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Posts posted by martymas

  1. Bozo is this what you are looking for?


    good one handplane. it is a very handy tool.

    i havent long had my cdwriter.

    and this is the first time ive written a big program like this.

    and ive patted my self on the back several times.

    i would have posted the link.

    so any one wanting view the program could make

    up their minds.

    and copy it if they needed to

    there are some familiar names in there

    so good luck all

    the reason i posted about the program

    was many here were members of techtv c.f.h

    and from these programs most of us learned to use a compt


  2. Thanks to Dawgbytez at LTS

    Virus exploits London Tube bombs

    Virus writers are using the London bombings to spread malicious programs.

    A Windows virus has been created that claims to link to amateur video footage of the aftermath of one of the bombs on the London Underground.

    Anyone following the link in the e-mail will have their computer infected by a program that puts it under the remote control of the virus creator.

    The virus tries to look more legitimate by posing as a newsletter from US news organisation CNN.

    Video grab

    The virus is travelling in an e-mail which bears the subject line: "TERROR HITS LONDON" and comes from a spoofed e-mail address.

    The body of the message tells those receiving it to click on the attached file which claims to show amateur video footage shot in the London Underground immediately after one of the bombs went off.

    A file called "London terror moovie.avi" is attached to the malicious e-mail. Hidden after a long series of blank spaces is the real title of the file that is attached.

    An attempt has been made to make this look harmless by giving it the name: "Checked by Norton Antivirus.exe".

    Anyone clicking on the file will not be shown a video. Instead their PC will be infected by the as yet un-named Trojan.

    Next time the compromised machine is started, it will report in to the virus creator and become part of a spam-sending zombie network.

    Because it relies on people clicking on the attachment, the malicious program can affect Windows 2000, 95, 98, Me, NT, XP and Windows Server 2003.

    Although the program is not widely distributed, security companies asked people to be vigilant and update their anti-virus software regularly.

    This is not a hoax, I checked it myself and you can too by going to google and typing in london bombing virus......this particular piece was taken from BBC News:

    Pass this along please!


    thanks blim.

    my goodness they never give up do they

    i have just seen it on the BBC chanel as ime typing this

    thanks again


  3. Marty, you don't need an excuse for double posting!!  I've done it and I have absolutely no idea how.....poof!  There's two posts sitting there!  I've lost posts into thin air by hitting the reply button, where they go, who knows??  And folks shouldn't slam anyone--I bet I can guess what board you got into your "slanging match" in--they are brutal over there--I'd be scared to death to even post there.  I'm glad you came out right in the end  :thumbsup:

    Sure hope your tummy feels better!



    thanks blim

    yes this bug is going around

    i have friends who have had it

    at first a thought i had the complaint you get when your balance plays up

    but now im convinced it was a tummy bug

    i had a bucket beside my bed

    but didnt need to use it

    hope you dont catch it off me


  4. Pretty well had to re-read them all except for a couple....good one Marty... ;)


    well that gives me an insight, to this not sure what you call it

    it isnt a desease.

    in my sons case his mother and i didnt treat as a problem.

    it was his school teacher who alerted us

    but we treated him as normal.

    when it comes to music

    he has no problem

    and i agree with blim

    let them be normal.

    i read where it can affect people from all walks of life


  5. hi team. tonight i installed the techtv vault archives

    on a cd

    from techtv g4

    and i suggest if any one wants to learn to

    use a compt in all catergorys

    go there

    there are 6,000.catergorys

    which covers 50.000


    my its going to take me months to go through them all

    if any of you were members of techtv c.f.h

    at the initial stages

    hey it covers 3-4 years

    even before leo laport

    and chris perillo

    i think it goes back to znet

    i became a member just after znet passed it to techtv.

    people like sarah and martin werent there then.

    but if any one is a member of g4 they can go see

    just type techtv vault into the search bar

    and your there

    beluga [jeff ]

    was around then and he would recognise some of the

    articles and the people .

    god how am i going to get through 50.000


    it would be ideal for any one seaching for tips ect

    some thing ide like to know if 50,ooo tips fits to a cd

    they must be compressed

    when you load them they come in html

    and you can open them there and then.the marvels of technology


  6. A baby was born so advanced in development that he could talk. He looked around the delivery room and saw the doctor. "Are you my doctor?" he asked. "Why, yes, I am," said the doctor. The baby said, "Thank you for taking such good care of me during the birth." He looked at his mother and asked, "Are you my mother?" "Yes, dear, I am," said the mother beaming. "Thank you for taking such good care of me before I was born," he said. He then looked at his father and asked, "Are you my father?" "Yes, I am," his father proudly answered. The baby motioned him closer, and then poked him repeatedly on the forehead with his index finger. "Hurts, doesn't

  7. thanks flatiron__2

    to be honest

    i couldnt have posted these links as i saw it on 3 chanels

    i looked for it locally

    and i found it on the bbc

    but flatiron__2

    had already posted by then.


