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Posts posted by blim

  1. Italy?? Lucky you, Martahan!

    25 years ago I spent 6 weeks in that beautiful country and just loved it.

    Places I went:

    Rome (of course!) busy city but St Peter's and the Sistine Chapel were so worth it.

    Florence--my favorite place in all the world, check out all the Art Museums

    Pisa---interesting but only a one day stop is necessary, I'd probably skip it if I were to do it over

    Siena---went there on advice of a friend, again, it's a small town so you'll only need one day there, this one I'd probably skip, too so I could spend more time in Rome and Florence!! :thumbsup:

    Venice---almost didn't go there;was headed for Milan but too many folks said Milan is just another Detroit and not worth the trip; and I'm glad I chose Venice instead, really neat place with spectacular sunsets

    I stayed in Youth Hostels (in Venice, one was a Convent--that was fun) and travelled from town to town on trains and buses while in the towns. Public Transportation is cheap and abundant. A friend and I DID take a taxi one time, only because neither of us had ever ridden a taxi! :D

    As far as restaurants, hopefully you'll luck out and meet some local folk who can direct you to the best "non tourist trap" places to eat, another place to look for restaurants is on the outskirts of the cities. Most of my meals came from the Farmer's Markets--loaf o' bread, chunk of cheese and a couple tomatoes lasted me all day!

    One thing that I did which was VERY helpful was to go to the bookstore and get "Tourist Books" for the different cities. They had all the attractions/churches/museums listed so I could get an idea of what I wanted to see while still in the States and I simply crossed each one off as I visited them. AND get yourself an Italian/English Dictionary--a Godsend!

    If you have any more questions, just holler, I'll help if I can...remember! :D


  2. Being a direct descendent of John and Priscilla Alden (yeah, the first US Soap Opera Love Triangle!!) I gotta shout out, Happy Thanksgiving! Remember that it's more than just the meal and football.....and don't eat too much :)

    Hope everyone enjoys their day


  3. Holy crap that kid is wicked smart. I bet he hasn't seen a score on a test lower 95.

    I bet he also hasn't seen a girl's bra :lol:

    That is so wrong, chicks dig the brainy dudes.

    ESPECIALLY when they get to College! Geeks are the most popular kids in school!

    I, too thought of Macmaruader! :D Suppose I should check out the Cafe Basement....


  4. As much as I hope I never have to go through the heartbreak of losing a child, those parents are just plain greedy. He passed a car in a no-pass zone, on a curve, going 67 in a 30mph zone, it's just crazy that the parents even thought to sue! And since no amount of money can ever replace a child, why demand so much? Yup, just plain greed.

    I sure hope Ford wins their appeal, but sure don't like hearing about this--you KNOW who is going to pay for the high priced lawyers, it will appear in higher car prices.


  5. Antonio! I am so happy to hear from you and hope you're doing well!

    I think you got a great deal, now I don't know what most of that stuff is but I recently bought a new Dell for $299 and $29 shipping:

    80 gigawatt hard drive

    256 gigawatt Ram

    Celeron processor

    Monitor--the big old fashioned clunky kind

    CD-RW/DVD-ROM combo drive

    As you can see, you have a LOT more power for the same price!

    Pop back in more often, we miss you


  6. Larry, reading all you've accomplished, you will do FINE with XP! It behaves a lot like 98 without the bugs. I bought an XP for Dummies Book when I got my new idiotbox and *gulp* I didn't need it! :o (now I must admit that I did read 98 for Dummies cover to cover!)

    Wait for the experts to confirm this, but I'd personally recommend "plain old" XP Home. Daughter has XP Home Media Edition and it has a lot of bells and whistles that I don't like and wouldn't use, and probably overtaxes Ram.


  7. Welcome to the forums, Mystified! And you brought up a good point! Mods/Admins, maybe put Terrorist's link in the "commonly recommended software section" here?

    One thing to keep in mind for the upgrade is RAM. MS recommends 128 gigawatts minimum but XP won't run well at all on that. My idiotbox runs fine on 256 (I don't "gun" it) but you really should have 512 for XP.

    AND look for specials on XP. With Vista due soon, stores are beginning to offer XP at good deals. Scour the Sunday Ads.

    Hoping you can upgrade, XP plays so much nicer than 98!!


  8. LOL, Pat, the funniest thing is when I whined to my Sister and she said ,

    "when they complain, hand them a rag"

    And wouldn't you know, I decided to DO that and they haven't complained since!! :D

    Oh, we have been getting Ladybugs but not so bad this year as previous years. The back porch usually ends up covered with them in Spring and Fall. "Someone" bought Asian Ladybugs and introduced them to our environment. Asian ladybugs can't handle our winters so they come in the house in droves in the Fall looking for a warm place to hibernate. They're orange-red instead of red and they bite! But I don't mind, when they come in the house I just deposit them on the houseplants. Figure they might as well look for any spidermites and earn their keep. :thumbsup:


  9. Gotta think back to the "hippy days" when it comes to baggy pants, unkempt hair and cleanliness, Pat! It's a neverending cycle, I suppose! Thank God Son actually listened to me when I nagged him about girls liking a guy who smelled and looked clean (thank God he was girlcrazy so it sunk in! :D ). He desperately needs a haircut, but at least his hair is clean!!

