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Posts posted by martymas

  1. Hi Marty,

    I have to agree with you on both points--antivirus and broadband.

    In 2000, when we got our first computer, it had Mcafee antivirus installed.  Everyone said Norton was far superior--and I was going to switch--then a friend showed me his Norton program on his computer.  Was Norton ever complicated!!!  I suppose I could use it with no problem now, but to a beginner, Norton was scary!

    If you're satisified with dialup internet, wait for broadband until they offer better deals!  In the States, there are deals where you can get a free modem if you sign up for broadband at certain Tech Supply stores. 

    Our cable company started offering broadband about 3 years ago.  They offer 3 different speeds, we have the lowest speed (which is plenty fast!) at $39.99 month.  Now the cable company is advertising the highest speed broadband for $19.99 month for 6 months (new customers only, we can't get the deal).

    The longer an area has broadband, the harder it will be to find new customers, so  they start offering bargains!  :)  Play the waiting game and wait for the deals to come to your area.



    thanks for that liz.

    the isp i use, ive been with for 4 years

    and they

    informs me of the deals.


    they have to deal with the the

    company that allots the bandwidth

    which they get under contract.

    after reading your post

    it looks as tho the cost is universal

    and i agree as

    less people use the service

    the cost comes down .

    this has been the lowest ever

    but like you im using the waiting game .

    the trouble in my country

    there isnt enough competetion

    it revolves around 4- companys

    and these companys vie for the contract.

    to deliver the service .

    it wouldnt be viable for any bizness to come into the market

    right now

    becuase as we only have 4 million people

    to many would deplete


    tho our gov

    is for broadband

    im not sure how they can get round this problem


  2. marty,

    I have broadband and use AVG.


    yo team the reason i asked

    they have the latest nortons scanner

    and watching them i feel nortons is to complicated

    some one who knows nothing about compts.

    it keeps blocking certain programs and downloads

    and they do not know how to unblock them

    neither do i

    they get conned into accepting nortons at a reduction price

    and i found it was only $5, a year savings

    so i suggested avg .or avast.

    ive used only avg and housecall web scan

    in all the years ive had a compt

    and apart from a coupla worms

    ive been reasonably clean.

    ive just has a deal sent to me by my isp

    broadband at $39.59

    a month

    but buy my own modem.$122

    and another offer at $59.59 a month

    but the modem free to use

    but hand it back when ive finished with it

    at the momen im happy with dial up

    but looking to the future

    broadband is an option when longhorn comes on stream.


  3. Whenever you download a program, as bozodog said, choose save to disk.

    That way if you ever have a problem, it's just a matter of falling back to a previous version.

    This is the way I do it:

    In the My Documents folder, I have a folder named Installers.

    In the Installers folder, I have I, II & III.

    (I try to limit the size of these folders to around 600MB. That way I can burn the whole folder to a disk.)

    In each of those folders, I have folders for each program; Firefox, Ad-aware, Spybot, Irfanview, etc....

    In each of these folders, I have a folder for each version; Firebird v0.7, Firefox v0.8, Firefox v0.9, Firefox v0.9.2, etc...

    In each of these folders, I put the installers, and a Notepad document.

    In the Notepad document, I put all the important info about the program, that I copy & paste from the website, such as program name, version #, URL of the site, how to install/uninstall, system requirements, features, etc.

    Then you can burn your Installers folder, when you burn your back-up disks.

    That way, if you ever have a problem with a newer version of a program, or have to reinstall your OS, you have all of your programs on disk, and ready to install.

    No need to waste time re-downloading all of your programs (especially if you're on dial-up).

