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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Oh man, I haven't had a good tamale in a LONG time. They serve 'em at work once in a while, but they're dry as the desert (they taste fine, but ... gack!).
  2. JDoors


    I like the idea, but I tried a few examples and didn't get what I expected. Of course, maybe I spelled it wrong.
  3. Security Now, This Week In Tech, Windows Weekly, Net At Night, Munchcast (edit: The Daily Giz-Wiz) ... all from TWIT. Since I listen while I'm doing other stuff online I actually miss a lot of what they're saying. -----
  4. I spend too much time on this contraption as it is, I try to avoid new stuff that will take even more time. I "get it," though.
  5. (Wait a minute, WHY an Irishman? ) ------
  6. Tuesday 5/7: One hour (1) (Didn't make it one month ... )
  7. The site took too long to load, I didn't wait. So now there's a way to force e-mail to suggest it came from YOUR account? Duh. Think of all the wasted brainpower in the world from people coming up with ways to annoy others.
  8. That's why I hinted at how I felt about it, that I'd have to "turn" my political views to fully accept this kind of weird economics. Another thought on the topic: I thought they were being clever to direct-deposit the money, hey, somebody's thinking, saving all that postage and waste! Then I got a letter explaining the direct deposit and other issues. They could have put the check in THAT letter since they were sending one anyway. Duh. Good to know, however, that it's not taxable, that wasn't entirely clear before.
  9. Pete, I like that you know the science behind the cooking (the reason America's Test Kitchen is my favorite cooking show). I've slow cooked ribs in the oven and, wow, that's the way to go for a lot of large cuts. Everything else sounds SO delicious! So far this year I've only had burgers from the grill -- Lookin' forward to more!
  10. OK, that's cheap enough. Tried to listen to LCD Sound System, Sounds of Silver, but the boombox keeps screwing up so, the radio (currently Steve Winwood, Higher Ground).
  11. Favorite: Pokeman.
  12. OH! I forgot about THAT gub'ment cheese. Why, they'll turn me into a government-dependent liberal yet! I have the coupon but haven't used it yet. Where'd you get the box that cheap?
  13. The Killers, Sam's Town I'll look into Interstella 5555, see if I can get it cheap (I'm cheap).
  14. Feelin' the need for some mellow, so Enya, Paint The Sky With Stars.
  15. When a first-time father cuddled his newborn son, he immediately noticed the baby's ears conspicuously standing out from his head. He expressed his concern to the nurse that some children might taunt his child, calling him names like "Dumbo." A doctor examined the baby and reassured the new dad that his son was healthy - the ears presented only a minor cosmetic problem. But the nervous father persisted. He wondered if the child might suffer psychological effects of ridicule, or if they should consider plastic surgery. The nurse assured him that it was really no problem, and he should just wait
  16. I didn't know what Interstella 5555 was when you wrote that, but a couple of days ago I stumbled upon the clips on YouTube. Whoa! Cool! Now I want it, and I'm not an anime fan-boy. So that makes maybe four anime films I like enough to own. And by shear coincidink, I'm listening to Daft Punk Musique Vol. I right now (or is that, again?).
  17. I'm talkin' about the economic stimulus cash, not Federal tax refund. It's $600 per qualified person, isn't it? If not, why did I get the six then? Not that I'm complaining! If you're a dependant, no, you don't qualify. If you aren't AND you filed a 1040 (or equivalent) then, yes, you get the cash. Lemme guess; it's goin' into the car? Steve Forbes ran a while back on a "flat tax" platform, look where that got him. Too many people are dependant on the status quo for that to ever happen, unfortunately. -----
  18. I like this one too: Three elderly women are having tea. One says, "I must be getting forgetful, sometimes I'm at the top of the stairs and I don't know if I went upstairs to get something, or if I was heading downstairs." Another says, "Me too, sometimes I find myself at the refrigerator with the door open, and I don't know if I'm looking for something or if I just put something away." The third woman says, "Thank goodness I don't have any of those problems yet, knock wood," she raps her knuckles on the table and says, "Someone's at the door, I'll get it!"
  19. Dangit! I appear to have gotten my tax rebate THREE DAYS AGO. Someone at work said they got theirs so I went online and checked my account: $600 credited on 4/29. On 4/30 I had to fiddle with my finances to pay some bills, I sure wish I'd known I was $600 richer than I thought. I knew it was supposed to come early but, last Tuesday?
  20. Chasing a cell phone user? I'm not one to say they should be solving REAL crimes, someone driving while using a cell phone is breaking the law too, but CHASING ONE DOWN? Don't they have any persepective? Risk your life during a bank robbery or a hostage situation, but ... a cell phone user? And, of course, someone like that is above the law, not reporting an accident with property damage, damage to government property, fraud, etc. How logical.
  21. A police force that has questionable morality will ignore anonymous complaints.
  22. Another LOL pic! Am I the only one that thinks that looks delish?
  23. Glad you stated you respect law enforcement, and sorry you're stuck with local police who are arrogant, myopic. law-breakers themselves. It seems the top-cop is the one who sets the tone, if they hire and allow such jerks to remain on the force THEY need to be replaced. I've only experienced poor attitudes throughout an entire force in a couple of towns, and at least I could avoid those towns (thereby avoiding giving them any financial support, taxes, local businesses, or via bogus tickets -- except for one case where I got a bogus ticket anyway, however I have not been back in that town sinc