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Everything posted by robroy

  1. I have xp at work and on my laptop but like you my favorite is win2000 Thats what is on my desktop at home and I use it most JD
  2. very sweet, but yeah what happened to the voting JD
  3. I know how that goes. I had quit once before, onthe day my daughter was born, lasted 9 months party ruined it for me too. That was 23 yrs ago JD
  4. Hey everone. Yes I've been smoke free for over 11 weeks now, cold turkey. after way too many years. The last 3 yrs I had been smoking ultra lights (not covering the holes around the filter) and couldn't even smoke anything stronger after the first yr. I'm sure that has actually helped me quit. Food tastes better, more energy, no coughing no cravings after the first couple of weeks. If I can do it anyone can. If you need to use the gum or the patch then use them. Quitting is worth the time, trouble and effort. the cost is nothing compared to the cost of cigarettes for a year and even less aga
  5. I'll use it at work same prob as Marko no ff JD
  6. for mowing real tall grass hehehehehe JD
  7. How about the guy who invented a hands free device for cell phones. Some woman on her cell rear ended him at an off ramp then got mad because he wanted her to hang up her call to exchange insurance info JD
  8. that cable in the pic is for the sound, it goes from dvd to sound card. The ide cable is flat with 40 strands (newer ones are round ) but thicker than one shown. New ide cable should only cost couple of bucks JD
  9. Add my congratulations to all the rest sleepless nights to be followed by sleepless days then a teen, sleepless nights again lol JD
  10. probably need to install all the critical updates for 98 and IE JD
  11. lol bearskin, I know how you feel there was a lot of that over there for a long time thats the stuff that sent me here as soon as B got it up and running JD
  12. Hey il wiccan thats a very appropriare pic of g4. Nice choice JD
  13. Seconded and carried unanimously JD
  14. You posted in the right place. Its for any windows based program not just windows itself I think You can do what you want but I'll have to go look. Haven't used excel for several months JD
  15. Tech support is down but tss is still up Just went for a quick look seeing all the new members coming JD
  16. Haven't watched since Patrick left they just went downhill. In fact don't watch the channel at all any more JD