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Posts posted by blim

  1. Shanenin, is what you're talking about a "Reinstall on a partition" (or something like that....)? Daughter reinstalled Windows on her Dell through that method with no disks and I was going to suggest that route but I don't know what I'm talking about :D and Tim probably thought of that method already. Daughter reinstalled Windows that way at College with a DellDude talking her through it, I didn't have to help (yippie!!).


  2. Lucky you! I have a feeling it's going to be a coin flip, but with two in college right now, I'd lean towards a higher end idiot box with XP.

    We all know XP is stable and works well, which is something we can't say for Vista yet. You don't want to be monkeying around with a buggy computer when you have schoolwork to do (trust me, Daughter's computer took a dump 2 weeks into the school year and it cost both kids hours fixing the computer that they could have used doing homework.... or shopping....or eating out....or going to the movies....or goofing kids, you know! ;) ) If you get a computer that will be upgradable to Vista in a few years, then put Vista on it when all the cooties are exorcised out of it.

    And if there are projects at school that you can't possibly do on XP (which I highly doubt, Son took a half dozen computer classes and the projects were geared for 98, many could even be done on 95!) you could always do those few projects at the school library and toss it on a flash drive.

    AND the fact that y'all KNOW computer prices are going to jump big time once Vista is installed on them. You can still get a beefy computer for a reasonable price now, what will happen to prices when everyone is buying extra hard drives and Ram to make their current computers Vista compatable---supply and demand! Ram and hard drive prices will go up, therefore a total computer package price will go up once Vista is the only OS available.

    But you're so computer savvy, you will make the right choice whatever you do. Make sure to tell your parents how much you appreciate their wonderful investment in your future. Most of all, do well in school!!


  3. "maturity level"?? Ohhhhhhh-oh.....(do I have to be mature?)

    First of all, I want to thank Jeff and all his helpers for making this site such a great place to belong to and thanks to Snyper, too. You jumped in with both feet when you joined and that is such a nice thing to see from new members. I'm happy you're so active here and I love your sense of humor!

    My favorite thing about BT's is the variety of areas to run amuck in, whether it's to checkon updates, chat, read jokes or ask a geekquestion, it's all here!


  4. I got a big grin out of reading your link, Pat, thanks!

    The "get a tailor to measure you" tip makes a LOT of sense. When Son rented a tuxedo for a prom, I wrote down all the measurements so I now have his shirt, pant ("proper fit", yes, he wears his jeans baggy!) and shoe size stashed in my wallet. Even have his hat size written down from when he got fitted for the Baseball team's cap. Very, very handy when shopping for him!!

    I also remember when Son's girlfriend decided to give him a facial and exfoliate his skin--you'da think she tortured him. Oh, how he whined about that and proclaimed "never again"! :D What a wimp! :D

    I LOVE those Brawny towel commercials when the Brawny Guys are talking about Bo and Hope (I assume they're soap opera characters)! Haven't seen them for a while, makes me sad, hope they bring them back! I laugh my head off at those!


  5. True, true, true!

    Little Tommy sounds like my Son. I always apologize for his appetite when he eats at friend's houses, but the other Moms always say, "Oh, I love feeding Aron, he enjoys every single bite and always tells me how good the food is, he can eat over here anytime"....That Butter-upper!!

    thanks, Marty!


  6. Every pet owner will say no truer words ever spoken!

    To add a couple:

    You do not need to do the "Lab Lean" when I'm wearing a black skirt or pants, my friends all know I have a light colored dog without having to display the evidence.

    When I sit on the couch with an afghan on my lap, as much as I appreciate you laying on my feet to keep them warm, you do not need do wiggle so the afghan slides off my lap to under your belly

    A pile of clean laundry does not need a "doggie topper" It won't float away. No one will steal it. Honest.

    When it's thundering, you don't need to attempt to climb up on top of my head, the lap is just fine.

    But when I'm upset, I sure do appreciate your snuggles!


  7. I JUST heard on the local weather report about all the snow you folks have been getting. Ughhhhh and hoping we don't get that much, but with the prevailing winds, I'm betting we get your leftovers. We're "predicted" to get 1-6 inches of the junk. Sure hope not, but this evening we've had rain, wind, snow, sleet, thunder, lightning and cold. Everything under the sun but sun!

    You folks with your pleasant weather make me so jealous!


  8. :D:D Oh, I forgot, you're the "mean old man who confiscates toys", JDoors ;):D;) And thanks for calling me "missy", I feel twenty years younger! (Ohhhh, I still remember the first time the bagboy at the grocery store called me "ma'am"! I wondered which old lady he was talking to...and it was *gasp* ME! :blink: )

    And a big "ehhhhh??" to Joe. Maybe we're all a bunch of oldfarts, but we're seventeen year olds on the inside aren't we?


  9. Hi Mike!

    I didn't understand anything you said (surprised?? :D ) and Shanenin and the gang will get you fixed right up but I have one question--is this your old idiot box or a new one that you bought for school? Wondering if it's a new one, if it's still under warranty? Kate got a MB installed free when her idiot box went belly-up, thanks to the warranty!

    I miss you!! I talk to your Mom and she tells me you're getting straight A's, I'm so proud of you!


    "your other Mom"

  10. Oooh, a sportscar for Robroy! OK, I know nothing about cars, but this one looks nice and only 80,000 miles? A steal! What color are you planning on painting it? My vote is red or black

    Don't speed! Coppers look for those cars! :)
