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Posts posted by martymas

  1. g4 is very slow today .

    over the last 2-3 days it has been reasonable but it has slowed right down.

    i notice some of the posts hasent shifted since last night 24 hr ago

    some have been siting there for ages .

    it isnt so bad here

    at least it is easier to get to the forums sooner.


  2. i have to say there are some fathers like that.

    the point is how do you manage your childrens life

    this applis to boys as well as girls.

    i think back on how i was managed. and apply that rule to my kids.

    my mum and dad were quite liberal.

    tho sex was a hush word in our house.

    you were allowed to think it but not mention it.

    children of to day are more.aware of the world

    than i was.

    and i think this applys to our era.

    good luck tictoc5150

    that link isnt as bad as we make it out.

    most daughters are spoilt rotten by their fathers.

    and most daughters can twist fathers round their little fingers.

    i know i have a daughter.

    and 3 sons and i love them all

    irrespective of their gender.

    take care tictoc5150

    and good luck with your wee one.


  3. how many fathers issue this chalenge. im one


    Ten simple rules for dating my daughter


    Ten simple rules for dating my daughter


    Rule One

    If you pull into my driveway and honk, you better be delivering a package because you're sure not picking anything up.

    Rule Two

    Do not touch my daughter in my presence. You may glare at her adoringly, so long as you do not peer at anything below the neck. If you cannot keep your eyes or hands off my daughter I will remove them.

    Rule Three

    I am aware that it is considered fashionable for boys your age to wear their trousers so loosely that they appear to be falling off of your hips. Please don't take this as an insult, but you and all of your friends are idiots. If you show up at my home with your pants falling down I will be forced to ensure that they do not come off during the course of your date with my daughter by taking my electric staple gun and fastening the pants directly to your waist.

    Rule Four

    I'm sure you've been told that sex in today's world without a "barrier device" can kill you. Let me elaborate: I am the barrier, and I will kill you.

    Rule Five

    Current thinking is that in order for you and me to get to know each other, we should talk politics, sports, and other issues. Do not do this. Your ignorance and stupidity will only serve to anger me. The only information I require of you is when you will have my daughter home. To this end, you only need two words: "early" and "sir."

    Rule Six

    I have no doubt that you are a popular fellow, with opportunities to date other girls. This is fine with me as long as it's okay with my daughter. Otherwise, once you've gone out with my little girl you will continue to date no one but her until she is finished with you. If you make her cry, I will make you cry harder.

    Rule Seven

    As you stand in my hallway waiting for my daughter to appear, do not sigh and fidget. If you want to be on time you should not be dating my daughter. She is doing her hair, putting on make-up, or whatever; a process that can take longer than painting the Golden Gate Bridge. Instead of just standing there, why don't you do something useful, like change the oil in my car.

    Rule Eight

    The following places are not appropriate places to take my daughter: places with beds, sofas, or anything softer than a wooden stool - places where there are no parents, policemen, or nuns within eyesight - places that are dark or poorly lit - places where there is dancing, holding hands, or excessive happiness - places where the ambient temperature is warm enough to induce my daughter to wear anything other than overalls, a sweater, and a goose down parka zipped up to her throat - movies with a strong romantic or sexual theme. Hockey games are okay, old folks homes are better, a convent is best.

    Rule Nine

    Do not ever lie to me. I may appear to be a middle-aged, dim-witted has-been, but on issues relating to my daughter, I am the all-knowing god of your universe. If I ask you where you are going and with whom, you have one chance to tell me the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I have a shotgun, a shovel, and five acres behind the house. Do not trifle with me.

    Rule Ten

    Be afraid. Be very afraid. It takes very little for me to mistake the sound of you car in the driveway for a chopper coming over a rice paddy. When my PTSD starts kicking in, the voices in my head frequently tell me to clean the guns as I wait for you to bring my daughter home. As soon as you pull into driveway, you should exit your car with both hands in plain sight. Note the camouflaged face in the window is mine. Speak the perimeter password, announce in a clear voice that you have brought my daughter home safely and early, then return to your car.

