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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. JDoors

    My Project

    I never had that happen to my Opel, two Fords, Jeep OR my Dodge. Jeez, what else will fall off that Honda? Reading 'bout the skirts I excitedly looked at the pic ... imagine my disappointment! No pic!
  2. Hoo-boy! It's official I guess, they cut corners. It's right there on the box! I happen to agree with you ... It's human nature to pick on the big guy (guess we inherited that from our ape ancestors, "testing" the dominant ape, poking at him to find the weaknesses -- not a behavior I'd be proud to display in public -- but then I'm not one to brawl in bars either). ------ [thumps chest] "Hoo-hoo! Ha! Ha! Vista sucks! Ree! Ree! Ree! Ree!" [/thumps chest]
  3. Oh. My. God. My cat loved running water, I'm SO glad she never figured out THAT trick!
  4. JDoors

    Psych Tests

    Free Psych Tests (There are way more tests available if you're willing to sign up, but there are some fun-ish free ones too.) I've had roommates off and on for over two decades now and so took the roommate test. I scored well (thoughtful, etc.). Wish I could get some of my past roommates to take the test (with honest answers), that'd be interesting ...
  5. JDoors

    My Project

    Naww, you don't want an RX-7 project car. They're uncommon enough to cost big bucks and take way too much time (to get parts, etc.). Especially with metallic paint, have a pro do it.
  6. JDoors

    My Project

    Good job on networking to get a deal -- and I'm glad the hatch'll be the right color. Good Lord, the Mazda'd be cool. I looked up what it looks like (I only remember a friend's much older model) and whoa ... that'd be cool.
  7. They plan on doing just that, but they're waiting for the Cubs to win the World Series, hell to freeze over, pigs learning to fly and the end of civilization as we know it. They're strangling themselves spending billions on hardware and software solutions just because the hardware and software exists. Morons.
  8. ... wait a minute ... Hey!
  9. Hey, I'm still gettin' by with 8 gig (now that all my external drives have failed).
  10. I didn't watch the game (blasphemy, I know) but as I understand it, a more correct phrasing is that Chicago lost to the boys from Louisiana.
  11. Well, I'm not going to debate the "fairness" of it, but it's been that way since civilization began. The ruling class and wealthy could afford better care and nutrition, the poor got by, or they didn't. Even socialist countries, where everyone is supposed to have equality, have certain classes of people who get better care and nutrition while the "peasants" toil away with less.
  12. Holy Cow! I remember back in the 80's a coworker brought in his newest purchase, a 10 megabyte hard drive that cost him less than $200! I was floored! "How is that possible!?!"
  13. I'm neither rich (far from it) nor famous (in famous, maybe) and I got treatment for cancer so ... I'm not sure what you mean.
  14. Being a conservative I never fall for "class warfare" lines, so besides not needing that example, well ... it was even more complicated than the real world. IMO.
  15. If this does lead to a new understanding of how cancer cells survive, you can bet big-pharma will "discover" a way to profit from it.
  16. JDoors

    So True

    You're right that it's probably human nature. Every new influx of immigrants (far as I know) had to put up with discrimination from previous residents (even the British and French, Native Americans weren't always friendly). Native Americans originally came from Asia, so they immigrated here too.
  17. JDoors

    So True

    Depends on your point of view -- If you ONLY want to go back to a certain time then yes, but go back further and unless you're from the Moldavai Gorge in Africa (or wherever the first man was born/created) then we're all immigrants from someplace else.
  18. A man had 50 yard line tickets for the Superbowl. As he sits down, a man comes down and asks if anyone is sitting in the seat next to him. "No," he says, "the seat is empty." "This is incredible," said the man. "Who in their right mind would have a seat like this for the Superbowl, the biggest sporting event in the world, and not use it?" He says, "Well, actually, the seat belongs to me. I was supposed to come with my wife, but she passed away. This is the first Bears game we haven't been to together since we got married in 1967." "Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. That's terrible. But couldn'
  19. Gotta have it? Or not? Internal Computer Blu-Ray + HD-DVD Player
  20. JDoors

    Learn From Me

    I wouldn't say "stupid." You took a chance and may have been bit, but three weeks isn't all that long really ("six to eight weeks" delivery is still somewhat common for many companies). I know it takes that long when I order an obscure item from a well-known DVD club.