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Posts posted by martymas

  1. Dr. Phil


    I am passing this on to you because it definitely worked for me and we all

    could use more calm in our lives. By following the simple advice I heard on

    a Dr. Phil show, I have finally found inner peace.

    Dr. Phil proclaimed, "The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the

    things you've started."

    So I looked around my house to see all the things I had started and hadn't

    finished, and before leaving the house this morning I finished off a

    bottle of Merlot, a bottle of White Zinfandel, a bottle of Bailey's, a


    of Oreos, the remainder of both Prozac and Valium prescriptions, the

    rest of

    the cheesecake, some saltines and a box of chocolates.

    You have no idea how freaking good I feel.

  2. Hey Marty, i tried the link, and my firewall got several hits immediately right after...i was blocked, so that is probably a good thing...

    So anyone wanting to go to the link...just make sure you are protected...hehehe...

    thanks guys .

    ive been in and i didnt encounter any thing .my scanner didnt detect any thing but

    i got it from a site that is pretty good .

    i know all aplis are scanned

    but you never know one may get through

    but dosent that appliy to all websites.

    however i like to be sure .



  3. A little Newfie info...


    Did you know ALL this ???

    If you're a Newfie, you should be proud!

    Here are a few tidbits of information that you may have never known before:

    We were...

    the first province to respond to Titanic's distress signal

    the first to vaccinate for smallpox

    the first to host a transatlantic flight

    the first to have wireless communication in the world

    the first place to discover proof of the theory of continental drift

    We have.......

    the oldest street in North America

    the oldest city in North America

    the oldest rock in the world

    the oldest continuous sporting event (Regatta Day rules!)

    the largest university in Atlantic Canada

    the most pubs per square foot in Canada (George Street)

    the longest running radio program in North America

    caught the world's largest invertebrate (giant squid)

    We are.......

    the funniest people in Canada (ask anybody)

    the sexiest people in Canada (Macleans magazine survey)

    the only province that has four identifiable flags

    the only province able to land the space shuttle (Stephenville)

    the most giving people in Canada (Stats Canada)

    the most sexually active people in all of Canada (what else are we gonna do?)

    A Newfoundlander...

    built the world's first artificial ice arena

    invented the gas mask

    was once govenor of northern Rhodesia

    was with Abraham Lincoln at Gettysberg

    We are the only province to have its own...





    cultural publication

    by reading this, you now know more about Newfoundland

    than...well, almost everyone!!


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    #2 Today, 06:16 PM


    chow down time Join Date: Feb 2005

    Location: huntsville, alabama

    Posts: 921


    Originally Posted by waterbaby

    Did you know ALL this ???

    If you're a Newfie, you should be proud!

    Here are a few tidbits of information that you may have never known before:

    We were...

    the first province to respond to Titanic's distress signal

    the first to vaccinate for smallpox

    the first to host a transatlantic flight

    the first to have wireless communication in the world

    the first place to discover proof of the theory of continental drift

    We have.......

    the oldest street in North America

    the oldest city in North America

    the oldest rock in the world

    the oldest continuous sporting event (Regatta Day rules!)

    the largest university in Atlantic Canada

    the most pubs per square foot in Canada (George Street)

    the longest running radio program in North America

    caught the world's largest invertebrate (giant squid)

    We are.......

    the funniest people in Canada (ask anybody)

    the sexiest people in Canada (Macleans magazine survey)

    the only province that has four identifiable flags

    the only province able to land the space shuttle (Stephenville)

    the most giving people in Canada (Stats Canada)

    the most sexually active people in all of Canada (what else are we gonna do?)

    A Newfoundlander...

    built the world's first artificial ice arena

    invented the gas mask

    was once govenor of northern Rhodesia

    was with Abraham Lincoln at Gettysberg

    We are the only province to have its own...





    cultural publication

    by reading this, you now know more about Newfoundland

    than...well, almost everyone!!

    man thats very interesting. kinda confused about the worlds oldest rock though

  4. japan is a very small country.

    with over 100.000.000 people .

    and that rubish has to go somewhere .

    and recycling is the only answer

    other wise theyd be up to there necks in s------t

    in my country there are 2 islands

    and the island i live on is twice as big as japan

    so you can see the comparison in size .

    tho we are rubbish concious .

    it is a world wide problem .

    my contention is we shouldnt be worrie about the bomb .

    but garbage is the world wide worry.

    big biznees could help by packaging.

    reusable bags or disposable packaging.

    we have one company who makes building bricks out of

    certain typs of rubbish.

    so i feel the japanese are on the right track.

    weather we like it or not.

    bugger having plastic bottles comming out of our ears.


