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Everything posted by Brian_Holiday

  1. Chill out and read post number 7. I am not dictating anything to anyone, If this were possible, which it is not seemingly, it wouldn't have effected how anyone was viewing the board other than those who wanted it that way. It would have just organized it in a way that that would have made it easier to help out. Creating the additional subforum also does not effect anyone who doesn't want to participate. Yes I am a G4 refugee, one who is active, helpful, and mature. I use the same name because I am not trying to hide that from anyone. A lot of us moved over to get away from the crap over th
  2. It sounds counterintuitive, but you need more blowing in than out. That creates a high pressure inside the case and prevents dust from being sucked through every screw hole and gap. I did mine wrong and need to go back and redo it. You might also want to filter the incoming air, that will keep your components cleaner. In the interest of disclosure, this info came from one of Yoshis segments. BH
  3. These links helped me, so I am passing them on: Distro Watch Top !0 Known Distros My current fav is Ubuntu or KUbuntu. You can run it off of the CD if you don't have the space. BH
  4. I don't have a lot of experence, but I was taught to start out on paper. The hardest part is coming up with a good idea that is unique, I have a real hard time just joining a pack as a lookalike. BH
  5. I think I am going to take a middle of the road approach. I think I will help here, post here first, and just go over there to BS and advert this board. I am taking bets on how long it will be before I get banned over there... I have had a problem with Fae since my first month. I can't stand her style of pop in, say something nasty, then go away. I know Leo loves her, but she is a PITA. Very few people tick me off as bad. I am still curious as to why Leo hates Pete, he has always been fair with me. BH
  6. That looks like what I wanted, thanks for pointing it out! BH
  7. I thought about that and I completely agree. In the original post I suggested it be set up read only, and if someone replied back to a post it would drop into the appropriate board. That would allow the efficent moderation and just show a summary. For all I know, it might not even be possible. Hey, its your board and it is good as it is. I am kind of the noob here, so don't think I am pushing. BH
  8. Additionally, I would be interested in a Modding Forum if there is enough interest to support it. .
  9. When I get in, I see a list of the forums. Programming, windows, Linux, Web Development. It would be nice if I could see all active threads in one place. That way I don't have to go into a topic board to see what is going on. One board would hold all of the active threads, ranked by last post. So maybe what I am asking is some way to combine all of the traffic in one place. I get the feeling this isn't very clear, are you getting the jist? BH
  10. Hello all, I was wondering, is there any way that there could be a combined alternative section that echos all posts regardless of which sub category they are in? I tend to pick up info by looking at posts I wouldn't normally seek out in a subcategory. Having one board that echos everything might make it a little easier to participate. It might also be nice to filter out any board you have absolutely no interest in, if that is a technical option. Given the potential problems, I would prevent posting to that echo board. I dont see replies as a problem, since they should show up in the