    The Brawny Commercials I remember were two rolls of paper towels sitting on a park bench discussing the "goings on in the lives of Hope and Bo", I'm thinking they're discussing a soap opera and it's hilarious!! There's another series of Brawny commercials where a rugged, good looking guy wearing a flannel shirt is "posing" while cleaning up a mess on a counter with a paper towel. Not as funny, but I wouldn't care if my Hubby posed while cleaning, heck, he's cleaning ! :D Yeah, a man pushing a vacuum cleaner is the ultimate turn on, remember that, guys! :thumbsup: A Vacuum Cleaner IS a power tool, by the way!


  10. I know about those umbrellas you're talking about, Pat! Glad to hear you survived the drench. It was on the news and it sounds like you got a wallop.

    I've been cleaning, cleaning, cleaning....The "Outlaws" ;) are coming for Thanksgiving. Ugh. They were raised in a filthy house, yet always seem to find the one speck of dust or fingerprint I leave behind, so now it's sort of a competition, I dare them to find anything to point out to me! 3 years in a row and no complaints, going for 4. Steam cleaned all the carpets the past two days and washed the windows inside and out a couple weeks ago so the biggest job is over!

    At least the house is completely spotless after Thanksgiving so I can mess it up decorating for Christmas! :thumbsup:


  11. OK, I gotta admit, I loved this show (well until Elmo became a main character!) Still in shock about number 3, how sad for our toddlers to not hear, "ar, arr, arr, arr, arrrhhh, I lovvvve it"

    20 things you didn't know about Sesame Street


    1. Baby Bear is Jewish.

    2. The Count is nearly two million years old.

    3. The Count’s laugh after counting each number was discontinued over concerns of it frightening children.

    4. In 1985, Snuffeupagus ceased to be a creature only Big Bird can see. The reason? Concerns that adults not believing Big Bird about Snuffy would lead to children being afraid to speak out about sexual abuse.

    5. In the first season, Grover was brown, not blue.

    6. Cookie Monster predates Sesame Street by 3 years. He began his life as “The Wheel Stealer†in an unaired General Foods commercial, and went on to become involved in an IBM training film and a commercial for Munchos, where he went under the name “Arnold the Munching Monster.†Back in these early days, he had a big set of sharp teeth and seemed a little more terrifying to kiddies than the friendly blue monster we all know and love.

    7. During his first season in 1979, Telly was known as “The Television Monster.†He had an antenna on the top of his head and his eyes would spin around whenever he watched TV. In 1980 he was revamped into the worrywart we’ve all gotten used to.

    8. Rosita, the only Hispanic Muppet on Sesame Street, is actually a fruit bat.

    9. In the first season, Oscar the Grouch was orange, not green.

    10. In 1970, a single was released of Ernie singing “Rubber Duckie.†It reached #16 on the Billboard chart.

    11. Bert and Ernie aren’t gay. Get over it. Sesame Workshop has gone on record about this. YEAH RIGHT!!!!

    12. The pilot episode of Sesame Street that was screen tested in front of a number of families in July 1969 featured only one Muppet sketch. It involved Bert and Ernie. This was the only part of the show that tested well, so the show was retooled to focus more heavily on the Muppets, and to have them interact with human characters as well.

    13. After Jim Henson’s death in 1989, only a handful of “News Flash†segments, which prominently featured Kermit the Frog, were created. In 2001, the sketches, both old and new, were abandoned completely.

    14. Guy Smiley’s real name is Bernie Liederkrantz.

    15. The fat blue muppet that always plays a customer to Grover’s waiter has a name befitting his appearance - Fat Blue.

    16. In 2002, a the South African version of Sesame Street, an HIV-positive muppet was introduced in 2002. Kami is a five year old girl that became HIV-positive through a blood transfusion as an infant. Her name is derived from the word “Kamogelo,†which means “acceptance†in several African languages.

    17. Contrary to popular belief, Big Bird is not a canary. He’s a Golden Condor.

    18. Although the character of Elmo didn’t debut until 1984, the Elmo puppet was used regularly as a background Muppet since the early 1970’s.

    19. Barkley was originally intended to be an acrobatic ape rather than a sheep dog. As well, he was called Woof Woof at first, only being called Barkley after several appearances.

    20. Ken Kwapis, the director of the 1985 Sesame Street film “Follow That Bird,†went on to be involved in the creation of such cultural TV landmarks as The Larry Sanders Show and the The Office.
