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Posts posted by blim

  1. you are very welcome, Tman!

    First clue as to whether it has SP2 is that on the Windows Screen (the one with the black background) when the computer first starts up, the "thermometer" is blue on SP2 editions.

    And yes, the key to installing SP2 is to have the computer as clean from cooties as possible!

    Is there an easy way to check "specs" on the computer? (I assume there is...) if so, my new computer has SP2 already on it and I can look to see if my specs say anything different than "XP Home Edition", which might help tell if you already have SP2 or not.

    Other than that, XP is very much like Windows 98 but behaves better. :thumbsup:


  2. She DOES exist! :D Welcome back, Pat and I'm glad to hear you and Hubby are doing just fine, just busy!

    What great news about the severence package! And enjoy having Hubby home. Hoping he isn't underfoot or you'll have to make up a chore list :D

    And yes, Hubby will be in my prayers! Even IF he ends up having the surgery, my Dad had Prostate Cancer Surgery and Marty recently had Prostrate Surgery (I'm sure Marty won't mind me posting this as he posted about his surgery here and at Drew's) and both came through with flying colors and are doing fine!

    I've been busy doing the "weekend megaload of Laundry" thanks to the kids bringing it home. Tomorrow they'll empty my cupboards :D


  3. I was going to ask if your new toy is SP2, then dinner was ready.....

    Others will chime in but I kept my notes from when I took the SP2 plunge.

    SP2 Prep Per Dell:

    instal AdAware Personal SE or

    Update, run, reboot, run again and reboot again if spyware is found

    Update and run AV

    Update firewall

    Back up or copy important and irreplacable personal info (probably doesn't apply to you yet!)

    SP2 per G4

    1. Back up data

    2. run disk cleanup, clean temp internet files, empty recycle bin and defrag

    3. restart computer

    4. make restore point. Start/programs/accessories/system tools/system restore--follow directions

    5. turn off AV. Enable windows firewall (r/click on your connection inNetwork Places and choose to protect with Windows firewall) disable current firewall. If you have spybot, run and choose advance interface (under mode) and under tools, go to resident and disable resident shield and teatimer

    6. go to Windows update!! do not panic if things seem to stop. There are a couple of "percentage points" that take a LONG time to advance (me--I think it "stalled" on 14% and 86%?)

    7. When finished and windows asks for a restart, choose restart later then finish. Re enable AV (but leave off script blocking) and firewall. Turn off windows firewall

    8 Restart PC (it will take a bit longer) should finish with a prompt to enable automatic updates and verify firewall and AV

    9. Re enable spybot resident shield. It will warn of a new IE toolbar (which is good!) and a lock of blank.htm web page file (also good!) Re enable script blocking in antivirus

    In SP2, use the "archive feature" just in case. If no problems after some time, delete the "SP2 hidden archive folder" in Window Folder to save space on HD

    I pretty much did a combination of both--ran adaware, spybot, antivirus (with a restart after each), cleaned things up, defragged, restarted, made a restore point, turned of AV, enabled Windows firewall and turned of Mcafee Firewall and went to the update and sweated bullets :thumbsup: All went well!


  4. Macmarauder, I boycot companies that tick me off, too. I don't blame you a bit! I'm still boycotting gasoline as much as I can by only using the car when I absolutely have to and skipping the 25 mile one way trips to Walmart.

    Gaad, it's cold! It's only November and I'm already sick of the cold! Must admit I'm keeping the heat down to around 60 degrees. With Hubby working third shift, sleeping all day and being an Eskimo that enjoys the cool temps, the kids gone at school, and the dog having long hair, it's part of my gas boycot. We'll see how long I last until I crank the thermostat up. Already broke out my long underware!


  5. Bubbabob, I lurk the ads and buy the cheapest candy I can find :thumbsup: This year it was tootsie rolls. And of course, dum-dum lollipops or smarties for the babies. No chocolate candy bars for the goblins, I have a $15 limit! This year I only spent $13 and have leftovers. No problem with leftovers like JDoors, I have kids, I'll just send the leftovers off to college with them (although I might keep the tootsie rolls for myself!)


  6. :D You mean old man, you! :D I loved your story!

    This was an unusual year here, too....I always get parents trick or treating with babies but this year I had TWO moms who thrust out their OWN bag! I mean, honestly, is that baby going to eat all that candy?? (I DO give lollipops or smarties to the babies with an announcement to the baby, "This is special candy just for babies!" But these moms kinda floored me. I'm a mean mommy, my kids didn't go out till they were 2, and then only around the block!

    We had about 400! I live across from the elementary school and in a farming community so country parents drop their kids in town.

    One suggestion for leftover candy is to drop it off at the Senior Citizen center if your town has one or anywhere where Seniors congregate. Seniors LOVE sweets.


