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Everything posted by Brian_Holiday

  1. I have two dogs, a Beagle and a Lab, both female. The Beagle is a true hound. She is 9 years old, nearsighted, and barks at the slightest movement. She will no longer sleep inside, and has a mild bladder control problem. She is only in the mood to play tag once a week now and then for only a few minutes. If she gets out, she is gone for a day, but she does find her way home. The lab is a dork. She is completely self-involved and competitive with the Beagle. If anyone is getting petted, she will muscle her way in and push them away. She can smell cooking hotdogs from a mile away, s
  2. Lets not go down this road again, it only leads to anger and bad feelings on both sides. If you want to rant politics, there are always PMs. What I would do: 1) Adopt all of the unwanted children in America. Hire full time caretaker/foster parents, max 4 children per caretaker. Educate them. 2) Fund a private space program. Set up a colony on the Moon as a stepping stone to Mars. 3) Jump start the Hydrogen economy by building 50 Hydrogen fueling stations a month and one nuclear power plants to create the hydrogen. 4) Quit and sleep late.
  3. sorry, I actually meant Captain Crunch.
  4. Just an FYI, episode 4 is out. I am downloading the large wmv, so start your torrents now. BH
  5. Amen brother! We have got to push tort reform. Like you, I would rather be sued than have a kid hurt. What is a higher insurance rate compared to a kids life. I think they should make the filer pay for the lawsuit if it is clearly frivioulus. Sounds like your neighbor is rationalizing. I guess he could pay someone to do it and defer the risk. BH
  6. I friggin knew it! The numbers are all off, I work with the poor. I see 90% gratitude 10% arogance. Out of that 10% I would say half is a defense mechanisim because asking for help wounds their pride. That last 5% is scum, generally sociopathic and self absorbed. I actually had one of these in my family, so I know the type. Glad you cleared that up TT75 BH
  7. Holy crap!.. I just saw an image of the front wheel on fire! Forget the lottery, they used up a lifetimes worth of luck on that one. I am overwhealmed by a feeling of thankfulness that no one was hurt. Truly a Miracle. BH
  8. Here it comes again. Frankly, this time it is our fault. The Saudis suspended quotas on production, and the price cant drop because we don't have enough refining capacity. I am staying home next week. BH
  9. That's your polite way out next time, when you won't be caught off-guard like you were the first time. "Company policy states we cannot discuss this at this time, is there anything else I can help you with?" My personal policy is to NOT report such behavior unless the person refuses to cooperate when you decline to participate. One conversation does not constitute harrassment. Bzzzz...Wrong answer. My company has been sued over several single incidents. Here are some horror stories: We got sued when two of our employees got into an argument. One was female, and filed a complaint that sh
  10. Thanks a lot for the pictures, now I want a puppy....argg. Daschund? BH
  11. As a long time supervisor, I would want to know. You can stop him from doing it now, or you can wait until he really offends someone and they sue. Do your company a favor and quietly and repectfully let a supervisor know. If you need to, just drop an anonymous note on his supervisors desk. BH
  12. Are you allowed to use the internet as a research tool? <Coughgooglecough> BH
  13. I assume this is a drop test. The trick is to reenforce the shell so that the impact is spread out over the entire shell and there is no single point of impact. When I did it I hollowed out a styrofoam duck decoy (for irony). They dropped it from the forth floor, and it didn't break. Just hot glue and toothpicks? Arg, it has gotten tougher over the years. You should post images when you are done. I might just do this for fun with my kid. BH
  14. Congratulations! and sorry for the pun, I couldn't resist. [PUN] That was quick. [/PUN] BH