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Everything posted by shanenin

  1. Was your recent degree helpful in getting that job?
  2. The tomcoyote forums do it that way also.
  3. If one of those programs blocked the install, as for as adobe is concerned it may appear as not having permission. If you can, temporarily disable those programs(at least all real time protection) then try again.
  4. Do you have a security program like spy sweeper that is not allowing installion of IE addons?
  5. What kind of things was it used for, mobile computer networks?
  6. That is good advice. I would say their is a fair chance the card is bad, but until it is used on a clean install, you can't say for sure. Professionals reload as a way of fixing things all the time, it just works. Plus the computer will always run better afterwards.
  7. How long has it been since you reloaded your system. If that is an option, i would try that before buying the new card.
  8. you found what? Did it say something like "nvidia 5500" under display driver I would try one more time to make sure they are fully uninstalled, then try one last time to reinstall them. This guide will walk you through it
  9. 1. Is nvidia driver listed in add/remove program? 2. If you goto device manager, what does it say under "display driver"
  10. do you mean you can't find the correct driver to download? If you have XP or 2000 this is the one
  11. I think chkconfig --list will show you what services you have running. You might have to specify the runlevel you use chkconfig --list 3
  12. Sorry, did not mean to get all serious on your joke. It was funny
  13. We are a country of immigrants. Diversity(the great melting pot) is what makes America, America. I don't blame the people for taking handouts, why not. I blame a system that rewards laziness. I do think the government should help the working poor make ends meet. I personally pay just $100/ month for health insurance for my family. I am pretty certain Minnesota is subsidizing that. I am getting a substantial income tax credit, since I am considered working poor with kids. If the government did not help out, we would be living in poverty. With that said, a part of me feels guilty taking form th
  14. I am not sure how good it is, but most linksys routers do SPI(stateful packet inspection) . I have the wrt54gl, a setting allows me to turn SPI on or off. Maybe I am more protected then I thought.
  15. Hitting apply first gives a little exrta assurance :-)
  16. I always thought clicking "ok" was equal to clicking "apply", then "close" .
  17. I understand the main security of a nat router is just invisibility. If they don't know you are there, they won't waste any time. I do have a couple of forwarded ports in the 20000 range, but they are closed. Worst case senario, lets say somebody scanned the higher ports, and found me at a certain address, is it still a challenge to pass through the nat router? Will 99% of hackers just move on, or do you think they would try and get through the router?
  18. This link rambles about it I had version, That seems like the final release. I am not sure if it is to do with branding or other reasons.
  19. Yep, me too, a router works well, does the job:-) iccaros may disagree with us on this. I mentioned in the past that I just used a nat router as a firewall, and he said it does not offer much protection.
  20. My thought is I feel pretty safe behind my router. I even mentioned using empty passwords. I would not think twice about turning it off. Think of all the computers that have windows file sharing set. The only requirements to have access are to have the same workgroup name.
  21. Thats good advice. They need to assume that unless otherwise shown. I have a daughter that is almost 15 myself(and a younger one) I worry that some guy is going to take advantage of her.
  22. I do it similar to Brian's way except I just copy and save the whole favorites folder, then just paste the whole favorites folder in C:\documents and settings\user_name\ in the new machine.
  23. according to the link sethook left, you need to have a fully installed and activated copy of XP. This link also backs that up (from the article)