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Everything posted by irregularjoe

  1. Hmmmm....I ran out of vitamim B complex two weeks ago. Thanks for reminding me. I'm off to the heath food store tomorrow.
  2. Pizza "pizza pie".......Mmmmm I'm hungry. I thought I'd get away with just eating some fruit tonight. ....Oh well, I tried.
  3. Thanks for all the replies. Maybe I'm mistaken, but I thought that AVG 8 would not update email protection after a trial period. I'll check it out more thoroughly and I'll also look into Avast. It seems like a good program. Thanks again, Joe
  4. Well it was nice while it lasted. I used AVG free for years. A great antivirus program IMO. However lately they are starting in with the constant pop ups warning me to upgrade to version 8. (which is no longer going to be free if you want updated email protection). Pop up annoyance is somethibg I can't tolerate. And I still want a fully functional free AV system. I've been looking at Avast. Anyone here use it? Thanks, Joe
  5. I just returned all the Safeway tomatoes I bought. Also the "on sale" watermelon that was about as ripe as a bowling ball. I'm making a point now to save receipts from all grocery stores. It's bad enough paying rediculous prices for produce, but if it's not up to my standards, back it goes for a refund. Tomatoes on the vine that are grown hydroponically seem to be exempt from the recent scare. I found some at a local Sprouts. $1.25 a pound. They look and smell good, like real tomatoes should. Of course they can't compare to your own garden grown. I'm still trying to figure out how to grow ve
  6. This sounds similar to MRSA bacteria. There was an article about it today in the local rag here.
  7. Of course the amount of popcorn you can make is dictated by your monthly minutes allotment. Go over a large bowl of popcorn and you'll be paying roaming rates.
  8. Betty knows the answer to the gas crisis!
  9. "I blame global warming!" It's only a matter of time when the alligators start to swarm up to coastal South Dakota.
  10. Sounds like an allergic reaction to me. I've been bitten by a tiny ant and ended up in the emergency room with anaphylactic shock. It happened while I was at a clients house (mobile home actually). I had to look under the crawl space for a water leak. I didn't go under the house, just took the access panel off and peered in. My hands were on the dirt ground and I guess that's when it happened. I didn't feel a thing. But maybe 15 minutes later, I was back in the house and started to feel really strange. I asked to use their bathroom and noticed in the mirror that my face was swelling. Went bac
  11. I disagree. Eat what's in season. Keep it local and if possible organic. FitWash is fine, as long as it's not cross contaminated with salmonella. The only thing that is safe then is to cook it to at least 165 degrees F for at least 90 seconds. E-Coli is even worse. Neither cooking or freezing kills it. Expect a long and painful hospital stay. You MIGHT make it out alive. And if you do you will be eating baby food for quite some time. And then there's the real whopper (no pun intended to Burger King) Botulism. It's time to get the stomach pump out and lay in agony for five days while you vomi
  12. What's changed is that the source is now worldwide. It's cheaper to import food from halfway around the world than it is to grow it locally. At least that's what the agribusiness bottom liners think. The more unwashed hands handling your food, the more likely it is to be a carrier of food borne illness. And don't even get me started on the genetically modified fruits and vegatables that are artificially manipulated so that watermelon is available for Christmas and winter squash is available for the Fourth of July. And of couse they each taste like a bowling bowl.
  13. AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vermont! It's hard NOT to have an enjoyable experience there. How I miss it!
  14. Exactly! They drop ship from who knows where and collect a fee. Just using their good name to sell anything. NOT a good business model in my opinion.
  15. I'm already going through withdrawl pains. Like a junkie without his fix. I consider fresh ripe tomatos as being essential to life as water and air. You pay exorborent food prices and end up in the hospital. Pretty sad indeed. Just another example of importing food when you can easily grow it yourself, or at least get it locally. Do we REALLY need to import grapes from Chile and crabmeat from Vietnam? Nothing against those countries, but come on. Buy local and keep the source accountable. AZ Salmonella Tomatos I really HAVE to get my garden growing.
  16. Prairie Home Companion I've been a fan since the '80's. Loons are an integral part of the stories, being that it's from Minnesota. (or could it be a subliminal in loony?) Either way, Garrison Keillor is a superb writer in my book!
  17. Thanks for the replies. My desktop is a locally built machine with an AMD chip. So I guess that I'm not affected. Everything seems to be OK. I'm in the second day of the SP3 install. Joe