  7. I agree about writing a code number on the certificate, but printing them on an unusually colored paper will help, too as a "cheater" won't go through the trouble of tracking down the paper. Ooooh, a gift wrap paper could really work, as a cheater would look for regular paper, not in the gift wrap aisle.


  8. Thanks, Marty. Your post made me thankful that I'm raising my kids in a small town! Yes, they sometimes complain about their "electricalAmishFamily" and call our town Mayberry, but they went to the drive in this summer and they LOVE Lipton Soup chip dip! We have a phone on the kitchen wall--a cordless, too, but I never use it. Too much fun watch Hubby trip over the cord :D


  9. Well, they sure are CUTE! Lucky parents. I can just imagine the fun those boys are going to have telling folks they're brothers, hopefully the parents will raise them to embrace the "puzzled looks" or disbelief and have a good sense of humor about their "Fraternal" look.

    I have identical twin sisters and they used to get into some hilarious situations (OK, they weren't hilarious to my parents when they occured....but we all laugh now)


  10. Hope you DO catch him!

    I didn't understand Terrorist's tip (don't worry, I have no need to understand! :D ) but another option could be if you leave your computer on when you're gone, and your Firewall makes a log of the cooties it blocks, if there is no activity for a certain period of time, you can probably assume you have no internet connected!

    That's how I busted the kids playing on the computer till 4am :thumbsup: (we turn the computer off at night so there's no Firewall log activity when the idiot box is off)


  11. Isn't that sig great, Macmarauder? Thanks to Handplane, as usual! *salutes*

    Me? In trouble? Never! ;)

    Been busy with two October birthdays (kids) and sewing my head off. Daughter had a costume party to go to and wanted to be "Glinda, Good Witch of the North" :thumbsup: I've always said MY next costume was going to be Glinda (her character on Oz was so annoying and I love to imitate her :) ) so I was thrilled to make a Glinda costume for someone. Bought a proper colored dress at Goodwill and another dress the same color for extra fabric and "reworked" the dress. Anyways, the party was last night and she looked good! (I am bummed, she didn't want me to make the dorky Glinda crown and if I could have figured out how to put her in a bubble, I would have!)

    And raking leaves at my folks house on the days it isn't raining.

    And the laundry marathon on weekends. With the kids at school all week, by Tuesday my house is spiffyclean and Friday evening the place is full of laundrybaskets and backpacks. Spend Saturday and Sunday doing laundry (yes, they know how to do it, but it's easier and cheaper for me to do it--I'll use the clotheline!) while they empty my cupboards (today it was, "oooooh, you have tunafish, can I bring this back with me please? Do you have any hamburger buns?" :wub: )

    And Son got a flat tire heading back to school--luckily he was only a block from home, but tomorrow I have to go to CreepyTireGuy and get it fixed, and run it down to their apartment (because I'm a nice mommy). It never ends, I guess! At least I get to see if their apartment is as atrocious as their bedrooms were here. Heh-heh, I wonder if I'll get a call with a grocery list? :D

    Soooo, you're boycotting Apple, Macmarauder? I'm with you on the prices. I'd love an Apple but they're just too darned expensive!

    Terrorist, we had the winds Friday and Saturday, but they brought sunny weather! Finally! I was thinking about building an ark! Tomorrow's supposed to be nice, too!

    Where's Pat? Pattttttttt!!!!!


  12. Pats the monitor on his head, says "good boy" and hopes I'll never have to jump to Vista! Sounds waaaay to complicated!

    As far as I know, Macmarauder, Vista is still a Beta thing. I hope it stays that way for a long, long time!


  13. Ooooh, yeah, which reminds me--DO get the "garden variety XP home". Daughter has XP Media Edition on her computer and it contains more bells and whistles that I prefer, which probably eats up Ram and stuff! One main reason why my new idiot box is a Dell Celeron el-cheapo is because it came with "ordinary" XP home. Less fluff. Easier to use. :thumbsup:


  14. Oh, wow, Macmarauder (you're singing about being snowed in? You nut! :D ) I'm happy you have power! Stay warm and don't drive until the plows get out

    I was wondering how you fared, Terrorist! Ugh, looks like an early winter. I don't like that.


  15. We have 3 computers running XP with only 256 RAM--I'm typing on one right now. Son only succeeded in obtaining a Blue Screen of Death once in 3 years (and kids gun computers! Mine watch videos, play games, multitask, you name it.) I'd try XP with what you have and see how it works!

    If you wait much longer, Vista will be the only OS available, and you can bet Vista won't run on that machine!


  16. Aron stopped home today (he had to reff some soccer games, the ridiculous pay and a home cooked meal was worth the trip for him :D ) and I relayed the answers, ordered him to check in here, and thank you both soooo much! He said the zip drive still works fine, it's just "wiggly", it doesn't seat securely in the slot it's supposed to fit into, and a wiggly connection isn't the best connection. I think that he'll convince Manda to use her warranty rights! At least I hope so, Manda's pretty stubborn ;) she's perfect for him :thumbsup:
