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Posts posted by blim

  1. OK, now that I'm officially back online....turns up the pool thermometer to "Hot Tub Temperature" because darn it, its cold.....and pushes everyone in the pool :D (Chappy told me to behave, but......)

    What's everyone been upto? Me, just Fall Cleaning the house and garden. Windows done, carpets half done, kids bedrooms done (wow, what a mess they were!) garden, mostly done--geraniums still need to be dug up and brought inside, but they like Fall weather, and hoping that my green tomatoes will somehow ripen. Frost Advisory tonight, sure hope the Lake Michigan Puddle keeps the frost away as I didn't cover the peppers--advisory didn't include our county till after dark and there's a skunk lurking around, nuh-uh, not taking a chance on getting sprayed!!


  2. Ahhh, Steve, ignore Chappy! :D He's gonna be offline while he tinkers with his idiot box, so in the meantime, a hearty invite to throw folks into the Besttechie's Pool with me (*ahem, I mean Pat, Darlene and Barb...). I know, it's cold, but I cranked the pool heater up to hottub temperature, so let's run amuck!

    So happy to hear that life is going good for you!

    And having a recent birthday, thank you, I had an uneventful day, which is a GOOD day!


  3. LOL at the "interesting" comment, Pat. I know EXACTLY what you mean! :D A couple weeks ago, my Hubby was on vacation and I was rather happy to get him back to work (OK, come Thursday, I was counting down the days till Sunday night....). I think you know what I mean! We love them to pieces, but don't goof up our daily routine by getting in our way! Gosh, I'm gonna either get a job or go crazy when he retires.

    And as for my Dad, yes, we're sure he has ADD. If he isn't busy with a project, he's driving everyone nuts! :D Thankfully they have two homes and a rental to keep him occupied. When my Mom is off somewhere, he calls each Daughter one after another, "to see what she's up to". Good thing they have 5 kids!! The 5 phone calls burn at least an hour of his time. And yes, if we have a project going down, we always let him know what we are doing so he can show up and help, and my sisters do the same. And yes, we do that for Mom's sake!

    Sad thing is that Son is a carbon copy of my Dad. So far, between school, work, me, the three girls he lives with, and his Girlfriend's Mom, all come up with projects to keep him busy, but boy, I feel sorry for the woman he marries! When he was 2 years old, he had the nickname, "Mr. Busy" and 19 years later, it still sticks. :D

  4. Every time I read about Intel, I was hoping Hubby wouldn't be affected! Darn it! But you're right, you have no big debt (except the insurance monkey on the back, of course) and I'm betting between unemployment and the severence, you'll do fine until the big "65" if he doesn't get another job.

    I remember being scared to death when I quit working-- one income family nowadays is almost unheard of. But I discovered it cost money to work--clothing, gas, extra car, lunches, take out pizza when I worked nights; and it ended up being a much easier transition than I expected, and that was with two pre-teens, a mortgage and car payment!

    *Big Hugs* to the both of you. It will turn out fine (except for maybe driving eachother nutty with Hubby being home more :D My Mom sends Dad out on lots and lots of errands, one item at a time, to keep him out of her hair!)


  5. We have no Sonics around here, but Bearskin, that is an EXCELLENT idea about asking about shared tips!! I'm going to do that from now on, as I'm with you, tip well for great, friendly service, no tip if none is deserved. Thank you!


  6. Having one of each, all I can say is how true, how true! Had a College minor in Psych and "learned the difference between boys and girls was how they were raised" and I was soooo determined to raise them equally with trucks and dolls.....hooo boy was I wrong! They were different as night and day from the start!

    "5. When girls play with Barbie and Ken dolls, they like to dress them up and play house with them. When boys play with Barbie and Ken dolls, they like to tear off their appendages"

    I remember when Daughter begged Son to play Dolls with her (daughter 5, Son 3)

    5 minutes later, Son hollers,

    "And Godzilla EATS the Barbie, arrrrrgh, arrrrgh, arrrrghhhh!" *banging and thumping noises*

    Daughter wails, (at the top of her lungs!)

    "No, Aron, that's NOT how you play Barbies!"

    She never asked him to play dolls again...... :D

    Thanks, Marty for bringing back so many memories!


