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Posts posted by martymas

  1. ok's the problem.  I'm using win me and my hosts file is in the C:\windows directory.  now that's where it's supposed to be.  I loaded all the sites that should be blocked but it won't block these sites in IE.  I have no problem with firefox because I use adblock but the wife insists on using IE.  should I slap her? (did I say that)....I even try to block them with spybot S/D.  sooooooo...can anyone tell me why IE won't block these sites?


    yo bearskin yes give her one.

    that will teach her good

    ha ha ha


  2. marty that thing is programmed into the bios...only way to get around it is to reprogram the bios.  you have to have an electronic programmer to do that.

    you will need something like this:



    thanks bearskin it was a discussion between somr friends

    you know the ones, yes you can, know you cant.

    so i decided to post the Q

    my i deas were the same as yours

    but i have friends who have to see the proof


  3. Glad you have it up and running.

    But I know you learned allot from the the work involved. And getting through 3.1 is one good start!!!

    Nowadays people forget how 3.1 used to be, or never even seen it. It had it's simple parts, But Win 95 made all the hard parts usable, and simplified the rest.

    And two thumbs up for helping out your friend!!! :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:


    thanks jsky i was a bit frustated

    and blew a bit of steam

    i installed it once and the no 2 floppy had errors so i had to reformat it and reload the floppys

    but the second time was good

    sorry if i was a bit tarty to jimras who was one who responded

    so im really sorry now

    im in the process of seeing if can get it on the net.

    it has an in board modem.and i havent tried them before

    i have a spare modem card but cant find the slot fot it

    but i aim to find out

    it is hell of a cold here and im shivereing my c------k off

    take care and thanks you are a great bunch of people


  4. is there way any other way of opening the bios other than the normal chanel

    on mine it is delete at boot up. a friend gets it through f1.

    i was experimenting with the win button .and it is quiet a useful tool

    but not the bios

    i went to the command promt and tried there but

    i cannot find an alternate route



    just curious thats all

  5. "so i dont understand why you Q

    the need to get it going.

    i didnt want to post the reasons.

    but there is always some one who Q. the reasons for every thing"

    Marty, it's because we are all curious creatures and asking questions is how we all learn and ultimately help eachother. Thank you for answering and God Bless You for doing this for her!!  You are a truly a Good Samaritan.  And as far as therapy goes, computing is an excellent therapy for the mind and the body.  Thank you for doing this for her.



    yes blim

    it was very frustrating for me

    and when i did it

    i sort of blew off a bit of of steam, and i regret that now

    because jimras was one of the posters

    to offered to help

    so i hope he posts in

    but the young lady is absolutely


    her parents brought her to my flat

    and you should have seen the look on her face

    apperently she also paints with the brush between her teeth

    i havet seen the paintings yet

    but im looking forward to seeing them

    dont get me wrong

    i regard painters as abunch of puffed up snobs

    so i need to view them with an open mind

    take care


  6. Hi Marty

    Glad to hear that you got it up and running.

    I was wondering why you want to run such an old version of Windows in the first place?  There isn't much security in that program and almost (as you've found out ) no support for it, either.

    Just curious...........



    oh but you're wrong..there is a lot of support if you know where to support and harware .


    yes i have those sites in my favourites

    but my task is to teach, her. why was i born a


    bearskin i owe you one



  7. Hi Marty

    Glad to hear that you got it up and running.

    I was wondering why you want to run such an old version of Windows in the first place?  There isn't much security in that program and almost (as you've found out ) no support for it, either.

    Just curious...........



    the compt dosent belong to me

    it belongs to a lady who is a paraperlegic

    from the waist down with limited resources

    so i said i would have a go at getting it going.

    but with out the help of those mentioned

    i wouldnt have been able to do it.

    and at first i said to her, make a door stop out of it

    but it is going.and running

    and she can tinkering around with it besides i figured it would be

    good theropy for her

    i rang her this morning and she is absolutely over the moon

    so i dont understand why you Q

    the need to get it going.

    i didnt want to post the reasons.

    but there is always some one who Q. the reasons for every thing

    you would have done what i did for her.any one would have on this board.i know the people here

    but the important thing is it is going .and ive had a play with it before

    it goes back to her.

    it dosent need to be on the internet for her.

