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Everything posted by robroy

  1. or maybe get your own power station. Lots of valves to get heated up there. Looks like il wiccan took over whiskeymans bar there
  2. dirty..........................dancing
  3. It is there edit, preferences, advanced, keep mini player on top version 4.90 Couldn't get a clean download of v5 to install
  4. That sounds oh so familiar, only with me it was the wife
  5. Those positions got to buddies no matter who is president. There are always the hangers on and the brown nosers there waiting for a soft job ater the elections. Seen it here, seen it in Britain seen it in Europe
  6. sexy thing....that would be ME just kidding Shania
  7. I know several people who work for FEMA, only one of them has any smarts, It honestly scares me that people like this are supposed to take charge in an emergency
  8. I know how the Brit felt, first car I drove over here was a '79 Buick LeSabre. Thought I was driving a boat
  9. I have seen that before, but it is an interesting fact
  10. Congrats Mac on being the first Besttechie 2000 poster
  11. the restrooms in Marty's slideshow reminded me of this one in the town I grew up in North Street
  12. Personally at least 3 partitions 1. 15g Windows xp 2 60 gig Music 3. the rest Programs and files maybe allow a fourth for linux dual boot if you are adventurous
  13. the fuel pump isnt too bad if you can instaal it yourself. A mechanical pump, which that may be, is held on by two bolts to the side of the motor. most older cars with the carb had them,Just disconnect the fuel lines, undo the bolts, remove the old pump, instaal the new one bolt it up then reconnect the fuel lines. Done. Electric pumps, on the other hand require you to drop the fuel tank, remove thold pump, install new pump reinstall tank. Empty the tank by siphoning out as much gas as possible. so much easier to work with. I would reccommend that you change the fuel filter at the same time. G
  14. I had a couple of connection refused when I first sat down, 1 hour 45 minutes ago, and a couple fo slow page loads. Been ok for the last 30 minutes or so
  15. you have usb activated in your bios? is the usb port onboard or add on card?
  16. Acouple of handy links there, thanks lefty and parrotgeek. I use a notebook to store all my passwords in. Its secured in a fire chest so nobody else can get to it. Yeah Ihad been through this before.
  17. Got my first computer in 1980, timex sinclair zx81 with 8k of ram, used the tv as amonitor. Pretty much self taught by the Oh Shit method also. Went through a couple of commodore 64's, bought an old 8086 from someone in 1993. kept that for 18 months and have built all of my own since then. No certifications here. Helped a friend build systems for sale through his business for about 2 years in the late 90's, part time job. Didn't have tech tv available until 6 months before the g4 fiasco. only do repairs for friends or my kids' friends