  5. hey team this is all in the mind


    A newly wed couple, Joe and Bobbi-jo [i think they were brother and sister] were short of money so they decided to spend their wedding nite at Bobbi-jo's parents house. BJ sits on the bed as her husband undresses. As he takes off his shirt, BJ sees the hair on his chest. Upset, she runs downstairs to her mother. " Mama" she screams " He's got hair on his chest like an animal." Calm down," her mother says, "And go back upstairs and do your wifely duty." So, up she goes in time to see Joe take off his pants. Again she runs downstairs and runs to her mother. "Mama, he's got hair on his legs like a monkey!" "Silly girl" her mother says, "Now go upstairs and make love to him." She gets upstairs in time to see Joe taking off his shoes and he has only half a foot on his left leg. She runs downstairs again and says, "Mama, Joes got a foot and a half." "You're a stupid girl BJ." she says. "You stay down here and I'LL go upstairs!"

  6. the patriosm .

    is seeping stead of logic .

    when ever the usa has gone into countrys

    do they think of the aftermath of all thoise people killed as some on e says for oil.

    if the usa had thought sadam was a threat

    would they have done it at no cost .

    when there are wars some one always benifits .

    why didnt they get rid of him at no cost .

    no way. american big bizness wouldnt allow that.

    when theres a buck to be made.

    the vice president was involved in bizness deals 2 years before the iraq war.

    but once the american press got on to him he resigned as the ceo.

    which made it look as tho he didnt know what was going on.


    american big bizness control the world

    and bush is only a pawn.

    but times are changing.

    ive seen quite a bit of flack for clinton but at least he was humanitarian.

    what ever we think of him.

    its a pity this post was sent to this forum

    because it now devides us .

    the fors and against.

    the rest of us verses the americans.

    and that is a pity until jcl posted

    i was prepared to let the post go by but that post made me respond .


  7. didnt you just regard them as tv characters

    put there to draw the chanel watchers

    when i first a saw techtv

    leo and kevin wasnt even thought off

    chris perrillo .becky worley were .original presenters

    i dont understand why americans idolise the presenters.

    when they are there to do a job .

    which any one with tech knowledge can do.

    tss and c.f.h

    went through a lot of staff .

    there were females who were just as technically adept

    as leo.

    a lot of them have gone on to get good jobs .

    i know 2 of them are now compt tech advisers to cnn.

    becky worley had been on g4 and posted and congratulated us on blending in to

    the g4 invirement.

    cindy wakeman

    has also been to g4.

    asking how do you get,

    hjt so she could demonstrate .

    how to delete it the properway .

    to an audience .

    of a well known techtv chanel.

    so to me they are just tv presenters


  8. hi i liked your post.

    the man is a danger to mankind.

    i just watched the news and bush has been defeated on the stem cell issue

    it is now law .

    im mystified as an outsider .

    as to why if people are not happy with bush

    why did he make 2 terms as a president

    some one must have put him there.

    he didnt climb over there backs he got elected.

    the usa needs proportitinal voting

    as it is the right wing has been in power for decades .

    2 party sys .

    strangly enough the usa and uk are the only western countrys in the world who vote first past the post.

    and they are war mongers .

    yes your article is a good one .arnt you frightened the cia or the fbi might read it.

    and smack your hand.


  9. iice. have a ltiile tip for you if you like jokes .

    i have a sys where i install news groups from my isp.

    and i can access many thousands of catergorys

    in the joke section alone there is 56.000

    and many more if you know what to type in the find box .

    contact your isp and ask if they have an internet news service.

    it is quite easy to set up.

    much the same as setting up your email serv


  10. The Five Best Things About Retirement[or Working For Nothing]


    1. you get to get in the kitchen and cook the vittles the way you like them [mmm grits and hocks] get to wash your own clothes the way you want[sometimes when the wife was mad, she starched my boxers. I once accidentally javexed my wifes favorite T shirt, that was worse than giving her an iron for her birthday.] 3. your sex life improves[As long as your wife does'nt find out and she'd think it was BS cause she really knows you.] 4. you get to change the grandkids diapers cause you do it for free and your always home.[saves paying a babysitter] Kids are always thinking of you. 5. you can always take off whenever you want cause you have nothing to tie you down.[Yeh,right, except for the garden, the lawn, the dog, the cat etc,] And for those that are still working, don't take you jobs too seriously. There's more imprtant things in life than money.[Like I care if you lose your house and car]. And remember that old saying when you think you and your job are so important "stick your hand in a pail of water and when the ripples recede, thats how much you'll be missed" , especially if your the boss!! And thats my story and I'm stickin' to it.


  11. hi team not sure if any one is familiar with billmellenson

    who is a member of this board .

    but this is from him.


