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Posts posted by martymas

  1. highjack writers have by passed the normal cleaning

    process.adaware wasnt designed to clean a hijack

    where have you been

    this is general knowledge

    you need a specialised cleaner.

    so wait until some one reads your hijack log but dont touch any thing your self

    this board has plenty of hijack


    removed info that could cause damage.


  2. hi jimras

    i can only type here how did mine i have two drives one had xp and the other had


    what i did i unhooked the drive with xp .

    then i inserted the xp disk.

    and it gave me the option to format the partition

    which i did. tho i used the spare drive as storage .

    make sure you go to the bios and set it to autodetect

    then boot from the cd.

    not sure how you have your jumper set

    i took my jumper out and made it the slave.

    yes it will work if you unplug the drive with xp

    but you need to set that spare drive in the bios

    because i was a novice at doing this i got it by trial and error.

    setting the bios is the secrete


    forgot to add as tictoc posted you need to go to disk management

    to see if your drive is recognised

    but that is for another post

    so post back.

  3. hi team i found this and im posting it

    so men can see how hard they work

    Definition Of A BBQ


    It's the only type of cooking a real man will do. When a man Volunteers

    to do the BBQ the following chain of events are put into Motion:

    1) The woman buys the food.

    2) The woman makes the salad, vegetables, and dessert.

    3) The woman prepares the meat for cooking, places it on a tray along

    with the necessary cooking utensils and sauces, and takes it to the man

    who is lounging beside the grill -- beer in hand.

    4) The man places the meat on the grill.

    5) The woman goes inside to organize the plates and cutlery.

    6) The woman comes out to tell the man that the meat is burning. He

    thanks her and asks if she will bring another beer while he deals with

    the situation.

    7) The man takes the meat off the grill and hands it to the woman.

    8) The woman prepares the plates, salad, bread, utensils, napkins,

    sauces, and brings them to the table.

    9) After eating, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.

    10) Everyone praises the man and thanks him for his cooking efforts.

    11) The man asks the woman how she enjoyed "her night off."

    And, upon seeing her annoyed reaction, concludes that: there's just no

    pleasing some women!

  4. me to rezinator!

    welcome hope you stay a while

    yes g4 is a hectic place

    most of us have been members o both boards

    for some time

    and the person who created besttechie. net


    has come fro the old techtv board

    and many of us followed him here.

    i love it here very layback

    but very informative .

    there are some very compt savy people here so enjoy your stay.

    and again welcome


  5. i posted this before but cant find it on the board

    may be i forgot to post it


    Mission Impenetrable

    Close Encounters of the Herd Kind

    The Recalcitrant Altar Boy

    David Cop-a-Feel

    Tangled up in Pubes

    The Al Dente Rigatoni

    Not So Fast, Not So Hard, Not So Soon

    Two Beached Whales

    The Tony Danza

    The Filthy Fritz

    The Wildly Overripe Cantaloupe

    The Dispenser of Justice

    The Salted Slug

    Imprisoned in the Chicken Coop

    The Shape-Shifting Hell-Beast

    Dog-Eat-Dog Style

    The Hobo's Dribble

    The Instant Messenger

    Scourge of the Perineum

    The Standing "O"

    Hot Buttered Rumsfeld

    Siegfried & Boy

    The Black Hole of Calcutta

    Giraffe Elbows, Hippo Knees

    The Five Finger Discount

    The Heineken Half-Mast Heartbreak

    Chock Full 'O Nuts

    John Tesh's Hollywood Minute

    The Angry Samoan

    The Ultimate Lobster Experience

    Rooty Tooty Fresh & Booty

    The Prison Pretzel

    Vic Tayback's Delight

    The Schenectady Scab Pick

    The Steak & Leg Special

    The Scoutmaster Maneuver

    The Apple Dumpling Bang

    The Ned Beatty Riverside Rendezvous

    The Carolina Pillow Biter

    Fire in the Hole

    Charlie & the Chocolate Factory

    The Wandering Jew

    The Detroit Piston

    The Rear Admiral

    The 6 Months to Live

    The Conscientious Objector

    The Shari Lewis & Lambchop

    Third Rock from the Buns

    The Hot Mikado

    The Jealous Porcupine

  6. thanks to both of you.

    ive had esiizing trouble when i

    installed firefox .

    and i couldnt get a happy medium.

    so when i uninstalled firefox the problem stayed there

    until now

    they may be to big now.

    but it is better than before.

    tho now i know where to go

    i can check on it now and then.


  7. very good marty...I loved the song but this was the first time I've actually seen the lyrics...I had a little trouble with the loooooooooooong words.

    me to

    by the time i sung the first word the song was finished .

    so i hummed the tune.


  8. hi chappy i know how to uninstall accessorys

    but how do i reinstall it

    sorry to be a pain


    wow hold it there i went to help and support .

    and step by step i followed the accessories


    and reinstalled win components .

    and it placed wordpad on my start -all programs -accessories -menu but it isnt in win components

    arnt i clever

    thanks chappy

    all ok now