  8. Auuuukkkk, I feel dyslexic!!!  Great Mind Bender, Marty!!  Heh heh heh, now to email this to dyslexic daughter.... ;)  But she'd probably be able to read these just fine!!!



    hi liz

    i have a son who is dyslexic.

    with text .

    but he is a proffesional muscian

    and has no problem with musical scores and

    cord charts

    so what does dyslexic mean in terms of

    trying to remember things.

    and he can play instruments off the cuff

    i cant explain the complaint

    in words

    it doesent hold him back

    i showed him that

    quote tho. and he was lost

    so i cant explain.


  9. good one glad you got it going again

    ive just come to my compt .

    and im getting, cant find the server message

    ive rebooted twice

    and the only thing i can get is outlook express

    yes it is the conspiracy!issue.

    and youve passed it on to me

    ha ha ha.

    ile try again

    i have slimbrowser

    and it may be a setting in there.

    dam compts


  10. ok im back to bed

    im haveing a bad week

    double posting.

    got into a slangimg match on another board

    in the end i was right

    i hav to blame it on a tummy bug

    i couldnt hold my tucker down

    is that a good enough excuse

    sorry team


  11. forgot to add

    i had firefox twice and it was interfereing with my cookies.

    i posted about it several times

    i got castigated. because firefox users

    thought i was.anti firefox

    but i could not get those cookie settings right

    in firefox. it was ok in IE

    so i uninstalled it .

    i wasent anti firefox

    i didnt know how set it up properly

    and to me those cookies were essential

    to the safety of your compt

    so have a look how firefox cookies are set and make them compatable

    to IE


    dis regard this post all is fixed now

    not sure why i started another thread

    i was going shopping and a friend picked me up.and i was in a hurry

    thats the only excuse i have.


  12. Im trying to log in to, but it keeps giving me this error message:
    Your login failed.

    You must have cookies enabled in your web browser in order to login to this bulletin board. Without having your web browser setup to allow cookies, you will be able to browse this bulletin board, but not login

    IVe set IE and FF to accept ALL cookies, deleted my old cookies.

    No firewall programs or anything else is running that would block it. is the ONLY site where i have this problem.

    Can someone help me out? :blush:


    have a look in your

    tools -internet options -privacy-sites and see if any sites are blocked

    then go to

    advanced and see what your cookies are set at

    they should be set


    what ever you want

    mine are set at first party cookies at prompt

    and third party at blocked

    this give the flexiablyity to surf and safety as well

    good luck


  13. Can you read these right the first time?


    Can you read these right the first time?

    1) The bandage was wound around the wound.

    2) The farm was used to produce produce.

    3) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.

    4) We must polish the Polish furniture.

    5) He could lead if he would get the lead out.

    6) The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.

    7) Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.

    8) A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.

    9) When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.

    10) I did not object to the object.

    11) The insurance was invalid for the invalid.

    12) There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.

    13) They were too close to the door to close it.

    14) The buck does funny things when the does are present.

    15) A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.

    16) To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.

    17) The wind was too strong to wind the sail.

    18) Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear.

    19) I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.

    20) How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?

  14. hey all the irish i love this


    Golf Tee

    On a golf tour in Ireland, Tiger Woods drives his BMW into a gas

    station in a remote part of the Irish countryside. The gas station

    attendant obviously knows nothing about golf, greeting the golf

    star in a typical Irish manner, completely unaware of his identity.

    "Top of the mornin' to you, sir," says the attendant. Tiger nods a

    quick "hello," and bends forward to pick up the nozzle. As he

    does so, two tees fall out of his shirt pocket onto the ground.

    "What are those?" asks the attendant. "They're called tees,"

    replies Tiger. "Well, what on the good earth are they for?"

    inquires the Irishman. "They're for resting my balls on when

    I'm driving," says Tiger. "Jaysus, sweet Mary and Joseph,"

    says the Irishman, "BMW tinks of everything

  15. Hey marty,

    The "george's view" link is not working!!


    yo handplane yes that is happening to me now

    it was working when i tested it before i posted

    ive been back to the site and it isnt working there either

    ive emailed the

    person concerned

    i thought it may have been the creaters or this board

    disabling it. but some how it has been

    disabled once i posted it.



    thanks handplane

    click on the the website

    quoted on the error page and have a look in there.

    one of the problems with george carlin

    he swore very loudly and got the backs up of the puritans

    and the religious bodys .

    but he told the truth and

    some how human beings dont like the truth

    which means we are liars at heart

    but we want to make people think

    we tell the truth

    carlin was different ,he told it weather you liked it or not

    the thing i differed from hims

    he was a profuse swearer and he swore at every thing and everyone

    and i objected to him swearing in front of children

    tho in his definations

    they are only words.


  16. Hey marty,

    The "george's view" link is not working!!


    yo handplane yes that is happening to me now

    it was working when i tested it before i posted

    ive been back to the site and it isnt working there either

    ive emailed the

    person concerned

    i thought it may have been the creaters or this board

    disabling it. but some how it has been

    disabled once i posted it.