    and it will take weeks before she can get through

    the tutorials

    the version of windows dosent make one iota of difference to me i have win xp

    but to her it will make no difference what version it is

    hope your satisfied


  8. at last ive installed win3.1

    many long hours of swearing and huffing and puffing

    and swearing i got it going at last

    the reason im posting

    is i have some people to thank

    in particular

    jsky and bearskin

    and me of course

    but with out every bodys input

    i would have been up the creek.

    the problem i have now is

    i patted my self on the back and bloody near put my shoulder out of joint

    but it is an early version of windows

    and i must point out on a compt that has limited resources

    i dont know how to find all the specs at this stage.

    i aim to see if i can get it on dial up

    it has files for that reason and i have a spare modem

    so wish me luck all who posted

    and ile get back as i progress

    maybe some one else wants to try it

    it is better than being a hacker.


  9. hi team keith dicks dad isnt verry


    and ime sending my get well message to the board.

    probably keith wouldnt post it himself.

    but he is a good freind to most of us.

    so i decided to post it here.

    hop-e you guys dont mind. i posted it on g4, as he has many friends

    there also.


  10. Ok, thanks to our resident Windows Guru Dave (Chappy) we got it figured out.  Apparently, there is a set amount of time something like 15 mins that the icons must be inactive for it to hide them.  However, if you set it to always hide, it will hide them automatically.  Though now, I will be looking for the registry setting where the time is kept, so I can make it less.  :thumbsup:



    good one B

    post that time setting when you figure it out


  11. Hey Everyone,

    Well, today, I experienced something which seemed to be some kind of "bug" in Windows XP.  I like to disable the themes service on my XP machines, then today I decided to have my taskbar hide inactive icons.  So I right-click the taskbar, choose properties, and tick "Hide inactive icons" Apply/Ok, but it doesn't hide them.  It still looks like the normal taskbar.  I usually have around 3-5 icons in the taskbar at any given time.  I figured I would hide a few, but it still won't.  They aren't set to always show, so that's not it.  I'm running Windows XP SP2.  Anyone else having this problem?  If you want to test it out, disable the theme service via services.msc, reboot, then try hiding inactive icons.  Let me know your findings.  :thumbsup:

    Note: I just tried it on my laptop and it doesn't work their either.  :blink:



    hi B

    mine is ok

    my task bar goes to classic mode

    is the only difference.

    i just set my volume control to always hide

    and it did then i set it to always

    show and it did .

    normally i delete my

    inactive icons in the registry but of course they come back as you make m0ore short cuts .maube if you delete those short cut icons

    and stop your taskbar from getting cluttered up

    if you want the delete your icons

    i can post the


    i found this theme problem earlier in the year

    i installed IEtoolbar wallpaper

    but it wouldnt operate

    so i googled it and the fix was go and enable themes

    which ide disabled for some years.

    and as well it changed the task bar to classic theme

    but i have that fixed now .

    so i understand where your comming from

    about every month i delete mine,via the registry

    hope this helps


  12. any one named fred on the board well read this

    Just Fred!



    A cop stops a car for traveling faster than the posted speed limit. He

    asks the man his name.

    "Fred," he replies.

    "Fred what?" the officer asks.

    "Just Fred," the man responds.

    The officer is in a good mood and thinks he might just give the fellow a

    break and write him out a warning instead of a ticket. The officer then

    presses him for the last name. The man tells him that he used to have a

    last name but lost it. The officer thinks that he has a nut case on his

    hands but plays along with it.

    "Tell me, Fred, how did you lose your last name?"

    The man replies, "It's a long story, so stay with me."

    "I was born Fred Dingaling. I know -- a funny last name. The kids used to

    tease me all the time. So I stayed to myself, studied hard, and got good

    grades. When I got older I realized that I wanted to be a doctor. I went

    through college, medical school, internship, residency, and finally got my

    degree, so I was Fred Dingaling, MD.

    "After a while I got bored being a doctor, so I decided to go back to

    school. Dentistry was my dream! Got all the way through school, got my

    degree, so then I was Fred Dingaling, MD, DDS.

    "Got bored doing dentistry, so I started fooling around with

    my assistant and she gave me VD. So now I was Fred

    Dingaling, MD, DDS, with VD. Well, the ADA found out about the VD, so they

    took away my DDS. Then I was Fred Dingaling, MD with VD. Then the AMA

    found out about the ADA taking away my DDS because of the VD, so they took

    away my MD leaving me as Fred Dingaling with VD. Then the VD took away my

    Dingaling, so now I am Just Fred."

    The officer walked away in tears, laughing.