    I hope this isn't too confusing. :)


    i agree with tg1911

    i save all mine as well tho havent had update problems

    it is always convenient to blame win up date

    and not other reasons.spybot has been a problem with blocking

    other downloads in the past

    ive only ever used it once

    and i got rid of it.

    ask pete_c and chappy

    the heading alone of the problem post

    makes it looks as tho up date is the problem

    that is why i opened the post.

    and for some one with 7 posts

    its a bit rich to start pointing the finger


  4. hi team

    i just watched the chanel dse [german]

    and it seems the japanese are developing a compt monitor

    which can be used by 2 people

    at once

    and they can see 2 different screens

    ive tried to research it by google

    but im not sure what to type in the research box

    apperently it is already in use in the usa- jap- and- ger

    in tv where watchers can see 2 different tv screens .

    any one see this article

    a friend said CNN

    has aired it but i missed it.

    as it is 2 in the morning here i will try and find the article tomorrow.


  5. hi team well we got the broadband

    email thing sorted out and


    was right

    it was a matter of getting the address right

    an we finally got it going

    by following joes info

    so thanks all

    and the family concerned would like to thank you all

    as i printed it out and showed them the result .

    i would like to ask for my own interest.

    what sort of virus scanner would you use,


    this broardband sys .as

    all the info is relayed, to your sys is very fast.

    would any of the free scanners like avg. avast. able to handle the speed of this sys .

    or would you have to get somthing like nortons. housecall.

    panda. symantics .

    im just curious

    thats all

    again thanks.


  6. lol sorry about that guys, im such an idiot. i put a space between my friends addy and the @ sign. and i also put an extra "o" at the end of yahoo. hhahahahaha  :blush: my bad. but u think they could simplfy these sorts of emails so one can understand them lol.


    dont know about bubba bob

    but i did it when i first got my compt

    so your not alone


  7. can some one tell me why i got all these duplicate posts

    i pressed the back button

    and it gave me these duplicate posts

    ive tried to delete them but like harry potter they keep comming back

    can some one help here.

    aw im off to bed see ya all tomorrow

    i need to thank a few people

    but ile do that tomorrow

    when i feel better



    ok i found the trouble. i was coping and paste

    a thank you

    to joe

    and when i pasted it must pasted the whole post

    instead of just joes user name.

    so sorry bout that.

    ok back to the thread

    i thought the email on broadband .

    was configured

    differently than dial up

    as when we pressed send and recieve

    it gave us an error message

    i think the message said wrong user name or password.

    ok so we need to get the user an PW


    thanks guys

    i appreciate your help

    especially joe

    tho thanks to all


  8. im posting this to show how wonderful and innocent children can be

    i love this story

    it was told me me originally by an x school mistress

    .years ago but has emerged again


    Show and Tell


    By an Anonynous 2nd grade teacher:

    I've been teaching now for about fifteen years. I have two kids myself, but the best birth-story I know is the one I saw in my own second-grade classroom a few years back.

    When I was a kid, I loved show-and-tell. So I always have a few sessions with my students. It helps them get over shyness and usually show-and-tell is pretty tame. Kids bring in pet turtles, model airplanes, pictures of fish they catch, stuff like that. And I never, ever place any boundries or limitations on them. If they want to lug it to school and talk about it, theyre more than welcome. Well, one day this little girl, Erica, a very bright, very outgoing kid, takes her turn and waddles up to the front of the class with a pillow stuffed under her sweater. She holds up a snapshot of an infant. "This is Luke, my baby brother, and I am going to tell you about his birthday. First mom and dad made him as a symbol of their love, and then dad put a seed in moms stomach, and Luke grew in there. He ate for nine months through an umbrealla cord."

    Shes standing there with her hands on the pillow, and I'm trying not to laugh and wishing I had my camcorder with me. The kids are watching her in amazement. "Then about two saturdays ago, my mom starts saying and going "Oh, oh, oh!" Erica puts a hand behind her back and groans. "She walked around the house for, like a hour, 'Oh, oh, oh!"

    Now the kid's doing this hysterical duck walk, holding her back and groaning.

    "My dad called the middle wife. She delivers babies, but she doesnt have a sign on the car like the Domino's man. They got my mom to lie down in bed like this." Then Erica lies down with her back against the wall.

    "And then, pop! My mom had this bag of water she kept in there in case he got thirsty and it just blew up and spilled all over the bed, like psshhheew!"

    This kid has her legs spread and with her little hands miming water flowing away. It was too much!

