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Posts posted by blim

  1. Wow, Bobby! Fantastic show! That's a lot of cellos--are they paintings of cellos or did she collect all those and paint them? Looks like she painted cellos but I can't imagine collecting that many (they're expensive!)

    Thanks for sharing that and please pass on "Bravo!" to your sister. She sure is talented.


  2. Tooooo Cute!!! Must go cuddle the dog because I don't have a panda....OK the dog was napping and didn't especially appreciate me distracting her from her "very important job" of keeping the couch from floating away, but I don't care. I needed a subsitute panda and the Sandydog is a little fat and cuddly when she feels like it....(OK, I tortured her :) )

    Passing that on, Marty, thanks!


  3. Thought of you getting our leftovers, Terrorist! And my sympathies as it will be bad for you tomorrow, too (slightly better today than yesterday as far as whiteouts) But cold! Road commission is advising it's too cold for the deicing stuff to work so obviously that means they're pulling trucks off the roads. Not good!

    Y'all stay warm!!


  4. I KNEW hanging clothes on the line in December (December!!) was going to bite us on the rear!! Just didn't know if it was going to be a cold winter or no summer. But think of it this way, hopefully we will get a summer!! *knock wood*

    Those dog-gone westerly winds sent that @#%*$ to us, Shanenin!

    1 degree

    -15 windchill (that's an hours drive inland, so we at the lake are probably colder, weatherguessers predicted up to -30 at the lakeshore)

    snow, snow, h#$@, it's a blizzard.

    We aren't as cold as you are, but cold is cold. Bundle up, drive carefully and think warm thoughts...or have a hot cocoa or a hot toddy!

    You get Spring in March? We have to wait till May.

    Someone who's techsavvy needs to please post some pictures of deserts and palm trees and tropical plants to warm us Northerners up!


  5. Now, to add a wee bit to Mike's post about hotels with wifi. The local Ramada here has wifi but the guest needs to use some sort of special password *or something* to access the internet (Daughter works there and her boss is a Geek, so I imagine he installed some anti-wardriving prevention thingy??)

    BUT anyone who runs into that problem only needs to go into the bar for a soda and politely ask the front desk person about using the laptop and she or he *should* cheerfully offer the password *or whatever it is* least Daughter does :thumbsup: As she says, her boss pays the same rate no matter how many folks use the internet so why not?? (that is IF the person is polite!!)

    Of course, even if there isn't any anti-wardriving protection in these areas, go in for a soda anyways--you'll give the place some business and hopefully have a comfy chair!


  6. Just logged out to take a peek. The ads aren't bothersome at all, hardly noticable--and seeing as they're hardly noticable, would it help YOU and BTs if everyone could see them? I for one wouldn't have a problem with it.


  7. Someone submitted a video of an airforce flyover for President Ford's funeral to YouTube and the Air Force wants to thank the person who shot it and bring them to DC for a formal thank you--if anyone knows how to trace this video to the submitter and let them know they need to contact the "powers that be", folks sure would appreaciate it

    News linky with video link

    Trying to get the word out!


  8. My sympathies to Shanenin and Marty! And *knock wood*, my Daughter has an "attitude" with boys! *knocks wood again*

    And Marty, as my Hubby says,

    "Having a Daughter scares me to death as I was a teenaged boy once-I know how they think!"

    And he was very willing to tell her "men are pigs" when she was in tears over a past boyfriend. Every comfort I gave her didn't sink in, but Daddy got her to stop crying and get a "mad-on" with his statement, Bless his heart! With teenaged girls and boy problems, "mad" is much easier on parents than "sad"!

    And LOVE George Carlin! He IS right!!


  9. :D Oh, Chuck, yes your name is not good with the "Banana-nana-fo-nana" game!

    This joke sure reminds me of my Dad! At one time we had FIVE, yes FIVE girls, no boys, between the ages of 13-18 in our house (think about it...FIVE teenaged girls!). I remember the first time a boy came to our house "to call on me". This was the "Hippy age", he had hair down below his ears and my crew cut wearing Dad said,

    "Who the h*** are you and what the h*** do you want with MY Daughter???"

    I wasn't home at the time, but yup, I was mortified! For some reason, he never came around again :blink:

    My printer went to GVSU with the kids but sending this joke to a Sister to print off for my Dad :D Thanks, Mike!


  10. :D I remember when we used Adaware and Spybot on the Possessed Gateway and they came up with 600-and-something cooties! 108, phsaw, that's nottin'

    Hoping your buddy's idiot box is working much nicer now--and hook him up with Spywareblaster to keep the cooties from infecting the idiot box in the first place!


  11. Y'know the old joke about "might as well buy a new printer when you run out of ink" ?

    Meijers had a "Super Saturday Sale" flyer in the paper today. If you bought a combo pack of ink cartridges, you got an HP Printer free! (Of course, the printer does NOT come with ink!)

    Made me giggle.
