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Everything posted by shanenin

  1. Yup, that is my middle child, she is 11. I also have a 15 year old girl and an 8 year old boy
  2. I personally have not and will never use one. I don't trust any automated program to chop apart my registry. It seems unsafe. I am not sure they really do any good, assuming they don't do harm.
  3. I have way to much time on my hands today, so you guys get to see some pictures :-) This next batch turned out better. It rolled really nice.
  4. I have seen Ming on his tv show a few times. I liked it.
  5. That was my thought, especially with the "restart" greyed out(or missing). A reinstall is not that much work(you could do it yourself), a few hours and your computer will be running like brand new. I am really surprised the shop you brought it to did not recommend that. It would have solved your problem and made them some good money.
  6. I bought some short grain rice today and rice vinegar(I used balsamic yesterday). I have some left over tuna, so I am going to make a new batch today. i think the main problem with my rice was its moisture level. After adding the vinegar mixture, I will dry it slightly.
  7. That appears like it worked correctly. If that did not fix your problem, you should try and reinstall the drivers. I think this page below lists 4 different choices that may work for your computer. I believe they all contain the same driver, but different control panels. Set a restore point and take a logical guess, and try one of the 4 packages listed at the bottom〈=eng
  8. I tried to make sushi rolls tonight. I had alright results. I rolled up avocado, tuna, cucumber, ginger and horse radish(like wasabi) along with rice in seaweed sheets. The week part seemed to be the rice mixtue I used. My rolls did not hold tight. My next batch will turn out better, I will have to follow a traditional recipe for preparing the rice. I also just used regular long grain rice, I think real sushi rice binds together better. Any of you guys like sushi?
  9. TT left a link about a free version(older version) of Acronis that will clone xp for you. Do a search on the board, I have newer paid version, but the program works great.
  10. Older versions were flagged as rogue, do to false positives. It appears they have cleaned up the program, it is no longer listed as rogue. I wonder how well it actually gets bad stuff?
  11. you could just uninstall them all. upon next reboot they should reinstall automatically. If something goes wrong and system restore is working properly, it should roll things back to the way they were. Just before doing it, I would make a new restore point.
  12. Since most people don't backup, that is just more info that will get lost. Say bye to your quarter of a million songs.
  13. shanenin


    25 french frys has nearly double the potassium .
  14. Incompetence. Did they tell you why they did not try and fix the issue you needed fixed, just curiousAs Mark stated, you probably just need to let windows reinstall the drivers. If windows is unable to reinstall them after you deleted them, you may have to install them from scratch. What model computer do you have, i am having trouble finding the driver based on your belarc output?
  15. Thanks for all of the suggestions. I found windows media player has a built in 1d3 editor. Its only drawback is only one song at a time can be done. eaytag for mp3s allows you to do whole directories of music.
  16. I would consider using a raid 5 array . If you have multiple hardrives in the system, and one fails, you will not loose info; it is also a very fast way to serve files.
  17. I think that is happening because ubuntu uses an ext3 file system. When the windows installer checks the hardrive, it does not have a place to install it(it does not understand ext3). You will need to use a live version of linux(like your ubuntu install disc) to delete all of the partitions. Then when you boot with the windows cd it will work 1. boot with the ubuntu disc 2. open a command shell 3. enter the following command sudo cfdisk /dev/hda Delete all of the partitions listed, you will just be left with unallocated space. Make sure you choose "write" to finalize the operation. WARNING: T
  18. if you go into the bios setup screen, does your harddrive appear their?
  19. Do you have a large amount of dust built up inside? I highly doubt heat was the issue. After the crash, would you system boot anymore?
  20. do you plan on using linux or windows? Linux would be nice, you could fully admin it from windows using putty(a way to login to linux). The cool part is you do not even need a moniter.
  21. good idea about removing the hardrive, no chance of screwing up. You don't need yo link the my documents until after you reinstall.
  22. The computer will do it automatically. JSKY had a good suggestion, make sure you link your "my documents" directoery to the new partition.