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Posts posted by martymas

  1. hi team how do i locate the host file so i can change the code from


    when i was at c.f.h

    we got a fix for the tivo ad that used to interfere with the message board.posts.

    i had win 98 then. and that was the code we used.

    but in winxp it may have changed.

    now i have xppro.and ive tried to find a link to it. i posted on a coupla boards but the response i got was to install a third party utility.

    but it can be done with out the utility

    does any one realise that is how browsers

    block the ads by changing the host file code.

    i have a site in my favs.

    but i cant remember how to do it

    the command sends the host file to note pad and you chang it from there

    any ideas



  2. yo team have a bit of fun with your name

    ive scanned for virus .

    but if you feel as tho you want to so



    i must stress if you go to any other site in this domain.

    you do so at your own risk.

    i havent tested it out yet .

    ive only scanned the peep hole section.

    as well i spelled dionne warwicks name wrong

    sorry bout that.


  3. i must mention irregularjoes post

    yes you are right

    now we have 9-11 12 countrys with neuclear weapons

    global warming .poison gas.oaklohoma bombing

    if any one lives in the usa they are on constant alert.

    and tho a agree it is local politics.terrorism.

    murders. rape.

    my friend this globe hasent long to live because of modenisation.

    but when we go. you will be with us.

    just that. i would like my grand children to grow up in a better world.

    i just watched a discovery program 5-6 nights ago

    and in the usa alone

    36.000 people who take their own lives every year .

    you mentioned rascism.

    it hasent changed.

    come here in the south pacific

    to australia and nz and see how blatent it is

    it still exist in the usa.

    but no matter what you do. you cant change human nature, .

    and humans attrocetys to each other.

    sure it happend then but only to a few not to millions.

    like it is today..

    humans have become to greedy.

    and greed breeds power.

    i remember when i was young the saying was

    why is a country like china a paciifist society .

    and it seems they eliminated any one who showed leader ship qualitys

    and the people lead them selves

    in other words get rid of the s-----t stirrers

    and they ran thier country for centurys like that.

    i disagree with you that the modern world is a better place.

    may be it is for the greedy. but what about the other 95 percent of us.

    you only have to lo0ok around the world. 14 countrys

    in conflict.

    including the most heavily armed of them

    does that not seem scary to you.


  4. Marty,

    If you use you could alter photos.

    Do you have it?

    i had it last year

    il_-wiccan linked it for me

    but when i reinstalled i forgot about it

    i actually hadent used it at the time.

    is there a help file with it

    i put a bigger hdd on my sys.

    so i lost all those applis strangly

    i loaded all those utilitys on a cd and infranview

    wasent one of them.

    ive just checked the cd.


  5. hi handplane

    yes i went through all that.

    when i mention it to my grand children.

    they say to me granddad.

    you are living in the past .

    and god i wished i could do that at times .

    do you know our front door was never locked for 43 years.

    when we shifted we had to cut the key out with a hack saw .

    any one want to try that today.

    no way now doors have iron bars welded across them

    yes handplane

    times have changed. i like living on nostalga.


  6. hi team if you own a pet dog yoall appreciate this


    Pet" Peeves That Dogs Have Against Humans


    Pet Peeves that Dogs have against humans!!

    10. Blaming your farts on me... not funny... not funny at all!!!

    9. Yelling at me for barking.. I'M A FRIGGIN' DOG, YOU IDIOT!

    8. Taking me for a walk, then not letting me check stuff out. Exactly whose

    walk is this anyway?

    7. Any trick that involves balancing food on my nose... stop it!

    6. Any haircut that involves bows or ribbons. Now you know why we chew your

    stuff up when you're not home.

    5. The sleight of hand, fake fetch throw. You fooled a dog! Whoooo --

    Hoooooooo what a proud moment for the top of the food chain.

    4. Taking me to the vet for "the big snip", then acting surprised when I

    freak out every time we go back!

    3. Getting upset when I sniff the crotches of your guests. Sorry, but I

    haven't quite mastered that handshake thing yet.

    2. Dog sweaters. Hello ???, Haven't you noticed the fur?

    1. How you act disgusted when I lick myself. Look, we both know the truth,

    you're just jealous.

    Now lay off me on some of these thing's, We both know who's boss here !!!

    You don't see me picking up your poop do you ???

  7. ok i installed opera browser to night .

    it certainly is different

    i have to get used to all this stuff on the tool bar.

    the other problem i have is

    it wont let me set the message boards address es

    it keeps reverting back to opera

    so for me to get to this site i have to open IE.

    and it is the same with world start -and g4

    any one know how i get round this


    i edited the post so the heading dosent fit the subject matter

    i dont know how to edit the heading.