  4. I was at a well known industrial plant today. While speaking to my contact he explained some computer problems he was having when I noticed his cursor moving all by itself. The MAJOR corp. was utilizing remote assistance, and had installed Adaware SE personal edition on his pc and was attempting to clean it of malware. I also noticed that they did not know the correct settings to properly clean his system, so I volunteered a few tweaks. My point is... isn't that the free end user (home user) edition, and shouldn't they have purchased the product for commercial use? It wouldn't chap my a%^ so bad if they were a small mom and pop business, but this is a global Major corp. that throws money away at the drop of a hat...(you would be surprised at the monetary waste there, and you and I pay for it everytime we shop at the store), should I report them to the makers of Adaware or just keep my mouth shut.

    He found 98 items in the first scan, after my tweaks he found another 112, yes I feel guilty for my minimal participation, but I was helping a good co-worker.

    Any opinions on this matter...?

    the way it turned out you didnt have much option.

    tho i commend you for the thought.

    some times we have to make dissicisions we dont like

    but my personal feelings you made the right one.

    good luck

    some times you can tell a persons.

    character by their discissions


  5. hi team not sure if this affects any one one this board .

    but read it and make up your own mind

    but be careful

    For anyone who downloaded PSP9 free


    I email Tech support about the link that was posted in an earlier post about PSP9 being free...this is a copy of the email I got back today. What you do with it will be up to you...just wanted to pass on the info.

    free PSP 9

    Discussion Thread


    Response (Andrew R.) - 05/16/2005 02:30 PM

    Thank You for contacting Corel Technical Support.

    We have been alerted to this issue and are currently working to disable

    this unauthorized download.

    I thank you for taking the time to email us regarding this issue.

    Thank you for contacting Corel Technical Support.

    If you have further questions or comments please do not hesitate to

    contact us.

    Thank You,


    Corel, Corporation

    and here is the rest of the article

    belong to another board where a lot of other people was downloading it and saw this posted just now.

    Ladies, I called the Corporate Office and spoke with a representitive. He said that the link was indeed pirated and was not intended for publishing. He said to ask any of you that downloaded it to please unload it. It is considered stealing and you could be fined for using the product.

    Thanks for welcome...I read lots more then I post...but I found this very interesting...glad I never


  6. Hey, Marty!

    Mine dual boots just fine but I have a seperate HD that I use for my Linux so all I had to do was tell it to install on hdb.


    yo jimras

    well ive got ubuntu on and it gives me the option to boot to either OS.

    it was some time before i was able to figure out the

    partitioning and the dual boot

    but im there now.

    i have both OSES on and get the option to boot to what ever i want.

    im on winxp at the moment so i can post in.

    i havent been able configure the ubuntu dial up yet.

    but one step at the time.were do i go to look for my hard ware so i can see if my modem is recognised .

    hey this is a new challenge .



  7. hi thanks jimra

    thanks ive just installed a 10 geg hdd.

    and i thought of putting a linux OS on .

    i was sent 6 ubuntu disks to give away.

    so i gave one to my self.

    ive had it on a 4.5 hdd

    but i needed win xp as i increased my hdd space by installing 2 hdd

    20 g and a 10g.

    on the 20 i have xppro.

    and i thought of using ubuntu on the smaller drive.

    when i tried to install it with win xp

    i couldnt find the option to dual boot .

    thats why i posted.

    ive tried for 2 weeks now.

    im a fan of linux .

    but it is so hard to get help.

    that i let it lay for a while.

    how ever ile have another go.


  8. hi team. will ubuntu dual boot with win.xppro

    i tried the dual boot but i couldnt find the option.

    so i had to come out and try and find a unbuntu help board.

    ubuntu wanted to delete the xp partition .

    and i couldnt find a way to stop it.

    i have other Q s

    but in the mean time i have to concentrate on getting the dual boot right.


    later i need advice on the modem.i have a IntelĀ® 536EP Modem

    and win keeps asking me to download the win patch for the modem.

    but i want to keep it free of a win patch.

    i bought it as linux compatable .

    i understand.this modem need a specialised refference no

    hope you can help.


  9. can you get a gig plaing fpr small change .

    over here we can get little jobs playing for coffebars small restr.

    not big pay but i living .

    here and australia there is always plenty of work for working bands.

    tho im retired i have been offered several jobs playing bass .

    for small time groups.

    ive done a coupla.

    but the music is to loud and rap isnt my thing.

    so i leave to the younger ones.