    There is a new virus circulating around. It is called "WORK"

    If you receive WORK from your colleagues, your boss, or from anyone else, do not touch it under any circumstances. This virus wipes out your private life completely. If you should happen to come in contact with this virus, take two friends and go straight to the nearest bar. Order drinks immediately and after three rounds, you will find that WORK has been completely deleted from your brain. If you don't drink, check out the Dairy Queen Hot Fudge Brownie Supreme! It has pretty much the same effect. Forward this virus warning immediately to at least five friends. Should you realize you do not have five friends, this means you are already infected by this virus and WORK already controls your life. If this is the case, go to the nearest bar or Dairy Queen and stay until you make at least five friends. Then retry. I think I have five friends, but I am not entirely positive, so I'm headed for the Dairy Queen never hurts to be

  12. hi handplane

    i got this from the New Zealand tab website .

    it must have been a remarkable recovery .

    as you knpw i follow racing the world over

    and that performance was a great feat of balance .

    here is the article pertaining to that in cedence.

    Afleet Alex Wins Preakness Stakes


    BALTIMORE (AP) - In a miraculous recovery, Afleet Alex kept his balance after being knocked to his knees by Scrappy T at the top of the stretch and won the Preakness Stakes on Saturday.

    Kentucky Derby winner Giacomo was never a factor and finished third, ending his bid to attempt a Triple Crown try in the Belmont Stakes.

    The frightening scene occurred as a full field of 14 3-year-olds turned for home. Scrappy T, ridden by Ramon Dominguez, went wide off the turn as the jockey was whipping left-handed, and the gelding drifted into the path of Afleet Alex, who was just behind.

    Afleet Alex's front legs buckled, his head bowed and the colt almost fell, nearly unseating jockey Jeremy Rose as the crowd gasped.

    ``I thought for sure we were going to have a roll,'' Rose said.

    But somehow, Rose managed to stay on as Afleet Alex regained his momentum, neatly cut to the inside and went on to win the second leg of the Triple Crown.

    With tragedy incredibly averted - such stumbles have led to the deaths of horses and jockeys being trampled - Afleet Alex sailed home with a sweet 4 3/4-length victory, marking the fifth straight year the Preakness favorite has delivered.

    Giacomo, who staged the second-biggest upset in Derby history two weeks ago at 50-1 odds, was unable to pull off another win as the gray colt never threatened.

    And for just the third time in nine years, the Belmont will be run without a Triple Crown on the line.

    Rose thrust his arm in the air after crossing the finish line, and then said he was amazed Afleet Alex was able to recover.

    ``He's just that athletic and I was just that scared,'' Rose said. ``He's just an amazing horse that I think put all doubters to shame there.''

    While Giacomo's Derby win was a stunner, Afleet Alex's made perfect sense. The son of Northern Afleet ran a sensational race in the Derby as the second choice behind favorite Bellamy Road, only to be caught in the final strides by Giacomo and Closing Argument at almost 72-1.

    But not this time, not even after being banged around.

    Afleet Alex, now headed to the Belmont in three weeks, covered the 1 3-16 miles in 1:55.04, well off the record of 1:53.40.

    Afleet Alex, the 3-1 favorite, returned $8.60, $5 and $3.20. Scrappy T, who held on for second despite a steward's review, paid $11.20 and $5.80. Giacomo, the third choice at 6-1, paid $4.80.

    Dominguez, riding Scrappy T for the first time, apologized for the collision.

    ``I'm sorry for the incident,'' Dominguez said. ``The horse completely caught me off-guard. I decided to hit him left-handed and it caught him completely off-guard, because he just made a right-hand turn. I had no control over the situation.''

    Sun King was fourth, followed by High Limit, Noble Causeway, Greeley's Galaxy, Malibu Moonshine, Closing Argument, High Fly, Hal's Image, Wilko, Galloping Grocer and Going Wild.

    And so the Afleet Alex party is on - perhaps two weeks later than expected - and there's a large contingent celebrating, led by the five Philadelphia-area friends who bought the horse for $75,000 last year just up the road at the Timonium 2-year-old sales.

    Afleet Alex has also touched the colt's breeder, who has terminal cancer, and the parents of an 8-year-old girl who died of cancer last August.

    And now they have the classic victory they wanted so badly.

    Afleet Alex, who loves to run just off the lead, was 10th in the early going. The bay colt who weighs ``just under 1,000 pounds,'' according to trainer Tim Ritchey, moved into contention on the final turn. It appeared he was about to make the same explosive move he used to win the Arkansas Derby, and that's when one of the scariest moments in Preakness history took place.

    Scrappy T, one of four new shooters who did not compete in the Derby, took the lead from pacesetter High Limit around the turn. But coming out of it, Scrappy T was unable to cleanly make the turn.

