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Everything posted by shanenin

  1. Just to rule out a problem on your computer, I would try rolling back system restore to a point where you know eveything was working alright. If that does not fix your problem, you can more likely assume the problem is with your isps smtp servers.
  2. The constant beeping could be caused by a faulty keyboard, I have had that problem in the past. If you can disconnect it and try a usb keyboard for a diagnostic method. If that works, you can look in to getting a new keyboard. It may just be a loose connection. I think the most probable cause of the dim screen is the inverter. Short of trying a new one, I don't know of any way to test them. I put a multimeter on a good one once, but it did not show any voltage. Good luck, I hate working on laptops, I usually pay my friend to help me take them apart if it is for a client (I am not good with de
  3. Just to help diagnose, you could use a large hardrive from an other machine. It may help for pin point the problem.
  4. I would be curious to see if you have luck with another different large drive.
  5. I got my first job to add XP to a new vista laptop for a dual boot system. He had a soundcard for his DJ business that does not have drivers for Vista. It was a Gateway laptop, since it came preinstalled with Vista, they did not offer any drivers for XP. Finding the drivers were a bit of a pain, but other then that it went smooth. I got another call from somebody wanting a new laptop with XP, they don't want vista yet. She would rather by an old used laptop, then a new one just because of the OS. I sold here my old toshiba I payed $500 over one year ago, for $400. I will by a new one with vis
  6. The alternate iso you recommended may work, or possibly just using the text install. I would try those first before giving up on ubuntu. I would also stick to with the 32bit version, it is much better supported.
  7. You could use msconfig to disable all startup programs. If that solves the error with the next reboot, you could then enable one program at a time to see which one is causing the error.
  8. Have to tried a system restore? If you have a recent conflict causing it, rolling back the registry can help.
  9. You could disable nic in the bios, that is like removing it, but it will no longer show up in the device manager, so I don't know how you would be able to remove the drivers.
  10. If you have any addons, I would try disabling them. You may be able to track the problem down to a specific addon tools>>internet option>>programs>>manage addons
  11. Here in Minnesota it costs .35/pound to recycle computer components and monitors. It is illegal to throw them in your garbage. I usually remove the circuit boards then throw away the case. In my mind it is not an electronic item anymore. Then i just pay to recycle the circuit boards.
  12. My children have the week off of school for spring break, they and their friends are driving me crazy. I need my quiet time during the day. I am already dreading summer(I got a taste this week). Insanity: Loud kids X 18hous/per day X 7 days/per week X 12 weeks. My attitude sucks.
  13. You would still want to run the 32 bit version of Ubuntu, just like windows the 32 bit version is more compatible with software and drivers. The athlon 64 processor will run fine with that OS, just like it does with 32 bit Windows XP. If Ubuntu allows you to choose a text mode install, try that. You may also have better luck with the newest version available.
  14. I have version and it has some issues with dual layer discs.
  15. I have 2.03 on both my windows and linux boxes, I have not noticed any issues.
  16. Thanks guys, my wife is excited. She has been looking for several days :-) edit added later// How do you think the "apostrophe" was added in the image above, it is not part of the font set? Do you think that was drawn in by hand?
  17. My wife really likes this font as in the picture below. I think the font is called "fabulous fifties". Somebody did this for her, so we don't have access to the font, but would like to get it. Any suggestions to finding it, or a similar font would be appreciated
  18. That beautiful. do you guys have lots of bears(grizzlys) and wolves in your back yard?