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Posts posted by blim

  1. I'm not mechanical so no junkyard browsing for me, but I LOVE to lurk at our local transfer station when I bring the recyclables in. The "dumpguys" put usable stuff aside for new homes, and the desk chairs my kids are using at their apartment are thanks to them! Not a thing wrong with them, old wood and metal school chairs.

    Great place for scrap wood, too

    And our city maintenance garage has a dump of sorts where I've gotten bricks to border gardens and chunks of sidewalk to build planter boxes in front of my porch. The city maintenance guy said, "take all you want, just don't leave a mess" when I asked him about taking bricks!


  2. Wow, thanks, y'all!

    A little piece of paper packed in with the idiotbox said,

    "Your new computer does not require an operating system CD or Drivers CDs. Instead, if you ever need to reinstall your software, use one of the following methods:

    System restore (with a description)

    Dell PC Restore and Norton Ghost (optional) provide you with advanced restore capabilities"

    BUT I was smart and ordered an Operating System CD (well worth the $10!) and a Drivers CD came in the box :thumbsup:

    Soooo, I'm thinking I'm "set" without letting Casper :) loose. One possessed computer is enough!

    To eliminate that box on start up, I'm assuming go to Add-Remove Programs and remove Norton ghost?

    Thanks again


  3. Hiya Tenmm! Now, I am the master of being lost, dazed and confused, so you'll have to get in line behind me :D We have mikex here and I betcha he's one and the same--he's a goodguy!. I suppose you could send mikex a PM through this board and find out if he is mikex30 at G4.


  4. Okayyyyyyy.....I bought a new el-cheapo Dell Celeron idiotbox to replace my computer which Son took to school. After a required restart (Mcafee update) a box came up about Norton Ghost.

    There was a little blurb in the paperwork I got that said "use system restore or Norton Ghost" to fix any quirks in the computer.

    I know nothing about Norton Ghost and when that box came up, I punched "exit" until I could find out more info about this gadget.

    Is it "good and needed"? Is it basically the same as System Restore? Is it "bad"?

    This idiotbox has been declared "only for use for webbrowsing, checking email and doing weekend homework", I didn't even order speakers so the kids can't download music on it :thumbsup:

    Basically wondering that if this NortonGhost box comes up again if I should install the critter or not. This idiotbox only has 256 gigawatts of Ram and again, it's a Celeron processor, so the less gadgets the better as to not overtax the thing.

    Thanks a bunch!!


  5. My parents got sucked into the AARP thing shortly after my Dad retired--they learned that it wasn't any good. Hubby is now 52 and gets invitations to join and I toss 'em.

    As far as hotels go, SOME hotels will give you the AARP discount if you mention it and don't ask for a card. If you're gutsy enough to ask about any discounts, some hotels will give you them whether you have AARP, AAA or not. Daughter works for Ramada and gave me that tip :)

    Sultan and Terrorist, try AIG and Liberty. Also Citizens (offered through the "local guy") for quotes. We have AIG (one "kink" is that AIG looks at your credit score, but if that's good, they're really cheap) , but Liberty and Citizens were really close to AIG's prices.

    Geiko was almost double what we pay for AIG!


  6. Glad to hear surgery was a success, Marty! My Dad had it done and is absolutely fine now and you will be, too (be careful after getting "de-bagged", unpleasant reactions ARE only temporary, but scary, according to my Dad!)

    And thanks, Sultan, for the update



  7. I'm Baaaack! *bigwaves*


    Ordered a Dell el-cheapo Celeron, waited a week, no idiot box, called Dell, the automated phone system said my order didn't exist! Talked to "Ahhhndy the heavily Indian accented rep" who said, "your computer will arrive in twoooo-day" Told her in "twoooo-day", it will be Sunday here in the States, no UPS service. Then she said, "I email you in twooooday". Uh, no computer here, no email. "Ok, I call you in twooooday". Waited 3 days, she never called, and called Dell and re-ordered the idiot box.

    And setting up the idiot box without the help of Son was a scary experience (having to read each direction 3 times!). Of course, then I had trouble getting online...after a call to Charter, apparently all that was needed was a computer restart.

