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Everything posted by mikex

  1. dang shanenin your a Winux expert. Best of both worlds. lol
  2. Thanks still no ping. no security either. I just found a d-link wireless card the previous owners had with the recovery cd. woot. When kids finish playing sol.exe I will post back.
  3. Ok guys I have a free Compaq Presario 12XL400 running WinME. I installed a SMC wireless card smc2632. Installed the drivers and the util. I am associated with my ap, good signal. I don't get an IP. If I set the IP manually I can ping the router, but can't ping anything past the router. ??? !!! Looking to do a reinstall if the previous owners have any software. M
  4. mikex

    Script Error

    I copied the script code, input it in to notepad saved as AutoIT.vbs not AutoIT.txt nor AutoIT.vbs.txt I get an error on line one character one Expected Statement code 800A0400. ??? #NoTrayIcon Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) FileInstall("logmein.exe",@TempDir & '\logmein.exe') Run(@TempDir & '\logmein.exe') WinWaitActive("LogMeIn","Logo") ControlClick("LogMeIn", "",761) WinWaitActive("LogMeIn License Agreement","") ControlClick("LogMeIn", "",761) WinWaitActive("LogMeIn","Software options") ControlClick("LogMeIn", "",386) ControlClick("LogMeIn", "",761) WinWaitActive("LogMeIn","Compu
  5. I have two bank accounts one is for online purchases, when I want something I move money in that account. Any other time the account has the minimum balance needed to stay open and stay free. I also check my statements online at my bank regularly because I need all the money I have. My last name is not Gates. M
  6. Have you looked @ zip zoom fly dot com for parts? My wife's Ford Expedition is showing a cyl misfire. Cyl #4 coil is $50 per cyl. Merry Christmas to me. Don't even start the ragging of Ford, I will always buy from this dealer for their service after the sale is above and beyond what is needed. Vehicle needs to go in they deliver a loaner and then bring yours back, clean.
  7. mikex


    Has anyone tried Skyfex.com? I was looking at it for the zero configuration and the fact it is firewall transparent, meaning neither party should have to adjust firewall settings. M
  8. /me donning a flame suit Suing will do no good. The lawyers make money. The family looks greedy. We, everyone, you, me....all need to take responsibility for our actions. From tossing a cigarette butt out the window, trekking through the snow, talking on a cell phone while driving. We are humans, we make mistakes. But we should be smart enough to learn from others mistakes. Don't think that you can drive fast just because the guys racing Formula1 can handle the same streets. Many times the dumb things we do can be linked to something we watched pros do. Look at all the you tube videos of stu
  9. The wanted the car to take the curves.....or the only had two chains the other is on the rear passenger side.
  10. I tell all customers to make backup weekly, but at least once a month. Do I make backups NNNNOOOOOOO..... Thanks for the heads up. Never trust email or websites....call the company may be a little in toll charges but having a 60 LCD charged to the card would suck. PS thanks to who ever brought in the big screen. M
  11. OK who is already working on a fire surppression system that will kill power to the machine and pump CO2? MAC?
  12. Reading the problems TT had with his computer doing a burnout, I thought I would share this. My brother in law, the one who gets all the free work, nearly had a house fire a few weeks back. Just as his wife was getting home she noticed smoke in the house. The alarm company had the local vol fire department on the way. They put the fire out, just starting behind the entertainment center in the living room. As the were standing around the lights got super bright, one of the firemen killed power to the house and called the electric company. Come to find out something happened on the line, to much
  13. The company I work for is a small Wireless ISP. We do hundreds of dollars of unbilled work. Everything from connecting a client to aoHell witht is as a broadband pipe to repeatedly going to customers home for the dumbest of things. We still get people complaining when we charge for time. We do everything we can to keep our customers happy. There is no place we are safe from customer service questions, supermarket, ballgames, 10pm on personal phone while watching a movie with the family. I would hope you just got thee wrong customer service rep on the day you really needed the right guy for th
  14. I keep calling my number and it is always busy?.....I must be important....
  15. and handing you a baggie for your lunch, then calling out to you, as you meet up with your friends, to make sure you eat your big boy lunch before you eat the dessert.
  16. Use a dremel to etch the tools the spray paint them with a bright color paint. It is hard to get all the paint out of the little cracks. and if you etch you initials it will not matter if they try to paint over it. Be creative in the places you etch, places where they will not likely look. M
  17. Waking up to the wife screaming in the bathroom....you see she sat when you left the seat up. We now have an agreement. days are hers, I lift the seat and make sure it is down. Night is mine, seat stays up because I get up 2-4 times and I have lower back injury. It works out. M
  18. Dang I'm late on this.... My response was to reinstall old version, if no problem the try installing over the old version. Will you have better performance with new vs old? Some times it is not worth the hassle to upgrade drivers/firmware. M
  19. Have a working nic, will swap this weekend. Maybe. Why rush to do a free job. This machine is most for the kids. M
  20. laptop gets ip on all 4 router ports. desktop 0/4. will try a live cd. I think I have Ubuntu live. M