  10. yo keith.

    they are in all societys

    unfortunately .

    black red white all races.

    have you heard from sultan.

    i think he is angry with some one on the board.

    pity .because he is a good guy and is alwaus trying to help some one.

    i think he unsubscribed from g4 and world start.

    i cant find a way to pm him .

    about a week ago i pmed him but he sent a meaage back to say he hadent recieved it.

    when he read that i had tried to get in touch.

    hows tricks with you


  11. you hear about the Tennessee redneck who passed away and left

    his entire estate in trust for his beloved widow?

    She can't touch it till she's fourteen.

    What's the difference between a good ol' boy and a redneck?

    The good ol' boy raises livestock. The redneck gets emotionally


    What's the most popular pickup line in Tennessee?

    Nice tooth.

    How do you know when you're staying in Tennessee?

    When you call the front desk and say "I've gotta leak in my sink"

    and the front desk says "go ahead".

    How can you tell if a Tennessee redneck is married?

    There is dried chewing tobacco on both sides of his pickup truck.

    Did you hear that they raised the minimum drinking age in

    Tennessee to 32?

    Seems that they want to keep alcohol out of the high schools.

    What do they call reruns of Hee Haw in Tennessee? A documentary.

    What do they call them in Kentucky? Life styles of the rich and


    How many Tennessee rednecks does it take to eat a 'possum?

    Two. One to eat, and one to watch out for traffic.

    Where was the toothbrush invented?

    Tennessee. If it had been invented anywhere else it would have

    been called a teethbrush.

    Did you hear about the $3,000,000.00 Tennessee state lottery?

    The winner gets $3.00 a year for a million years.

    Did you hear that the Governor's mansion in Nashville burned


    Yep, pertinear took out the whole trailer park.

    What's the best thing to come out of Tennessee?


    A Tennessee State Trooper pulls over a pickup truck on I-40. He

    says to the driver, "Got any I.D.?"

    The driver says, " 'bout what"?

    A new law recently passed in Tennessee: When a couple gets

    divorced, they are still brother and sister.

    What do you get when you have 32 Tennesseans in the same room?

    A full set of teeth.

    Emily Sue passed away and Bubba called 911. The 911 operator told

    Bubba that she would send someone out right away. "Where do you

    live?" asked the operator. Bubba replied, "At the end of

    Eucalyptus Drive" The operator asked "Can you spell that for me?"

    There was a long pause and finally Bubba said, "How 'bout I drag

    her over to Oak St. and you pick her up there?"

  12. it dosent matter how much differences we have about each other.

    in little things .

    i have a huge respect for pete when it comes to.

    knowledge for compts .

    and he commands respects from us all in this regards.

    because he has a position of authority, makes us sit back and

    eye him critically .isnt that human nature.

    ive had my differences with him.

    but they fade in to insignificance.

    for what he has done for me.

    and for that matter chappy as well.

    what ever chappy has said on this thread is his busness.

    and his gripe.

    but both men have my deepest respect .

    i stuck up for pete once and my did i get a heap of pms

    but i stuck to my guns.

    and i still hold the same opinion to day .

    to be honest if pete and chappy werent there. ide be gone .

    i already belong to 3 other boards.

    so i have many choices.

    but i like to lurk here and g4 .

    because of those reasons .

    chappy has a right to voice his opinions.


  13. hi chappy ive known you long before the merger .

    you and goliath put me through the hoops at techtv

    so i am in respect of you and of course.goliath .

    at first i was skeptical of g4 .

    because at first it was a board of grizzlers from the old board

    and i was one of those grizzlers .

    i didnt want to change.

    but as most of our freinds came over .

    i gradually changed .

    with the knowledge that besttechie was going to come about .

    and once that happened i would forget g4.

    that didnt happen of course.i now post on both boards.

    many times i sent in posts asking had any one heard from you.

    at the time i didnt know you were sick.

    but remember when you first posted here,

    i answered and welcomed you.

    i didnt realised you were .associated with g4

    at that early stage .

    pete smacked my hand for saying hell.

    and ive never forgiven him

    considering the lanuage that is used there now

    i posted that on the board.

    and some one said he was probably over caucsious.

    he probably was feeling the board out

    but dont worry i lot of us have a high regard for your work.

    and we appreciate what you have done for us in the past.

    you take care

    a friend


  14. has any one tried the trend micro housecall free scan beta version.

    ive trie it and it isnt to bad .

