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Everything posted by robroy

  1. robroy

    Google Map

    My house moved 3 lots down the street from its true location but 75 ft isn't bad on a 3000 mile wide continent
  2. shockingly so, any masochists here because the author is definitely a sadist ouch and other sounds of extreme pain
  3. I'm trying to read up on C++ too Don't know too much yet, but always willing to try and learn
  4. Worcestershire sauce........................better than A1(IMHO) JD
  5. nice range of systems I still have an atari around here somewhere
  6. try clearing out the temp internet files, that usually does the trick
  7. thanks iccaros, thats just the thing I needed
  8. You still have a working zx81, wow I gave mine to my stepson in 1983 when I got c64 and now he makes 10 times what I make. He's a computer tech for a phone company in Norway
  9. robroy


    Mac is advertising for a dj for the besttechie cafe, the only other applicant is Jeff. So come on by and spin us a few sounds
  10. Thanks for the links, I do use irfanview and gimp so they will be very handy JD
  11. Jeff, you say that about Avril Lavigne every time you play her on chat so what difference saying it here? You will probably be up against our resident pro dj for the job, Shadow Thomas
  12. I had to go back to 1.0 because the two newer versions kept locking up on me, I had thought it was an issue between firefox and icechatbecause it only happened when I had icechat running
  13. yeah welcome KeithLDick glad to see you over here JD
  14. robroy


    Congratulations Jeff, next new member will take it to 400 great forums great job
  15. Yeah I remember those C64 days and programming in basic. This sounds like fun and if I have time I will give it a try. Mind you the C64 had lots of memory after starting out with the Timex Sinclair ZX81, only 8kb to work with. Had to learn machine code to use that. JD
  16. robroy


    Hey shadow good to see you, come on by on a regular basis and say hi You are always welcome here
  17. Got to agree with everything said already . Told My son never to give out that kind of info.
  18. robroy


  19. robroy

    Good Grief...!

    I guess that I can't be red lining plans when I review them any more > The builders might take offense. lol like I care what they think as long as they build safely. SAFETY IS ALL IMPORTANT
  20. Palm pilot.......................because I have one do you have dolby sound on your computer?
  21. Building better have one if needed
  22. not only did I get it up and running from the cd I got it installed on my 2nd hard drive and am using it now Thanks iccaros, I like this much better than knoppix JD