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Everything posted by shanenin

  1. here is a guy who documented installing ubuntu on an external drive. edit added later// I personally have never tried to install any OS on a USB drive. Looks like a fun project though
  2. The idea behind this is you can use a matrox g450 card($15-$20 on ebay), with an old computer and make a video jukebox. You can change an old computer, into a great file server and mpeg 4 player for your tv. It is not really desighned to capture video or watch tv. I have tested this on a celeron 500mhz with 64mbs of ram, and it works great. It never goes above 60% cpu load. You may be able to get it to run on something sub 500mhz also.
  3. exactly. No matter how it gets into your house, no matter what method used, it can only go as fast as your dial up connection. I recommend using the sneakernet :-) have him download it, put it on a drive or disk, then walk it over to your house. I am sure you already thought of that idea.
  4. you can definately safely connect your computers. I do not see you gaining any speed. You will still be transfering the file from him at dial up speed. You will not be getting the file any quicker getting it form him then downloading it yourself. if you use the program hamachi to make the connection between your computers, you do not even have to open any ports or disable your firewall. Once your computers are connected, you can just use simple windows file sharing to make transfers.
  5. I have never cleaned my registry, in all honesty, do you think it really helps?
  6. their is is some really good freeware out there: all of the OSs based on the free linux kernel, the gimp, dvd shrink, dvd dycrypter, mplayer, k3b(dvd/cd player software), firefox, and tons more.
  7. after reading it again. he wants to remove previews and extras, but keep chapters. He may be able to still remove extra audio tracks, previews, and extras and just leave chapters. I have never tried to do that myself.
  8. not always. If you remove the extras, which include: extra audio tracks, subtitles, previews, and other non movie files. You can be left with the actual dvd movie that will fit on single layer dvd without compression. I would say about one third of the movies I rip, do not require any compression to be made to fit.
  9. I have exchanged motherboards with newegg that said they have still exchanged them if they came DOA. I do not think they will give you any problem. From what I remember, I did have to get a RMA number from a live person. The automated system would not dispatch me one.
  10. is your bootup faster?
  11. Bubba Bob beat you to asking me for the referral credit. He PMed me yesterday.
  12. From what has been posted, the drive seems like it is detected. it does not sound like a configuration problem. The drive just seems defective.
  13. Thanks for your input, It is appreciated. did you have any trouble tranfereing your phone number? they advertise $25/month for unlimited usage. Does the price end up being alot higher with hidden taxes and fees?
  14. I am thinking about switching my home phone service to vonage. Do you guys have any opinions or experience with it?
  15. just a thought. Are you and your son in the same residence? If you are, why don't your share the high speed connection.
  16. you can also start a service like this. /etc/init.d/hotplug start or the ubuntu way sudo /etc/init.d/hotplug start after starting hotplug, you may want to restart alsa /etc/init.d/alsa restart or a reboot will work :-)
  17. I would guess it is one of these services: hotplug alsa
  18. the cool part was HP was using a free open source langage. In all honesty it is an old verion of python. I would prefer to use python-2.4 myself.
  19. is it an option to use vnc to a windows box? It is not real practical, but it is fun(at least for a few minutes).
  20. why does it tell me the function only takes 0 arguments? >>> def test(*inputt): ... return inputt ... >>> test('d') ('d',) >>> def test(**inputt): ... return inputt ... >>> test('d','g') Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? TypeError: test() takes exactly 0 arguments (2 given) I guess I was expecting output like this {'d': 'g'}
  21. I was working on an HP computer that seemed to have python-2.2 installed, it was listed in add/remove programs. This is a new computer that is used at my the hair salon my wife works at. I mention that because I am fairly certain noboby installed python. Why would python come preinstalled on an HP computer?
  22. NFS over a lan kicks ass. I am amazed at how much faster it is then windows file sharing.