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Posts posted by blim

  1. How true! *sniff*

    I remember once when I thanked my Dad for serving. He said,

    "But it was the Korean War, it didn't have anything to do with this country!"

    I've only seen his eyes well up once before (when he announced he would have to put the dog to sleep) when I told him I was still proud of him.

    Don't forget the "forgotten wars" in Korea and Vietnam.

    And PLEASE continue to pray for our troops and their families!


  2. No heat is SO much worse than no internet!!

    So glad you folks are safe! Especially seeing reports of ice in Missouri. Wow, ughhhh!

    We dodged an icicle. Forecasted 5-8" of whitecrap or 3/4" of ice, depending on the county and the wind direction. Luckily we just got about 4 inches of snow. South of us just got a little ice. Funny thing was the Weatherguessers saying 5-8" was "heavy snow". Heavy snow?!?? Nahhhh, snow isn't heavy until one gets at least a foot or three. The weatherguessers have been spoiled by the mild winter so far, I think!


  3. A verstatile vehicle for very little money! Wonder what a $750 compact car looks like ... :P
    ... [hubby] got off the couch to look at the picture! ...

    Whoa ... :blink:

    AND it wasn't during a commercial, either! :D

    Oh, Bearskin, dunerunning is hard on the vehicle! Sand gets everywhere where you don't want it to be....Now a twotracker..I remember folks telling my Dad he was stupid for taking his brand new truck in the woods to haul wood because it would get scratched. He'd say,

    "Its a TRUCK. That's what they're built for!! They're supposed to get scratched!"


  4. I think Hubby's jealous! I asked him if the Ford F150 was a full sized truck or a little truck, read your post to him and he got off the couch to look at the picture!

    He has a 1990 (Chevy?) Cheyenne but not in as good as shape as yours. Michigan Winters! But it's still his Precious Baby!


  5. You guys are making me cold! Wow, 31 in Phoenix? And 16 in California?? That's just absurd! We've been lucky in Frigid Michigan....predicted highs in the 20's, which is "normal", but after highs in the upper 40's (even hung laundry on the line! In January! In Michigan! Unheard of!! Love the smell of line dryed laundry!), yes, we were spoiled, but it doesn't mean I have to LIKE the cold weather coming back!!


  6. Welcome, Lisa!! Any friend of Marty's is a friend of mine! He's a great guy, isn't he?

    Jump in, run amuck, make a mess and let us get to know you better! Glad you're here and if you have any questions, feel free to ask them!

    Another lady in the out, fellas! :) (Once when Chappy, an admin here went out of town, he singled out Pat, Barb, Darlene and me to behave ourselves....none of the idea why! ;))


  7. You found the Mcafee Forums, Pat!!?!! Thank you. I searched with no luck thought they were kaput (I hate the Mcafee Website nowadays, not user friendly like before)

    Thank you! Putting that in my Favorites so it doesn't get lost again and going to read there now. Never joined but sure is a wealth of information!

    Hmmm, as far as installation goes, we've never had a problem with that. I'm thinking it might be better to install the Suite I have and let the kids install the other Mcafee thing on their they're more techy than I am :D (yeah....mean-mom-dirty-trick, isn't it?)

    heading off to read that link and thanks again!


  8. So when can we make a personal statement? I have soo many important things to say

    Mark :huh:

    OK, Dan explained that the thick black line is meant as a spoiler and you can only read it when you highlight it, but what the dickens is a personal statement??

    Post came through loud and clear, Pat! If us ol'ladies can get this, anyone can, right? ;)


  9. Built a barn (well, had help BUT I designed it myself), designed and built a closet, built, refinished and reupholstered furniture, Kids have never had a store bought Halloween or Play Costume, make my own Christmas Wreaths......couldn't imagine in a million years being clever enough to build a computer!! Mind boggling! Kudos to you guys!


  10. I agree, Marty! And I sure love reading everything you post. Love learning some of the NZPhrases you use. When I'm online and I start laughing and Hubby asks what's so funny, I usually say,

    "Oh, it's Marty from New Zealand again, listen to this!"

    And he laughs, too....and comments about the wacky, lovable friends I have.

    You have two feet in my door....although you might not want's cold up here now! But the welcome mat is always available to my online friends!

    The WWW makes for great neighbors, even if they're halfway around the World!


  11. me to hitest

    grand parents came before sliced bread

    i was close to mine

    and they spoiled me rotten

    my grand ma used to allow me things my mum wouldnt

    s0 i had a special relatio ship with her

    it would be a screwed up world with out them


    But of course! That's what Grandparents are for...Aunties, too (and my Sisters cuss me out every Christmas when their kids open their presents and shout with glee...they're always noisy or messy or potentially dangerous like yo-yo's! But who else is going to get them those fun toys??)

    I have such fond memories of telling my Maternal Grandmother what a mean Mom I had and she would agree with me every single time! :D I KNOW she likely laughed hysterically when I left and probably called my Mom with the "report" but at the time, I didn't know that and I didn't care...All I knew was that someone was "on my side", or so I thought!



  12. I was thinking along those same lines, Shanenin; uninstalling the suite through Add/Remove Programs and then installing the "3-computer AV/Firewall Package", just in case it doesn't ask me if I want to uninstall the old version of the suite...

    NOW, I have Cable internet which means "always on". Do you think I should unplug the Cable Modem when I do this so no cooties will infect my idiotbox while the old version is uninstalled and the new version is installing? Even though it's only about 10 minutes or so without protection (depending on how many times I need to read the installation instructions before they sink in!) I'm nervous about having the idiotbox unprotected for that amount of time. That's what I'm-a-thinking, whaddabout you?



  13. Hope I can explain this so bear with me!

    My trial period of Mcafee Suite just expired on this new idiotbox. It contains AV, Firewall, Spamblocker and Privacy. Due to free-with rebates I have a brand new 2006 Mcafee Suite which I bought just before I got this new idiotbox (AV, Firewall, Spamblocker and Privacy--I only plan on using the AV and Firewall) It will have updates for a year so I figure it's as good as a 2007 model. I also have a newfangled thing--Mcafee AV and Firewall 2007 for three computers (bought it with Son's and Daughter's computers in mind and it was free with rebate).

    Can I safely put the newfangled Mcafee AV/Firewall for 3 computers over the Mcafee Suite without problems or should I stick with installing the Suite over the Suite? In previous years, I've always purchased the suite and during installation it says,

    "Oh, I see you have an older version of Mcafee Suite. Can I uninstall that and install the new version?" (something like that anyways!)

    Mcafee no longer has forums so I don't know if anyone's had any problems installing one completely different flavor over another.

    And yes, I like Mcrappie! Used it since 1999---Old ladies don't like learning curves :)

    Thanks a bunch


  14. Woweee, I clicked on my profile to see what you were talking about and it's wayyy different! Woweee, the reply box is different, too!

    Thanks, Shanenin, I would have never poked around in my profile if you hadn't mentioned it (and my photo looks GREAT! :thumbsup: )

    :pirate: just a test *happydance* Oh, yeahhhh, he's still here! :pirate:
