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Everything posted by shanenin

  1. thanks for the explanation :-)
  2. nfs is pobably a bad choice to use for remote computers. rcp might be a good alternative. I tried to emerge rcp, but can't seem to find what pachage it is part of. .......I just did man rsync. I can do that without using an ssh tunnel(I have been using it with). that is probably the best method to use. edit added later// I just did a quick unscientific experiment. I first copied a directory using rsync not using an ssh tunnel it gave me these results wrote 195888 bytes read 1420 bytes 7174.84 bytes/sec total size is 589969 speedup is 2.99 then I did the same directorty, but renamed it, usi
  3. A friend and I have been using hamachi to network our computers. we have been able to succesfully use rsync with ssh or plain old scp without rsync to tranfere files back and forth. Since hamachi allows for secure connections we tried to export nfs shares to each other, but this is failing. We are able to export and mount the shares remotely. But when it comes to copying files it just works horrible or not at all. for example, we were able to copy less then one mb of a avi file, then it just froze. We also tried to copy a huge directory of pictures, just a few of the very small amount of pictu
  4. so changing this line def summ(list): to def summ(*list): that sure was a mininmal amount of code to fix the problem :-) I am not sure I fully understand. if you add an "*" it takes multiple arguments and changes it into a single tuple. Does this principle have a name?
  5. this is a cleaned up version def summ(list): sum_list = [] for i in range(len(list)): sum_list.append(list[0:i+1]) answer = 0 for i in sum_list: answer += sum(i) return answer the only thing I do not like about it is you need to give the list of numbers as a tuple. I can't see an easy way to just give it a list of numbers not in tuple form this works summ((1,2,3,4)) I would like to do it like this summ(1,2,3,4)
  6. why am I getting a syntax error with help >>> help(yield) File "<stdin>", line 1 help(yield) edit added later// I seem to have to put it in quotes. I can use do this command without quotes and it works help(sum)
  7. I am not having any luck finding firmware either. You should not have to update it anyways. But then again, I wonder why thier in none available.
  8. this puzzle kind of sucked me in. My code took me almost 40 minutes to write, so I am going to post it. It seems way overcomplicated. I am guessing their is an easier , cleaner way to do this mylist = (1,2,3,4) number_elements = len(mylist) sumation_list = [] for i in range(number_elements): sumation_list.append(mylist[0:i+1]) answer = 0 for i in sumation_list: answer += sum(i) print answer
  9. I am not sure what the defualt services ubuntu startrs are, but you may not need all of them at bootup. You can type this command to show you what services you have running at bootup ls -l /etc/rc2.d for example if you do not need printing you could disable cups. you would use this command update-rc.d -f cupsys remove these are a few services you may not use: ssh, ppp(dial up?), apmd(not needed if using acpid?), rsync(think this is only needed to run an rsync server?). i would goolge alot of the services if you are using wireless, does it stall out when trying to get an ip using your wired c
  10. this link descibes the pocedure I have used in the past. The only differenc was I had the drivers that came with my motherboard
  11. geaze, maybe I was overcomplicting it. In the past when I installed xp, I always intalled the sata drivers from a floppy. I assumbed it was alsways nessasary I guess the point is moot anyways. I ended up reinstalling using the imb system recovery feature.
  12. thanks TheTerrorist_75 I always appreciate your posts. I will look around in directory. They are propably in there.
  13. thanks, that is what I kind of suspected. don't I have to put the files on a floppy so windows xp can install to the SATA drive? The instuctions on the link seem only to work after xp is installed
  14. I am trying to find drivers to reinstall xp. The computer has a SATA harddrive. Don't I need these drivers on a floppy before i begin the install? I am having no luck finding them on the ibm sight. The model of the computer is a Thinkcentre A51 - 8122-ANU Any help would be appreciated :-)
  15. The desktop is usually a directory in your home directory. open up a terminal and type the command "ls"(without quotes). This will list the contents of your directory below is what mine looks like shane@mainbox ~ $ ls Desktop avi bones dog garpass samba usb attachment.php bin cds freevo leo python sshkey test notice the directory called Desktop, that is where your installer is. you can change to the directory by using the "cd" command, that means change directory; shane@mainbox ~ $ cd Desktop shane@mainbox ~/Desktop $ ls if you type the "ls" command, it s
  16. I am assumbing this is a windows based media center. You probebly just need to install the correct codec. I ususally just install this codec pack, and it covers most everything
  17. 1. some computers use F1, or F2 to get into the bios. 2. did you remove the ubuntu cd before reooting?
  18. that sounds like an error you may get if the cdrom is not reading the ubuntu disc properly. Did you remove the disk before rebooting?
  19. Thanks, I like the wall command. I am still surprised linux being based on unix, a large multiuser system, their is no tool(command) that allows admins to logout users.
  20. I guess I was hoping for an elegant command. Maybe one that would give the user a warning message. But the suggestion you gave works nice(effective)
  21. I have set up a user account for a friend. He uses my linux box for offsight storage. At night I sync up my two linux boxes. During that time I do not want him logged on. Is their a way to forcefully loghim out of my system using my root account?
  22. I use this script on my home computer to backup all of my familys documents, then it shuts down the computer. It runs one command at a time. After each command is finished, it then goes to the next command. That is the default behavior for any scripting language. unison -prefer "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents" -batch shared unison -prefer "C:\Documents and Settings\liz\My Documents" -batch liz unison -prefer "C:\Documents and Settings\jarrod\My Documents" -batch jarrod unison -prefer "C:\Documents and Settings\brooke\My Documents" -batch brooke unison -prefer "C:\Documents and
  23. are you actually using the "&" inbetween the commands? If so that is probably your problem. Have you tried just putting the two commands on seperate lines. This should run one to completion, then run the second one sfc /scannow shutdown -r edit added later// I think I gave you bad information. I based my answer on using a bash shell(linux). In bash if you use the "&" inbetween two commands it will execute the second before the first finishes. I just tested this using a windows command line. Using the "&" seems to complete the first command until finsihed, then execute the second c