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Everything posted by robroy

  1. internet Football or baseball?
  2. hey Liz Yeah you can get a lot more music on a cd in mp3 format The windows updates are usually in the windows folder Make sure that you only use a cd marker to write on the cd's as regular markers can ruin them (found that out the hard way) good luck Sidekickcat I know what you mean about being behind on the backups, just checked the date on mine, damn where did those 6 months go??????? JD I do save disks by using cd rw for the backups then writing over them. Use two sets and write over the oldest. Now I can do it on a dvd rw as I got one for xmas and will only need 2 disks
  3. robroy


    yeah tyme and il wiccan and Pete are good people Tyme comes in here too
  4. 89 mustang (fun car) and 91 accord (work car) Intel or AMD
  5. Hey JSKY.........sounds like we have the same kind of daily startup.... (well.....except the glass of milk....) But me thinks a change is in order soon..... hey Jsky and rv that sounded like me too before 9\1\04. The big day up at 5, lots of coffee then work. I drink water or iced tea in the evening, no soda I ain't gonna tell you that you can kick the habit, but I feel better ,food tastes better and the car don't smell of stale smoke when I get in it take care
  6. robroy


    welcome sceeter come in and rest a while, lots of good people here to make you feel at home , humor too so stick araound and enjoy JD
  7. Nice art work tictoc5150 looks real good JD
  8. Think the sight of Bill Gate$ out on the wing scared him Optical USB or Firewire?
  9. Liz, you need to back up any files you created and anything you downloaded from the net, music, software, updates, pics and documents etc. Use the cd burner, you may need several cd-r's depending how much stuff falls into the above category. You don't need to back up winders or anything you have the install disks for When you ready there are plenty of people who will help you through it JD ps I'm not really laughing, I'm choking. At least thats the story I'm sticking to and you can't prove otherwise
  10. wouldn't work for me either but I know I'm a Dandy Dinmont (little terrier from Scotland) JD
  11. robroy

    Flight Logs

    Yeah which airline, because I don't want to be flying with them At least not withoutthe seat nearest the door and a parachute JD
  12. hey rv, don't have that many pennies laying around. Nice axes tho. Liz, there isn't going to be a stress free time to quit. Something always happens. You just got to get up one day and say today is the day, then do it. walking is good excersize, so is swimming (if warm weather ever gets here) thats even less stress on the joints and mine need very little stress. Good luck with getting kids to understand 'emergency only' mine never did. JD
  13. robroy

    Flight Logs

    Haven't had that good a laugh in weeks rofl JD
  14. not lack of nicotine giving me brain lapses , its old age and cars I can't stay off the net any more than you mikex so I guess that I'll get infected sometime and morph into something that Mac dreamed up in his basement JD
  15. Yeah thank you sultan. Apparently we allneed to get off the internet and stay off, thatis the only way to stay safe. hahaha don't see that happening, so I guess we take all the precautions we can and then................pray Lol
  16. Hey Liz I just quit cold turkey on September 1 last year. The cravings were bad sometimes,especially as the wife and daughter didn't quit. but willpower is what is required. You just got to get up one day and say 'no more' .Good luck with trying
  17. 6 months no smoking not even any cravings and feel great but yeah I'll take the extra caffeine