    the down side is it has a spyware and trojon worm and virus scan all at once and it takes 50mns for the full scan .

    but if you dont take the full scan it takes a lot less.

    i think once it has come out of the beta stage it will be popular.

    ive used it for several years .

    at that time it was only a vurus scanner.

    soon it will be a multi scanner

    press on the red button.


    take a look trendmicro housecall

  15. actuually I have an older computer that I practice on...I have a lot of fun in the registry. yes I have had to reinstall windows a couple of times. I don't mess too much with my main computer.

    cherrokee chief who posts on g4 is an expert on the registry.

    so is pete and chappy.

    ide love to be like that the reg is a challenge

    i know how to delete some things.

    i can delete the search entrys. and the inactive icons.

    and when ive uninstalled certain things it is a good idea to go in and

    highlight my compt

    then go to edit - find and type that entry into the find box press

    find button

    and it will search for those entrys.

    and on the right you can delete them.

    i learned that at techtv i havent gone outside of those

    little tweeks

    but ide love to learn.

    so im going to have a look at that link.


  16. hi hitest

    ive had the ubuntu disks for several months now the .

    in the area i belong to we have a linux club

    and when i inquired about ubuntu

    they gave me six disks to give away.

    so i gave one to my self .

    but that dial up is my problem.

    i couldnt confidure the modem.

    i tried with a dual boot hoping i could dial up through xp.

    but that didnt work .so i uninstalled xp and tried it as stand alone.

    but no matter what i tried i couldnt get it to dialup.

    in most linux oses. there is a konsole you can configur your dial up but i was lost .

    when it came to ubuntu.

    whith out the dial up it was still an interesring sys and i would have loved to go on with it.

    i tried the club i got them from but 99 oercent are on broadband

    so i got no joy from them.

    strangly a club giving these disks away free .

    but no info on how to configure the modem to suit dial up.

    so i had to revert back to xp.

    and that is where i am at the moment.


  17. WOW, thanks folks for all the information!!!

    You folks are so helpful, thank you very much!!!

    Now I am a bit less scared to try it, though still not super confident about the Sun Java thing which still seems scary to me.

    I am still debating this, as that is a major size download for me. It will have to wait until I get the occasional higher connection speed.

    And right now the weather isn't co-operating either, with hints of thunderstorm activity off and one in the area for a few days. So don't want to be doing a massive download and chance losing it or messing it up to a power outage or blip, or seeing storm clouds get closer and having to shut down and unplug fast. But that will give me time to think about trying it, and time to talk myself into being brave enough to do it.

    I am sure I will find things to ask a few days down the road, thanks for your patience with this scaredy-cat.

    Now I wonder how Marty is doing with his Opera install, so let's hear a progress report Marty. Did you finally get it to work on the boards you wanted???

    God bless everyone.

    yo sidekickthecat

    the free opera is a very small download.

    but it warns you there will be ads or banners

    and slowly im trying to hide them.

    i have to add i got my down load from the g4 sticky

    get your answers here.


  18. hi team ive just got back to the thread .

    at first a got dazzled by the banners .

    but ive learned to hide the buy opera banner .

    it is a new learning curve for me

    it is certainly fast.

    one thing i need to ask i dont have sunjava.

    i went in and checked the vm boxes .

    and every thing has gone well at the moment.

    i havent had any hitches.

    ive got to get used to the tab browsing.tho

    and i need to be able handle my cookies.

    so far i havent been that far.

    i did have trouble getting the message boards opera

    wount let me use thes applis but ive ironed that out now .

    i appreciate- jcl-- flatiron_2 -peirce posting because im going to need help.

    and im sure thesidekickcat

    is in the same boat.

    so thanks and ile keep you posted.


  19. found a program

    and i have a sample of it ide like to post.

    then later i will send a link right now im trying to see if it is safe.

    the original poster of this program is very

    trust worthy.

    and at the board she posts on she has 2.200 posts

    ive been to the site and i trust the site

    these are some 0f the applis in the site

    i hope besttechie lets me post the link

    there is a heap of good stuff in there.

    these are some of the indicators


    ok team here is the link it is safe ive scanned it 3 times .

    and ive contacted the poster

    and she assures me she has had it posted on the board she posts at for 3 weeks

    and she has had 13 posts in reply

    if you make any adjustments read the disclaimer at the bottom

    of the appli.


    try here team