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Everything posted by Brian_Holiday

  1. It must have been for 1 day only, it is now $139. BH
  2. There are no secret identities on the net, only people who aren't skilled enough to find the info. The question is, why should anyone care? We all live different lives in here. Looks like you are having a conflict between here and IRL. BH
  3. What does a tracert show? I was able to get my ISP to upgrade the connection for the same reason once I was able to show it was a problem with their internal network. BH
  4. Martys donkey fable sparked a memory so here it is: Once there was a little bird, he was flying south for the winter when a freak storm froze him stiff. He glided to the ground and lay there waiting to die. Soon after a cow came along and crapped on him. Much to his surprise, the crap warmed him up. Overjoyed, he began to sing. Hearning the singing a cat came, uncovered him and promptly ate him. Morals of the story: 1) Not everyone who craps on you is your enemy. 2) Not everyone who gets you out of crap is your friend. 3) Finally: If you are ever warm and happy, keep your dang mouth shut.
  5. Elsewhere on the site it explained how SATA II was actually a misnomer, and it should be called SATA150/SATA300, but I see your point. The research showed a real difference on the raptors, especially the 10k rpm drives (which I now understand). Unfortunately I won't buy WD's because of past problems with RMAs and their extremely short warranty period. I think I am going to go with the Seagate, which is a little slower, a lot quieter, and covered by a 5-year warranty. When I switch to SATA, I can reuse it in one of my Tivos. I really can't see how manufacturers can justify a 30% premium o
  6. Ok, I think I have our answer: Quote (May 2005): "However, the higher bandwidth of the SATA II interface offers practically no measurable improvements in real world applications at the moment, as the magnetic medium is the limiting factor." Full: Toms hardware So SATA isn't needed on my machine now since I don't need hot pluggable drives or have heat problems. I guess I'll just save the cash this time and get the UltraATA drive unless anyone sees something I missed. Regards, BH
  7. Both drives are 7200rpm with 8Mb cache. The max theoritical rates are 100mb and 150mb respectively. I just don't know if it makes a difference with my setup. Research so far isn't helping me quantify the benefit, and the techs I have local don't know either.. BH
  8. I am about to buy some new storage and I need some advice. I have a choice of ATA100 and SATA1. The storage will primarily be used for Video Capture and storage of the captures. Occasionally I will use it for gaming. I currently have a 2.4 AMD with a GB of ram, but will soon be upgrading to a Athlon 64 or better. I have a source for ATA100 250Gb for ~$70 SATA 250s at ~$109 (plus $24 for the card) Is it worth it to pay $65 more per disk for SATA? TIA, BH
  9. Did you stay out late drinking and don't want to get yelled at? Try the following method: Roll out of the cab, make a lot of noise coming in the house and yell: "HONEY I'M HOME AND READY FOR LOVIN!!" 95% of the time, your wife will be fast asleep when you get to the bedroom.... Please gentlemen, post more. BH
  10. I have decide to post in this thread one more time here before I give up on it. The absolute way to loose friends is to talk about politics or religion. The Iraqi people deserve a chance at freedom, and they deserved better than we left them after the first gulf war. Bush is just cleaning up the mess left by his father, and swept under the rug by Clinton. The world has changed. Most of the radical Muslim world believed we were a paper tiger (Osamas words) and that we wouldn't fight back. eight years of non-reaction by the Clinton administration reenforced the view. So now those of
  11. eating pizza and roasted german bratwurst
  12. Ok, I have to ask. Don't you have to drive across OHIO to get to it? WV and Michigan aren't neighbors are they? BH
  13. Mrs. Butterworth <UMMM> BTW, macmarauder, did you mean "Lurch"?
  14. That is passive agressive for: "I am suffering, please comfort me." My wife does that too. I have countered in three ways. 1) Benedril. Go get two, a turkey sandwich, and a glass of warm milk. <coma ensues > 2) Counter with a guilt trip. I get up, comfort her for 10 minutes, then fall asleep in a chair. 3) Get a big box fan and place it by the bed on high. Then I can't hear anything. This is also how my wife defeats her insomnia brought on by my snoring There are a few other options, but they are best left unspecified in polite company. BH
  15. 65% General American English 20% Dixie 10% Yankee 5% Upper Midwestern 0% Midwestern 10% Yankie! Dems fightin' werds! BH
  16. Overall: 85% Conservative, 15% Liberal Social Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal Personal Responsibility: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal Fiscal Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal Ethics: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal The quiz should be a lot longer. There really aren't enough questions and options to form a good measure of conservatisim/liberalisim. I think this would be a better indicator of which party you should vote for, since it is just covering the most popular issues. BH
  17. Your garage is WAY too clean. You are supposed to park your nice expensive car in the DRIVEWAY, and keep your worthless crap secure in the garage... BH