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Everything posted by shanenin

  1. shanenin


    you are correct about the spelling, but ubuntu does not seem to have that installed mainbox shane # chroot ubunutu/ /bin/bash root@mainbox:/ # whereis dhcpcd dhcpcd:
  2. shanenin


    try using the full path /sbin/dhcpd
  3. In all honesty I need to start to learning some php. I would like to get some knowlege of web design. I am not sure how, but amaking a web interface with php might not be that hard(just guessing). As of now, it is just a thought. Thanks for the links :-) in particular, this one looks pretty cool
  4. How long has the programming projects section been here? I have never noticed it. I have an idea for a project that would involve these elements: python, mysql, an addressbook, and calender. I know next to nothing about mysql, but would like to learn. I need to make a client that can access a mysql database. I would like to store my buisness contacts and possible a calender on a DB. I am willing to cheat. If someone knows of an crossplatform(linux and windows) app that can do this already, please direct me.
  5. shanenin


    his live ubuntu cd quit working also, so that makes it seem like something changed on there end.
  6. My original attempt at the full blown mail/imap server was overwelming. I am not sure I had the motivation to even complete it. I was pretty confused by most of the config. I suppose with enough time I could have gotten it figured out. Then I found this simple method to use fetchmail to grab my email, and place them in my imap server. Their was virtually no config nessesary, it just worked.
  7. wow this was the easy. I had an imap server working in just a few minutes. I made a cron job that checks for new emails every 2 minutes. if it finds any it will download them to my imap server. Now i can access my emails from any computer that was an imap capable mail client.
  8. shanenin


    to give more details to what naraku9333 said. you should be able to disable your network interface by using a live cd boot your live cd, then open a root terminal(if that is an option with ubuntu) then run these commands mkdir /mnt/fix mount /dev/hdb* /mnt/fix mount -t proc proc /mnt/fix/proc chroot /mnt/fix /bin/bash /dev/hdb* needs to be changed to the correct partition your main ubuntu "/" partition. probably devhdb1, dev/hdb2, or dev/hdb3 now you have changed the "/" directory, so in essence your are running your harddrive install of ubunutu. Now you just need to turn off the networking s
  9. shanenin


    Not if the dhcp problem is with the telco router, a home router will still need to recieve its IP through dhcp (unless specifically configured as static). my thought was windows was able to get an address using dhcp, so the router may also be able to get one.
  10. i found this link, it does exactly what I need. It seems really simple also
  11. shanenin


    ae you still able to add a router to your setup? would letting the router do dhcp solve the problem?
  12. shanenin


    if your live ubuntu cd is not working also, wouldn't that mean the change must be your ISP? Has your dhcp worked since they upgraded to fiber optics?
  13. shanenin


    My first thing I would do would try a live version of linux, just to see if it works.
  14. telnet seems to be making connections SMTP is 25, IMAP is 143, POP3 is 110
  15. I found quite a bit of info about toshiba laptops that got "stuck" at the lower frequency, nothing about yours specifically. It might be worth checking if their is a bios update that will solve the problem. edit added later// you may find some useful information here
  16. I do not even think their is a comparison. Doesn't satelite have limits ond bandwith you can use? Doesn't satalite need your phoneline to do uploads? From what little I know about satelite, DSL is a much better service. With DSL you are also saving a lot of money.
  17. something seems screwed up. you could try disabling this feature in the bios. I think it is called "Dynamic CPU Frequency Mode" edit added later// what is the laptop model?
  18. is it a pentium m? I think they will run at a lower clock speed if the processing power is not needed. I actually thought they throttled down to 600mhz.
  19. I am following this guide, I just finshed starting these services as described early in the guide Code Listing 3.3: Start the courier services you need. # /etc/init.d/courier-imapd start # /etc/init.d/courier-imapd-ssl start # /etc/init.d/courier-pop3d start # /etc/init.d/courier-pop3d-ssl start then it says to test what I just did how do I test if those indivdual services are working correctly?
  20. I meant that with sincerity, googling is a skill in its self.
  21. I just had a chance to see the computer. Turbo tax appears to save two files in the direcrtory "my documents\turbo tax" . One file is a pdf of the return, and the other seems to be the data that it uses to import your taxes from.
  22. I have a computer job which the client wants me to reintall windows. The only data they need saved is there turbotax 2005 returns. Ideally when they install turbo tax next year, it needs to ne able to import this data. Do any of you have experience with this issue. Thanks :-) I am guessing it stores a file in documents and setting, but I am not sure.
  23. I think the problem was I had my hostname included with this file /etc/conf.d/domainname it was DNSDOMAIN="" I changed it to this now is seems to work DNSDOMAIN=""
  24. if I manually type in the domain it works mutt -n [email protected] if I do this mutt -n shane it gets addressed to [email protected], I must have a setting screwed up somewhere edit added later// the mutt command will read my email. I found theat my email is stored in the directorty ~/.maildir