    "Then the middle wife starts saying 'push, push, and breathe, breathe.' They started counting, but never even go past ten. Then, all of a sudden, out comes my brother. He was covered in yucky stuff, they all said was from moms play center, so there must be a lot of stuff inside there."

    Then Erica stood up, took a big theatrical bow and returned to her seat. I'm sure I applauded the loudest. Ever since then it its show-and-tell day, I bring my camcorder, just in case another Erica comes along.

  9. can some one tell me why i got all these duplicate posts

    i pressed the back button

    and it gave me these duplicate posts

    ive tried to delete them but like harry potter they keep comming back

    can some one help here.

    aw im off to bed see ya all tomorrow

    i need to thank a few people

    but ile do that tomorrow

    when i feel better


  10. hi team a friend has just subscribed to broadband

    and weve configured it

    on the net which is working

    but cant seem to get it to work in the email

    outlook express

    his os is xp

    and his browser is IE6.

    i havent had experience with broadband im lost

    as far as email goes

    i keep thinking of dial up when trying to

    configure the email which is pop3

    but in the config box

    the other .options is

    imap and http

    can i get any help.

    thank you


  11. Yeah, computers with about 333 meg processer, and 16 meg of RAM.


    or cut out his breeding apperatus

    so he dosent pass his talents on.

    i must mention.

    there were several who said

    if it wasnt for people like him.

    the compt industry wouldnt progress .

    that was at g4 and i think techtv

    but when i said

    what about the innocent people who didnt know how to maintain

    a compt

    i did not recieve a reply.

    there were a coupla of posters on this board who think like this.

    i didnt get the sasser or the blaster worm

    because at the time i was a member of trendmicro

    and i used to get news letters

    and they warned me and showed me how to blocked the hole

    were this virus was comming through .

    so i was one of the lucky ones.

    so now when ever i reinstall win. that is the first thing i do. block that hole.

    now i think

    windows has the block in sp2


  12. Thanx Handplane and Marty. Now where did I put all those blank DVD's?

    I really *LOVE* your sig, handplane. Very kewl.


    me to.bozodog, i believe hand plane is a carpenter by trade.

    and that sig is appropriate.

    i love it


  13. Actually, i have windows Longhorn's test OS on CD, but no CD key....if only i could find a crack :D :D :D.


    i woudnt min trying it out .

    do you have a key logger

    i dont know how to use key logger my self

    but i once saw an episode of call for help

    and an ex cracker was interviewed

    and he said he used a key logger

    to generate the cd key

    i havent a clue what that means .

    but when i came to g4 i posted it on the board

    and some called cat i cant remember his full user name posted back

    and explained.

    i wouldnt be game to try it my self.

    he went on to say keyloggers were dangerous

    because some times V writers

    used them to

    generate a virus.

    if some one can explain this to me

    ide appreciate it


  14. Funny Quotes


    "If carrots are so good for the eyes, how come

    I see so many dead rabbits on the highway?"

    "How come we choose from just two people

    for president and 50 for Miss America?"

    Ever notice that people who spend money on beer,

    cigarettes, and lottery tickets are always complaining

    about being broke and not feeling well?

    On my first day of school my parents dropped

    me off at the wrong nursery.

    There I was...surrounded by trees and bushes.

    Why is it that most nudists are people

    you don't want to see naked?

    "Old" is when the porn movie you bring home

    is "Debby Does Dialysis."

    I mixed Rogaine with Viagra...

    now I've got hair like Don King.

    I earn a seven-figure salary.

    Unfortunately, there's a decimal point involved.

    The next time you feel like complaining, remember:

    Your garbage disposal probably eats better than

    thirty percent of the people in this world.

    Snowmen fall from Heaven unassembled.

    The closest I ever got to a 4.0 in high

    school was my blood alcohol content.

    "I saw a woman wearing a sweatshirt with

    'Guess' on it. I said, 'Thyroid problem?'"

    Sign In Pet Store: "Buy one dog, get one flea..."

    Regular naps prevent old age.....

    especially if you take them while driving.