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Posts posted by blim

  1. Hi Aron! Manda's idiotbox is still under warranty, right? You monkeying around trying to fix it might void the warranty, best bet might be to call wherever she bought it from and ask--NOW if the experts here think Aron's solution won't further break the machine voiding warranties, chime in!


  2. Awesome tips, Marty! Some I knew, most were new! thanks!

    To add to the newspaper tip--

    I've used folded up newspapers under my rock or brick borders in my flowerbeds for years--keeps the grass from growing through between the rocks or bricks and after a couple rains, the paper isn't noticable (heck, even if it is, it's serving a purpose)

    DO make sure you use only the black and white printed newpaper--colored glossy paper ads may contain chemicals that could be bad for the soil, MOST black and white newprint is printed with safe Soy Ink.

    AND y'know those pesky Credit Card offers that you're afraid to throw out without a shredder? Put 'em in your compost pile! (or combine with the newpapers in the garden)


  3. LOL, Deafgirl! Bringing back rather horrid memories of the pregnancies (which is like PMSsing during a Full Moon...) Oh, poor Hubby. He tried soooo hard to be sympathetic when I was bawling my eyes out for no reason at all (and I'm normally very cheerful!), he would hug me and say,

    "it's only the hormones, honey"

    Wrong answer, wrong answer, wrong answer!!! There's a real good reason why we stopped at two and it wasn't labor! :D


  4. Ooops, Nancy! Some people love the MS Malware Remover....but a few folks have had trouble with it and just those few bad reports make me chicken. For a long time it was Beta, which is scary and I stay away from anything Beta. Experts--is it still Beta?. Guess it's a coin flip. I personally figure that since I have Spybot, Adaware and SpywareBlaster (love that!) and I "try" to be careful, I'm skipping the MS Gadget. :thumbsup:

    Glad everything's working right and I LOVE feedback from Updates! Thanks so much, Nancy! They still scare me after having to do a System Restore once after installing a misbehaving update--they now make me gunshy, so if updates go well for me, I'm always ready to give a thumbs up!


  5. Hi Nancy! I got my updates delivered last night (seems it takes a while for them to get up here!) I got 5 critical updates and the Malicious Software thingy (I don't trust the malicious software thing enough to install that one, yet). Asked for a restart afterwards, but all is well. Didn't take long at all to install, either (I usually get a cup of coffee while they install and it was done by the time I made the pot!). They must have been little bitty updates.


  6. I got a great laugh out of your experience with the little kids, Sin! Especially about the "better than pink" comeback. You go, Goth-Girl! You can teach them so much about tolerance, especially since you and I know that a Goth look is nothing to be feared. The Gothkids I know are so talented, creative, kind and a breath of fresh air compared to "preppy Barbiegirls". I went to Artschool and the "unusual people" (OK, Hippies and latent Beatniks) were the best folks to have as friends! It's a darned shame so many people were afraid of them, their loss!

    I voted for the gangbangers because their behaviour is so dangerous. I'm afraid for them, not of them--such a dangerous lifestyle.

    Oh, and black is slimming, easy care (unless one has a light haired animal) and goes with everything :thumbsup: My work clothes were almost all black and white ;)


  7. My life is just bizarre.

    So, I haven't done anything about the missing bass. First, I'm getting pretty darn lazy, second I'm not sure what I could have done.

    So I'm watching Peter Pan (2003 version). I'm used to a lack of deep bass by now. Peter's saying, "I do believe in fairies, I do, I do!" Everyone eventually chimes in, "I do believe in fairies! I do! I do!"

    Suddenly there's a loud POP! And I have my bass back.

    I do believe in fairies. I do. I do. :blink:

    me too, :D:D:D Now, clap your hands to make sure you keep your bass :D


  8. Seeing as the weather is going to pot up here, I'm so jealous, Tenmm!! Beautiful! We have hills and sand dunes up here, but no mountains!

    My Sister and Brother In Law live in Chandler, AZ (near Phoenix) and they LOVE to visit Tombstone!! It's their favorite place.


  9. Marty, I laughed and laughed and laughed! :D What true words of wisdom!

    ""Don't what? "

    Adam replied.

    "Don't eat the forbidden fruit."

    God said.

    "Forbidden fruit?

    We have forbidden fruit ?

    Hey Eve..we have forbidden fruit ! " "

    Of course it was the BOY who got things going....Sure sounds like a boy (a dare? Oh goodie, a dare!)! :D As much as my son is a joy to my life, I've often slapped my forehead and asked myself, "why, oh why couldn't you have been a girl?" :D

    I'm still chuckling, thanks, Marty


  10. Well, Chappy and Staff, thank YOU for not deeming this thread too political (I was worried!) and thanks to you and Jdoors for the description of the photo--I know you probably pondered over that, but at least now folks will have a written description, so they can at least imagine what this thread is about.

    The thing with 18 year old drinking limit is that too many 15 year olds know 18 year olds that can buy for them....with a 21 year old drinking limit, not very many 15 year olds will be able to talk a 21 year old into buying for them. (Voice of experience here!) Sure, a lot of 18 year olds can convince a 21 year old to buy for them, but it's better than a 15 year old, or a newly licensed driver.

    And Terrorist, you're absolutely right, it seems the "older, more confident drivers" get busted for drinking and driving. I read the court reports in the paper!

    I also agree that parenting is key, but I also know too many parents that have done "everything right" and their kids still get in trouble! These parent's blame the kid's friends, but rule number one of parenting is "you don't choose the kids' friends"....Sure makes being a parent terrifying (as I again Thank God that both my kids are over 21 and haven't been in trouble yet. Like my Mom says, "It's a miracle the kids survived this long!" :) )
