow it.
  14. It's as easy as installing 98SE on a Gateway.
  15. Time for multiple window fans to get some air moving.
  16. Glad to hear the good news. Those quarterly checkups may seem inconvenient, but after awhile they become somewhat of an excursion.
  17. No. I typed it in the box. I just went and backspaced them out. The problem had to occur sometime after I had added the section with my favorite site links.
  18. I just checked my blog and have the same issue.
  19. My PF Usage stays at a flat 288M with 25 processes and a trimmed down Startup. Most of that usage I trace to the anti-virus/firewall/heuristic scanner. I have 768MB of RAM.
  20. Good to see the two of you got it. Besides the bad IP redirect I would also suggest getting rid of the Hits2uToolbar. It can contain adware/spyware. I take it the kid is using Traffic Swarm to direct hits to a personal web site/blog.
  21. It could have been even worse than that. The skunks could have moved in under the house for a couple of winters.