    ``I thought he was on the ground,'' Ritchey said. ``I couldn't believe he got up and won the race.''

    Trainer Nick Zito struck out again in the Preakness. Two weeks after failing to win the Derby with five horses, he missed again with three horses. Sun King was fourth, Noble Causeway was sixth and High Fly was 10th.

    In the $1 million Preakness, Afleet Alex earned $650,000 to boost his career bankroll to $2,165,800. The colt has won seven of 11 races.

    Afleet Alex was a brilliant 2-year-old, winning his first four starts, including the Sanford and Hopeful at Saratoga. He was second in the Champagne and the Breeders' Cup Juvenile after a troubled trip, and came into the year as a leading Derby contender.

    But after winning a stakes race at Oaklawn Park, Afleet Alex finished last in the Rebel Stakes, and Ritchey said his colt had developed a lung infection. Afleet Alex bounced back and won the Arkansas Derby by a record eight lengths to restore his reputation.

    John Silvertand, the 60-yeard-old breeder, was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 2002 and given three months to live. But he said the effort to get Afleet Alex to the Triple Crown races gave him extra incentive to survive.

    Cash Is King Stable, which owns Afleet Alex, is donating part of their horse's earning to Alex's Lemonade Stand, a children's cancer charity they learned about after reading a story in the newspaper. The lemonade stand was set up at Pimlico, as it was at Churchill Downs.

    Alexandra Scott was diagnosed with cancer two days before her first birthday, in 1997. She opened the lemonade stand when she was 4, hoping to raise $1 million for her hospital. The girl died last August, and Chuck Zacney, Cash Is King's managing partner, was so moved that he pledged $30,000 to the charity.

    Another donation is on the way.

    Nobody would have thought any of this was possible when Alex was a baby. With his mother unable to nurse her foal, Silvertand's daughter fed the horse out of a Coors Lite bottle with a nipple on top. A few days later, a nurse mare arrived and Afleet Alex was on his way to the races.

    ``An amazing story,'' Ritchey has said. ``I'm proud to be part of it.''

  13. hi team show me how to eat this cookie

    How Do You Eat A Oreo Cookie?


    Psychologists have discovered that the manner in which people eat Oreo cookies provides great insight into their personalities. Choose which method best describes your favorite method of eating Oreos:

    1. The whole thing all at once.

    2. One bite at a time

    3. Slow and methodical nibbles examining the results of each bite afterwards.

    4. In little feverous nibbles.

    5. Dunked in some liquid (milk, coffee...).

    6. Twisted apart, the inside, then the cookie.

    7. Twisted apart, the inside, and toss the cookie.

    8. Just the cookie, not the inside.

    9. I just like to lick them, not eat them.

    10.I don't have a favorite way because I don't like Oreos.

    Your Personality:

    1. The whole thing:

    This means you consume life with abandon, you are fun to be with, exciting, carefree with some hint of recklessness. You are totally irresponsible. No one should trust you with his or her children.

    2. One bite at a time:

    You are lucky to be one of the 5.4 billion other people who eat their Oreos this very same way. Just like them, you lack imagination, but that's okay, not to worry, you're normal.

    3. Slow and Methodical:

    You follow the rules. You're very tidy and orderly. You're very meticulous in every detail with every thing you do to the point of being anal retentive and irritating to others. Stay out of the fast lane if you're only going to go the speed limit.

    4. Feverous Nibbles:

    Your boss likes you because you get your work done quickly. You always have a million things to do and never enough time to do them. Mental breakdowns and suicides run in your family. Valium and Ritalin would do you good.

    5. Dunked:

    Every one likes you because you are always up beat. You like to sugar coat unpleasant experiences and rationalize bad situations into good ones. You are in total denial about the shambles you call a life. You have a propensity towards narcotic addiction.

    6. Twisted apart, the inside, and then the cookie:

    You have a highly curious nature. You take pleasure in breaking things apart to find out how they work, though not always able to put them back together, so you destroy all the evidence of your activities. You deny your involvement when things go wrong. You are a compulsive liar and exhibit deviant, if not criminal, behavior.

    7. Twisted apart, the inside, and then toss the cookie:

    You are good at business and take risk that pay off. You take what you want and throw the rest away. You are greedy, selfish, mean, and lack feelings for others. You should be ashamed of yourself. But that's ok, you don't care, you got yours.

    8. Just the cookie, not the inside:

    You enjoy pain.

    9. I just like to lick them, not eat them:

    Stay away from small furry animals and seek professional medical help - immediately.

    10. I don't have a favorite way, I don't like Oreos:

    You probably come from a rich family, and like to wear nice things, and go to upscale restaurants. You are particular and fussy about the things you buy, own, and wear. Things have to be just right. You like to be pampered. You are a priss
