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Everything posted by bozodog

  1. Wow! Scri and Bubba... How beautiful. (*sends a few amps your way to help with the bill) Yes Liz, it's Bronson park. And they do a great job of making it delightful in the daytime too. I will get some good pics this year. I'm waiting for some good snow. It makes everything sparkle. Our little town has a display up in the softball field. (center of town) All the businesses decorated a tree and they are all in one place there. One trick for night light pics... Use a tripod, and don't use the flash. Most digital cameras will adjust for the dark, but you can't move the camera..
  2. Do what your thinking of, Mac... If it's open, we will come... (as long as we don't get assimulated)
  3. Hmmmm, sleet and blowing snow... Good day to curl up with a nice drink and play on the 'puter.
  4. Looks real homey and inviting. I love lights. I don't do my house, but I do ride around town and view the special neighborhoods with some great displays. I'll post some of those pics later... Our downtown park does a nice job too.
  5. UhOoh. Liz is getting geekyer.... I didn't know you couldn't link to pics yet. Jeesch, it's easy. (as you find now) And anyone of us could have talked you through it. Good for you!
  6. Yeah, Pete. I noticed the "revenue taking" when we had a "click it, or ticket" campaign. One cop on the street spying out the unbuckled folks and 3 jurisdictions sitting on a side street ready to write. We had county, township, and even the dang campus cops pulling in $65 a pop. I'm not so sure about the high priced cars though. Around here they are looking for the beaters. You know, the ones with warrents, suspended licenses, drunk, or transporting drugs. Seems they have the dogs out on traffic stops more and more.
  7. Michigan signs... Fines doubled in work zones Kill, injure a road worker. $7500 and/or jail time. Think this would slow them down? Nawww.....
  8. A man went into a bar and ordered several shots of vodka. By the time the bar was closing,he was wasted. He got up to leave and fell flat on his face. Well, Idon't want the bartender to think I'm drunk,so I'll pretend I tripped and I'll try again." So he gets up and falls on his face. "Well, the door's not too far away: I'll just crawl." When he gets outside he thinks, "Well, I only live 4 blocks away: I can make it that far." So he stands up and falls on his face. He decides he'll try it 1 block at a time, and at every block he falls flat on his face. Finally he makes it home, stands up and f
  9. I have a Minolta A2. I never installed the software that came with it. Windows will recognise and download your pics just fine. I use Picassa for mine and I love it.
  10. Well, you can "ghost" all of your software and files. Do the sys restore and get the updates. Then install all the rest.
  11. That's right purrty.... Red feathers, how kewl.
  12. Well, in anything but freezing weather, you can carry it in the car. During the winter, just keep in mind, it "will" freeze. I suppose you could warm it on the dash above the defroster.. Don't know how long it would take. Also keep in mind every gas station and "stop 'n rob" carries it. (even if they don't have a tire service) Except for the long, lonely interstates, you should be able to walk to the nearest place. I dunno if you do, but get your tires rotated regular, and they will check for slow leaks like valves. And remember to check the pressures often, because a slow leak seldom shows u
  13. Matt, you can cyber drink here at any age. But like the real world, you must drink responsibly. (watch Liz around that pool, err do you know lifeguarding or croc wrestling?)
  14. > >>>> A Husband takes his wife to play her first game of > >>>> golf. Of course, the wife promptly hacked her first > >>>> shot right through the window of the biggest house > >>>> adjacent to the course. > >>>> > >>>> The husband cringed, "I warned you to be careful! Now > >>>> we'll have to go up there, find the owner, apologize > >>>> and see how much your lousy drive is going to cost > >>>> us." > >>>> So the couple walked up to the house
  15. I have noticed there is a brand or two out there that states they are non-flamable. Don't know since the few times I used it...I was sure to warn the serviceman about the stuff. Jeesch do they hate messing with the stuff. The inside of the tire is all wet and sticky... Yukkk!
  16. Make that toddie a double. 24F feels like 14..... 10mph winds and lake effect snow with sunshine. Dang it's coooold!
  17. Wow! what an active cat... The tabbies are so active and playful.
  18. You can also try sleeping a bit more elevated. Use two or three pillows. Like the angle you have in a reclining chair. Another great thing I've found is a "memory foam" matress pad. Paid $60 for mine at Target and absolutely love it.
  19. A traditional side dish in my family. Candied sweet potatoes, made with orange juice, brown sugar, walnuts, and whole cranberries. Yummmmm! Have a blessed holiday. We all have something to be thankfull for. However small it may be.
  20. Canned "fix-a-flat" is great stuff. BUT! Those of us in freezing climates can't keep it in the car. The dang stuff freezes. But God bless that man. Little does he know how far his act of kindness has traveled. And how many blessings he will receive. Oh, and a bit of a rant: Why the heck have they decided to use the stupid "scissors jacks" in cars now? Like I just love to get on my hands and knees, wallowing the mud and slush, with my behind hanging out in traffic to find the jack spot and crank the dumb thing up. And a good trick: Make sure your tire service folks use "anti-seize" on the lu
  21. Canned "fix-a-flat" is great stuff. BUT! Those of us in freezing climates can't keep it in the car. The dang stuff freezes. But God bless that man. Little does he know how far his act of kindness has traveled. And how many blessings he will receive.
  22. Like bearskin. I have health, love and family. So I guess I'd have to say I would love to see the many geniuses get their inventions to work for the better of the world. PEACE ON EARTH!
  23. Oohh, WOW! you used Pip's eyes! How kewl is that? Real nice work you do there my man.