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Posts posted by blim

  1. *bighugs* to Macmarauder!

    Sorry about the jobthing, but being in retail sales for a million years, I'm with you--if a product is crap, tell the customer, "its crap". THEY are your concern and THEY will follow you to your next place of employment if you're honest with them, and you can sleep at night! Trust me, I had many customers follow me from the carpet store to JCP furniture because they appreciated me telling them what products were "crap". My boss from the carpet store didn't like my method (it almost got me fired quite a few times! Getting fired for telling the truth....), but my boss from JCP loved my "honesty is the best policy method"!

    At least you have another notch on the resume!

    Really glad things are going well between you and Fatma! And really, really glad you're paying off those bills. Believe me, you're at the age where you need to keep your "creditnose clean"--it will reward you in the end.

    I've just been busy tackling the "end of summer things", putting gardens to bed, giving the dog one last bath till May, yada, yada...Good thing, it's supposed to sn*w tomorrow. Ugh, ugh, ugh. And the leaves haven't barely started falling for raking up. I WON'T rake in the snow, uh, uh! Fair weather gardener here. I'm wondering how much of a mess I'll have in the Spring.

  2. I wholeheartedly agree that 18 is too young to go to war, Shanenin! I would love to see enlistment, drinking, voting and smoking raised to 21! Give ALL "privledges" at one age.

    BUT much of Europe has a completely different stance for drinking. One can legally drink anywhere between 14 and 16, depending on the country, BUT can't get their drivers license till 18 (and then, it's so expensive to get a license that most kids don't drive till their 20's) Seems their philosophy is to teach kids how to respect liquor before obtaining a drivers license (and their drunken driving laws are more strict than ours are as far as fines/jail time) I've always wondered which method is better and Europe almost makes more sense to me. Learn whether or not one can handle booze before learning to drive!

    Frank Zappa once said something about marijuana (I probably spelled that wrong) "Legalize it and tax the h*ll out of it". Sure makes sense. Out of all my kids' friends, only ONE smokes tobacco because of Michigan's horrendous tobacco tax (about $45 for a carton of Marlboros!) They can't afford to smoke so they don't smoke! Good for them!!! Hopefully they'll never start!

    *sure hope we aren't getting too political here. My slant is a health aspect, not political. If so, oops, I'm sorry!*

    edited to correct spelling mistakes, but I don't think it did any good ^_^


  3. Hi Duol and welcome to Besttechies! The experts here will get you fixed up in a jiffy!

    Now, I have no idea what an irq is, but just to rule things out for the experts--have you called your Broadband company? From what I've read, 9 times out of 10, it's something goofed up on their end. You should insist that a tech comes out with his/her laptop and see if he/she has the same problem you do.


  4. Never even noticed the shade of her skin, Marty, so you needn't worry about that. I agree, obesity is a race-wide problem, especially in the US.

    Wow! And I thought my be-hind was too big....this 130 pounder feels tiny now. :D


  5. I wonder if that is an air head?

    Well, Hubby has always said that one does not need to have yellow hair to be a blonde! (OK, he's usually talking about me.....)

    My next door neighbor is a hairdresser and LOVES to work on Black Hair--she says she can do anything with it and her most artistic work is with Black hair. I'll have to show her this picture!


  6. Marty, we used to have a drinking age of 18 and then voted to have it raised to 21. I was 21 at the time and I must admit, I voted to raise the drinking age!! 18 is too darned young, especially when the driving age is 16! I have enough scary memories to prove that!

    One thing I've always stressed to my kids is the "don't drink and drive, either call me for a ride or spend the night" speech. Thank God that speech has sunken in (my greatest victory as a parent!). So far, if they're drinking, they don't drive (have had a few slurred-speech phone calls proclaiming they are spending the night at friend's houses! Music to my ears)


  7. Hiya Jsky and welcome back! I know this is a busy time of year and thanks for the update, although I could have lived without the snow report (sending you very warm wishes!!) We're currently in "monsoon season" . Finally emptied the rainbuckets and put them in the shed

    DO check in more often, Young One!


  8. Awwwww, man! Between the kids bringing home a mountain of laundry from College, running amuck with Family (parents leaving for Florida), thunderstorms and the Internet breaking, I didn't get to run amuck here as much as I wanted to! I feel so.....unfulfilled :( Glad Bearskin, Joe and Sultan had my back!

    Welcome back, Chappy!


  9. Awww, Marty, not Popeye! :D akk-akkk-akkk-akkk-akkk But he always ate spinach out of a can, hopefully he's safe!

    *and yes, according to yesterday's newspaper, the spinachpanic is over*


  10. OK, the woman's opinion here....I like it! Hatches are great for hauling stuff (bigger than trunks) and it looks like it's just the right size to be super easy to drive. Good find, Hondaboy!
