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Everything posted by robroy

  1. great rant JDoors, totally agree with you
  2. thanks bozodog I'll take a guiness flips a quarter in the jukebox C5 Bob Dylan Romance in Durango
  3. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha gotta love that corn
  4. robroy

    Bad Mood Day

    Glad to say I don't have any cravings or dreams about them. In fact I can't stand the smell any more. The wife and daughter still smoke
  5. Frankenstein Eastern Panhandle, Brian
  6. was $2.79 this morning, now its $3.19 last night it was $2.69
  7. How did you get in my house to take that pic
  8. Good to hear you are ok, we missed you welcome back
  9. I know its early but i will have a shot to celebrate, (see the bad mood day thread)
  10. I'll join il-wiccan in test driving the fuel
  11. criminal attorney who deserved no less
  12. robroy

    Bad Mood Day

    I started this post 1 year ago when I tried to quit smoking. I HAVE DONE IT made it through a year without even 1 cigarette
  13. hired Johnny Cochran as her attorney
  14. Wordsworth...............another one
  15. robroy

    Board Staff

    now there is an oxymoron, putting Liz and behave in the same sentence. J/K Liz
  16. glad I wasn't the person in the truck in 4 didn't know they made food slicers that big, 5 6 was more like a long howling scream than ouch
  17. robroy


    welcome Inutashio its the best forum on the web, so come on in and enjoy yourself
  18. pass a shot over here please tt, thanks Good grovel bozodog (apparently as you are here to tell us about it)although the new car you wanted in thewish post may be a police car