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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. The only event worth mentioning last night (and yeah, the stories I could tell from thirteen years in the business ... ): Last night I got called into the no-smoking section, no clue why (I wish-I wish-I wish they would say something like: "Customer assistance with blah-blah-blah" A clue, ya know?). A woman pointed to her machine. They do that a lot; point at the machine, look at you, look at the machine, look at you, then sit back and wait, for what I don't know since ninety percent of the time I have NO idea what their complaint is -- everything looks normal. So I ask. She's claiming a jac
  2. I used to have a kajillion stories from work (a casino) but haven't shared for a while, so: 1.) A guard's minding his own business. Notices ... something ... moving in a guy's shirt pocket. A second later a small head pops out, looks around, and ducks back in the pocket. The guard's not even sure he's seen anything ... "What?" Out pops the head again. Turns out the guy brought in a baby squirrel he picked up outside. Yeah, he got kicked out. Comes back in after chucking the poor thing in the bushes. 2.) A guy's groping his girlfriend at a table game. Winds up getting kicked off the boat, not
  3. JDoors

    My Project

    You know ... It's not unheard of for a set of car keys to work in a different car. You should have tried them in that other one. Just a shot in the dark. "Hey, I didn't know!"
  4. Instead of just assuming somebody was a dummy, and without knowing the actual construction history, by just looking at the pic I would guess parts of the building group were added onto. Two of the 'L" sections have a continuous roof, while the other two look like they were rectangular and had the "L" portions added in a second phase. If so, whoever added onto the rectangular buildings may not have had any reason to see the entire site plan from above (high school drafting should kick in ... nope, whatever the overhead view is called ... Plan view? That seems too broad a term but I think it's
  5. "Let's see ... four 'L" shaped buildings ... maximizes land use ... maximizes views ... minimizes construction costs ... Check! Let's build it!" Doh.
  6. JDoors


    For some reason reminds me of a sign I saw in a window a long time ago: Dr. Bonebreaker. I don't care what his specialty is, I'm steering clear.
  7. The cure? Sit down at the computer. All your cares and worries go away for hours and hours. Projects can't wind up half -finished if you never start them!
  8. JDoors

    My Project

    I got out of the biz before having to do heavy work on FWD so I don't know what dropping the diff entails, but if it cost $500 to have someone else do it ... whoa, it's gotta be a toughie. I've done eight-hour jobs in my garage at home using hand tools (one job was JUST a heater core, but the car had to be disassembled to get to it) so it's doable as long as you have the time and patience, so good luck ya'll.
  9. I haven't seen the movie either, but if the original preview had been like yours, I might actually have been interested!
  10. Techno Wednesday: Orbital Paul Oakenfold The Prodigy Puretone Rabbit in the Moon
  11. JDoors


    Is a he? A lesbian? I'm stumped ...
  12. Teri Bristol and dj Psycho-bitch (hey, she chose that name).
  13. Dolores O'Riordan, King Crimson, Traffic, Willie Nelson and Yusif Muslim (FKA Cat Stevens).
  14. A Brief History Of Personal Credit: First job, couldn't wait to get a card to pay for gas and clothes and be a big boy, always paid balances in full. Lost that job, used credit to keep me off the streets until I got another job, struggled to pay off those debts but eventually did so. Some time later lost a job and was unable to gain employment for a long time, again, credit kept my belly full and a roof over my head. When I finally got a job it was what I call "underemployment," didn't pay enough to live on AND pay off the debts incurred while unemployed, however, for the first time, I loved e
  15. Somehow I suspect they will have a way to deal with this as you're probably not the first person they've ticked off. That's about the only thing I have goin' for me financially is my "bank," or rather, a credit union. It's one I joined almost thirty years ago for a place I haven't worked for seventeen years, but with recent leniency given to credit union restrictions I've maintained that account anyway. Everything's free, including overdraft protection (if they can transfer from savings to cover the check). They work with you in every way to satisfy your needs, whatever they might be. On the
  16. Literally 'laugh out loud' funny!
  17. That sounds like a Lily Tomlin joke. 8 to 8??? That's not a "window" now, is it? And "you're not a customer yet" is the most bogus response I can recall hearing. That was one of the "options" given to me by Discover, "Pay it in person!" Uh, no, how about YOU credit my account once have your grubby hands on my money? How's THAT for an option? If I got this straight, they dropped your credit limit to BELOW your balance -- then charged you an overbalance fee? Simply stunning. ------ Well, I'm a loyal customer (and employee, and friend, etc.) through thick and thin, but I have limits.
  18. JDoors


    Good point, even browsing the undie aisle is uncomfortable (do I really need to see a mannequin with a package way larger than mine right there in front of my face? ). I only started keeping things new-ish when I started buying online (plus due to my being XL the selection in stores is minimal, and by the way, why are the extra large sizes always down there by the floor? I have to crawl around on my knees just to find my size!). (Odd turn of topic, huh?)
  19. Audioslave, The Chemical Brothers, The Fray, Killers, Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
  20. (I know some of you probably don't use cards -- Good for you.) I have been reading how credit card companies are screwing people over but took it with a grain of salt since A.) They've never screwed me over (without my acquiescence) and B.) I know how people put themselves in bad situations then blame everyone else for their troubles (like managing their debt poorly then blaming the credit card companies for hiking their rates). I get my Discover bill and there's a "late charge" on there. Say what? I've had Discover since Discover was created and I've never been late. I look into it. I sent
  21. That goes for roommates too.
  22. JDoors


    We do luck out on things like that. But then if they're so cheap, why do we STILL refuse to buy 'em?
  23. 2007 Grammy Nominees (compilation) with: Gnarls Barkley (thinkin' of gettin' me some, but I haven't heard but one song so even though I like that one ... not takin' a chance yet) Mary J. Blige Corinne Bailey Rae John Mayer (got one from him) Red Hot Chili Peppers (have several) Justin Timberlake (uh ... no thanks) ----- ------ (the group whose name is not spoken aloud in this household) Carrie Underwood Imogen Heap (this is just strange) Christina Aguilera Natasha Bedingfield Sheryl Crow Pink (have her stuff, but her recent political dissertations make it distasteful to listen to now ... tough
  24. JDoors

    My Project

    I thought you were gonna paint it green so that's what I meant by 'matching.' Still, looks better even in primer grey. Maybe you didn't notice but you picked up a piece of road junk, there's a big ol' coffee can stuck under your bumper.
  25. U.F.Off, The Best of The Orb New Crystal Method album coming out soon (if it's not out already) (and new Chemical Brothers, and new Underworld, and new Prodigy)! Country ... meh. I like everything Willie, have Patsy Cline's "greatest hits," and had a roomate that played old school country (Haggard, etc.) and at least on his awesome stereo it sounded good, but I don't know enough to buy anything else.