  7. Ah shucks, thanks y'all :wub: Wasn't until Daughter said, "your birthday is tomorrow, isn't it?" that I remembered that it was today--I had completely forgotten, to me it was just "Saturday"

    I thought I was 99 last year, too....hmmm, this is a good thing, not ageing :D


  8. Also check the Sunday Paper ads for XP--I've seen it advertised pretty cheap at Best Buy, etc lately--methinks they are beginning to clear out stock for Vista. (and from what I've heard about Vista, you want XP while you can still buy it!)

    As far as installing XP, shoot, if you've installed 98, XP should be a breeze!! Son recently reinstalled XP and he said it was sooooo much easier than reinstallng 98.


  9. Do keep planning for the big roadtrip, Bryan! You'll accomplish it and you're at the best age to do so, too. After I graduated college, I worked all summer, saved like mad and spent 6 weeks in Italy, a place I've always wanted to visit. Stayed in youth hostels, ate out of the market or where the locals ate (so "on the cheap"), made friends and brought home precious photos and memories. A trip of a lifetime for me and hoping your trip will materialise, too!

    Even though the Honda met its maker, glad to see you online. You and Bubbabob's bantering make me laugh and laugh!! What would we do with Bubbabob without you?? :D


  10. $1.98???? Wow, that's insane! I'm thrilled about $2.19 here. BUT I keep hearing rumors that prices will go up after the elections in November....let's hope it's a wrong rumor!

    The news said Home Heating Gas is supposed to be lower this year, too. Let's hope so!


  11. Ahhh, with all the catching up I've been doing, I finally made it to the Cafe! We need a little chaos here, so I let Kitty out of the basement to chase around Honeybun :thumbsup:

    Macmarauder, wonderful news about the girlfriend, job (what are you doing?) and especially school plans!! Glad you're finally thinking about going back to school--you're too smart and talented NOT to!

    Pat, I'm so very sorry to hear about Sidekickcat :( It's so hard to lose a furbaby. Thank you for giving her such wonderful care and such a good spoiled rotten life. A rescued animal needs extra spoiling and I know you succeeded. What a wonderful life she had, thanks to you.

    Glad you got a sturdy stepladder and hope Hubby feels better soon, along with your back! Your bodies may be falling apart, but your sense of humor is still healthy!!

    Ever since the kids went off to school (whoo boy, that's a story in itself, but I haven't had any "panic calls" for over a week now, *knocks wood*) I've been busy! "Combat cleaned" all 3 bedrooms, the computer/toyroom, porches and all the windows, screens and storm windows inside and out. Waiting for the rain to clear so I can cut the grass and fetch more peppers to freeze.

    It's so nice that the house stays clean, at least Monday through Friday (Friday night starts a laundry marathon, you know the drill, they dump their laundry and empty the cupboards!) That hasn't happened since we were Newlyweds!


  12. I grew up on a "dead man's curve" and just the sound of a car crash sends chills up my spine (thank God the crashes always involved drunk drivers who were too drunk to stiffen up and get hurt, but lots of property and car damage, which is okay, those are replacable!)

    Also, thank God that truck was in front of you, Jdoors!

    Daughter was a passenger in a rollover (rolled 3 times, in fact! The kids refused to let me see photos of the car because the other Moms cried, so fine with me!) and the kids walked away with only cuts, bruises and scratches. Ever since, car crashes really frighten me, so glad no one appeared injured!


  13. Oh, Hondaboy! *tear* I am SO sorry to hear about the car! I KNOW what you're going through. I salute the Honda and thanks it for serving it's Driver so well. RIP, dear Civic, RIP and thank you for doing such a great job keeping our Hondaboy safe.

    SO glad no one was hurt, that's the most important thing. Like Pat said, you'll probably be hurting in places you didn't know existed tomorrow, if you're hurting bad, see a Doc



  14. Just yesterday, Son called me from his college apartment asking, "How much mayonnaise do you use for tunafish salad?" ...

    One jar per can of tuna, right? :lol:

    LOL, I could have told him that and he would have DONE that! He did NOT appreciate it when his girlfriend said, "just add mayo till it looks right"

    His roomies also teased him for measuring cooking water for macaroni and cheese....because the box said to put "6 cups water in a saucepan".

    Thank God for Banquet potpies, scrambled eggs (he knows how to cook them!) and living with 3 girls who know how to cook or else he'd starve to death!

    I really thought I taught him better than that!!


  15. Congrats, Bearskin, and rootbeer barrels all around! (after Daughter's birth on Halloween left us with un-distributed candy, that's been our tradition with births!)

    Any idea of their "heritage"?
