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Everything posted by Brian_Holiday

  1. Its a poor argument. Those web servers are better maintained and updated than pretty much anything on the net. I wait a couple of days for any unintended bad side-effects. If you decide to do that protect yourself with a hardware firewall and be sure to scan often with a variety of spyware tools. A critical update is released, often too late, in reaction to a vulnerability that people have alread exploited. BH
  2. I thought long and hard about responding before I did, and tempered down what I had to say. Lets try to get some perspective here. Everyone hates America, that is, until you need us. No one spoke up during the cold war, why? Because we were protecting you rears. Now you don't have the Soviet Union to bash anymore, you turn on us. And you really have nothing to dissuade you. America will still come to your country’s aid when you get in trouble, and you of course will be standing there with your hands out smiling. Why? Because Americans actually care about people in need, regardless
  3. Just a guess, but I think it equates kids using calligraphy brushes to make graffiti to littering. Kind of a stretch, but maybe litter rhymes with deface in Japanese. BH
  4. You know what I haven't had in a while? A toasted almond, and no I am not a girl... I loved those things, almost as much as ameretto and Dr. Pepper. I think a good salty Margareta is my favorite now. Chips, hot salsa, and the combo plate. MMMmmmm! BH
  5. Dang, now I am confused. Bad Brain! BH
  6. Must be something they taught in Mom-school. When my mother passed I found several boxes of stuff that 'disappeared in the move". Air rifles, a .22, a wrist rocket sling shot, Nun-chucks, throwing stars, and surprisingly my cowboy boots I used to dance in. I still wonder why she hid the boots, I wasn't THAT bad... BH
  7. cape (I thought I was the only one on this early. Are you an east coaster also?..)
  8. It is funny how you can learn to accept something witin 12 months isn't it? I don't know about all of you, but this hike has changed the way I drive. I have an extended cab truck that get 15 mpg, my wife has a compact at about 35. We used to run errands in my truck because of comfort, but no more. My wife has become the primary driver. My truck is now my commuter car, and nothing else, and as soon as I find a good deal on a Matrix it will be resigned to the driveway for Lowes trips. I am now going to make a serious effort to keep as much of my cash out of the hands of the oil companie
  9. Another Random Topic: Kids are wusses today. I tend to buy stuff on sale, and a couple of years ago I got a witch shaped fog machine to put on the porch. I already had a spooky sound effects record playing, and little else. It actually scared kids off, they wouldn't come to the door. What happened? When I was a kid we enjoyed being a little scared. Isn't that what halloween is? BH
  10. Sorry buddy, glues not going to work. The last time this happened to one of my many zombies I just used a couple of pieces of leather and some wood screws. This is very important right now, with halloween comming up. BH
  11. I just discovered DigitalLifeTV. I am pretty happy, I am a big Patrick Norton fan, I am glad he is building TV shows now. I really have to get back to building a MythPC, It would be nice to play this stuff on the big screen. BH
  12. I was listening to Twit, and they are reporting that the guy that messed up TechTV is being replaced by someone from DirectTV. No one surmises this will herald the return of TechTV, since virtually all of the old crew is now doing IPTV, but at least he is gone. IMO, As he departs, we owe him a debt of gratitude. He took a single tech channel, destroyed it, and produced a vast amount of audio and video content on the net. BH
  13. don't say that!?? you'll jinks it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I knocked wood. Mind you, this is no small feat. I spend most of my day surrounded by formica... BH
  14. <Groan> You forgot the mustard... BH
  15. Wow, a poorly informed politician. Haven't seen one of those before... I am sure someone will clue him in. Newt is a smart guy, but now, like in the 80's, he tends to shoot his mouth off. Write a letter, inform him (gently) of his mistake. BH
  16. Too bad we missed national back hair appreciation day....Darn, maybe next year... BH