    Finally, I'm back....for now, barring any more trouble getting online. No internet withdrawls (kids at college and I've been tackling their bedrooms) but I forgot how to type! :D

    If I remember right, Pat and Hubby take a roadtrip in September with their RV. Hopefully she's just on the road. Didn't realise she's been MIA, too. Hopefully she's just enjoying her vacation!


  8. Danny, you're in Florida?? Ohhhh, that's my favorite place in the US. We used to vacation in Ft. Lauderdale (my Grandparents had a winter house there, it was empty all summer, perfect, except that only the loonies like us who vacationed in Florida in August!) But I LOVED every minute of it. Somehow it didn't feel as hot as up here, probably the humidity difference or the Ocean breeze or the air conditioning in the house, who knows??.

    And you're right the sun IS stronger down there. This darkskinned beachbunny got burned down there and learned to use sunscreen (I never use that stuff up here and used to spend hours at the beach). 15 minutes "unprotected" is about it in Florida!

    I miss palm trees, I miss the smell of the Ocean air, I miss the bathwater temperature ocean, I even miss the sticky feeling on the skin after swimming in the Ocean (well, kinda), I need to go back to Florida!!


  9. Son's taking this idiot box to school with him tomorrow and I ordered an "el-cheapo Dell Celeron" for me an hour ago. You probably spent the same amount of money building your own! Even though my tech capabilities are merely web surfing and email, I'm jealous! Don't know what most of that stuff is, but big numbers mean big horsepower! You amaze me, Jeff, good work!


  10. Son's 21 and has been taking things apart since he was two (which is the reason we gave up on a telephone upstairs, he kept taking apart the phone jack adaptor)

    Like you, any gadget that is broken is his to tinker around with--his Girlfriend's Mom is even starting to give him things (much to my dismay as it results in my dining room table being full of parts!). He has ended up fixing a few things, but his real enjoyment is in the dismantling! :blink:


  11. Looking at all those dinky little parts of the phone just makes my head swim, Xx, but what a nice job (and I'm NOT showing Son this! You'd inspire him and that's dangerous! All I can say is that he has mastered Gadget Demolition so far.)

    Sooo, with the luminous paper, did you use cellophane or a lighting gel or something different? Did you replace the number keythings or are they somewhat transparent so the orange shines through?

    My technique with using a cellphone:

    Have the kid dial the number

    Hold the phone up to my ear and talk (and hopefully I'm holding the speaker to my ear and not the picture screen thingy)

    Finish conversation and hand the phone back to the kid so they can hang it up.

    Yup, I'm over 40! :D


  12. My idea of modding is making curtains out of sheets and reupholstering a couch for the kids' apartment....borrrrring....BUT I do read that section.

    Love the latest mod projects, phone looks terrific, Xx!

    A Novatruck, Bearskin? Yup, you need to get some photos uploaded. I can't imagine what that looks like, even though you described it so well


  13. Oh, that is cool! :thumbsup: An airplane with a motorcycle engine and fabric from Wally's (hope you picked out a nice print)

    I'm deathly afraid of heights but love to fly (why, I dunno....) So your project sounds like a blast!

    Hope you didn't get hurt crashing!


  14. It's been beautiful here, not too cold, not too hot, highs of 75-80, lows in 50's (that sends me to the sweatsuit in the mornings and evenings, but it's good sleeping weather). We need some rain, though. Hate having to break out the hose for the gardens. The lawn, well, we don't water it, so it's brown and crunchy--it'll pop back in September during our "monsoon season".

    I'd say, "come to Michigan", but the only two months like this are June and August! Y'all don't want to live through a 6 month long Michigan winter!

    No fans running, no furnace running. Cheap utility bills this month (I HOPE!)

    No 10pm sunsets anymore. Boy, at 8:15 the sun sets and at 8:30 it's pitch black out! At least it's not dark at 5pm yet--not looking forward to that.


  15. 13. Relish clipping your toenails straight onto the carpet...

    That's supposed to change after marriage?? I gotta show that command to Hubby! Ughhhh! And my family wonders why I vacuum almost everyday.....

    Gotta admit that I liked the shoe comment. Closet full of shoes, most don't fit me anymore, but they might fit me someday, right??