  8. ha ha ha .

    good one not telling us that [jeff]

    spends a lot of time on the compt.

    yes, now i live alone i spend hrs on the thing.

    i belong the the bbc's click on line message boards

    and i spend a lot of time in  the uk

    and here .

    i ve been trying to make contact with il_wiccan

    he hasent post for some time.

    so i spend a bit of time at g4.

    ive tried to pm him but get no answer

    any one seen a post from him


    marty I pm TymeKyller but he hasn't heard from il_wiccan either.

    hi bearskin

    yes me to .

    but he hasent posted for nearly 3 weeks.

    i saw a post from marsh_ox

    recently, but he couldnt stay long he felt tired.

    god these guys are good friends

    i hope they are ok


  9. yo hitest

    lycoris is the same the software you have to buy

    it is a very colorfull os.

    when you install it the desk top is sea green tho

    once you install it.

    you can change the themes to suit.

    i also have the ubuntu disk

    it comes with a demo disk as well

    but i havent installed it yet.

    they sent me 10 disks to give awa

    and i gave them to several compt outlets

    but havent any feed back yet.


  10. ha ha ha .

    good one not telling us that [jeff]

    spends a lot of time on the compt.

    yes, now i live alone i spend hrs on the thing.

    i belong the the bbc's click on line message boards

    and i spend a lot of time in the uk

    and here .

    i ve been trying to make contact with il_wiccan

    he hasent post for some time.

    so i spend a bit of time at g4.

    ive tried to pm him but get no answer

    any one seen a post from him


  11. hi i belong to 3 boards so i spend a lot of time .

    reading mostly and posting when i can.

    most of my time is spent at besttecie

    tho the last few days ive posted at g4 more than usual.

    not having been a compt person before these boards.

    i had a lot of adjusting to do.

    i once had a reputation for being straight to the point

    and when i joined techtv c.f.h

    i was brought down to earth because of my

    tendecy to try and tell it as it is .

    but i hope i dont do that any more .tho im tempted

    and the way is to suck up.instead

    i find that hard to do

    but i now have more freinds on the boards

    than i used to

    thats why i spend so much time here.


  12. hey macmarauder

    when you climb that ladder dont forget us

    who are holding the ladder legs in case you fall off

    good one mac.

    and im sure you will do a good job.

    when you go to the forum ile pop in every so often and say hi.

    good luck mac


  13. hey tictoc reading this thread makes me feel a bit moony


    im not able to have any more children

    im a bit watery now.

    but good luck to you and your family .

    i love children and hearing about other peoples wee ones.

    god i envy you and knowing you for a long time now

    i bet you are going to be a super daddy.

    good luck old mate our saying for a[ friend ]


  14. strangly ive used trend micro for some time now .

    but have transfered all my stuff to a bigger hdd .

    and i uninstalled trend micro hoping to reinstall from the net

    later but hadent got round to doing it

    so i missed all that stuff

    which is just as well .

    some must have been looking over my shoulder


  15. Thanks for the warning, Marty!

    Gookle and Googkle are now living in in my "internet jail", the restricted sites box!!

    Daughter hurries and I can just see her falling into that trap.....thanks again, Liz

    hi blim

    you can stop those popups by changing your cookie handling.

    to prompt and block.

    mine has been set for 3-4 years and i dont get the popups if i do i just refuse to place a cookie on my sys.

    which is where thos popups.spyware .virus come from



  16. yes i agree with you.

    im one of ones affected .

    im a poor user of the k-board

    i know what i want to say but when it comes out the other end

    i have to go back and edit the post.

    i had never used a k-board until i got this compt.

    which makes me all fingers.

    and sometimes i get the letters in the wrong place e.c.t

    but im not a user of google i havent ever used it.

    im not interested in a search appli that spys on you.

    msn search is good enough for me .

    and in 4 years ive had it ive used nothing els but msn search.

    or i only post answer i know.

    that have related to my compt and my OS


  17. hi team have a look at this and beware

    Be Careful of Google Spelling



    Found on "Bleeping Computers" Website, posted today by HarryWaldron, Security Reporter.

    "Hopefully, this malicious website will be shutdown by authorities soon

    Dangerous website -- Please don't mispell Google

    F-Secure staff has found a malicious website that utilizes a spelling error when typing the name of the popular search engine - ''. If a user opens a malicious website, his/her computer gets hijacked - a lot of different malware gets automatically downloaded and installed: trojan droppers, trojan downloaders, backdoors, a proxy trojan and a spying trojan. Also a few adware-related files are installed.

    The name of the malicious website is ''. [bPLEASE DO NOT GO TO THIS WEBSITE! Otherwise your computer will get infected! We have reported the case to the authorities."

  18. hi team i have to ad a bit of info.

    to that instramental. dueling banjos.

    the number had been around for some time, but wasnt getting air play.

    it was played by a group called, the martin and the coys .of

    which i still have the 45.

    but glen cambell was puting a tv show together and was looking for material for instrimentals .

    and heard the number being played in a coffe bar in tennesee .

    as he was a banjo and a guitar player .

    he included it in the show and it became a hit over night

    it netted millions from the mountain music loving public of the usa

    so many duos included it in their repituarre.

    so the number has a history

    and it was one of the reasons i posted it

    so the moral of the story is if you want your song to be famous

    ring glen cambell.

    .tho he has gone down in my esteem. but thats another story
