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Posts posted by blim

  1. Good Grief, JDoors! Now I didn't understand most of what you wrote (*whooshhhh* it went right over my nontechie head) but I sure understood about the Americanised names :D During "wait times" I like to mess with them and ask them about the weather in "Arizona". They're pretty helpless there--they start stuttering and change the subject to MY weather! :D


  2. Gosh, this is kinda creepy! For sh*ts and giggles I Googled my phone number (with the area code) and the name, address and phone number came up!! There is an option on Google to remove the phone number from their list.

    If you want to help curb telemarketers, I suggest you Google your phone number and take your number off their list!


  3. Phew...I need a dirnk, too!

    Finished Christmas shopping today (I *think*...still need to pile the kids loot up to make sure they're "somewhat even"), gift wreaths are done and sent out, still need to make a wreath for ME if I have time, front porch garland is done and hung. Going to get the tree this weekend, hopefully. Then cookiemaking! Actually, thinking about it, I'm ahead of the game this year! LOVING the recent mild weather. All the snow has melted except for the plowpiles. A Green Christmas? Fine with me!

    *sterilizing the IV line for Mike--but Terrorist is going to have to poke him, that's too scary for me :) *


  4. Thank you Mike!!!

    I have Mcafee Site Advisor sitting in the box with Mcafee's AV and Firewall waiting for my current subscription to run out before I install them. I was wondering what Site Advisor was and wondering if I should even install it. Now I know how it works, and I know I will install it, thanks to you!


  5. Yup....and even though XP has a "backward compatability thingy", it doesn't always work with all games. Son discovered this when trying to install his Windows98 games on the new XP. Some worked, some didn't

    Do you have an old computer you could hook up for the Grandkids so they could play those games? Often I see computers at Goodwill--never looked closely enough to see which OS they have on them, but I'm betting they aren't XP!

    I sure know what you're thinking as those old games are just as fun or even funner than the "fancy new games" (which is why Son will never part with his SNES! :) )


  6. Isn't that the commercial where they have funny accents and say "whorms and gohrms"? If so, I also heard it wasn't any good but it was a long time ago and I waited to respond to see if Stopsign may have improved. Guess it hasn't!

    Oh shoot, I just remembered this---close to a year ago, Pat (Sidekickcat) posted PCWorld's list of the top AV's and Stopsign was nowhere on the list if I remember right.

    Shame your friend bought such an expensive gadget where so many can be gotten for free or free or close to free with rebates.
