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Everything posted by robroy

  1. Wishing you a very happy birthday
  2. Try searching for folders named firefox then check subfolders for one called cache. It depends on how you were logged in when you installed ff, if logged in as admin then the folder will be under admin
  3. click on tools/ options/ privacy that will give you the option to clear ff cache, cookies, history etc. FF keeps them in Documents and settings/ user / application data / Mozilla / firefox / profile / cache where user is whatever name you use signing on to your comp
  4. It should be in control panel / add programs / add windows components
  5. how about belarc advisor or aida (which has been replaced by everest)
  6. that would be Scots/Irish and plenty of people from the Glasgow area have that heritage. Good celtic blood there, and none o' the da**ed sassenach as my paternal grandma would say. She is the one that causes me to use the robroy nick. She was a McGregor, one of the Gregorach (children of the mist). We don't think there is any direct relationship to the Rob Roy but there were apparently some older records that were a little confused so we cannot be certain. Names were spelt in different ways on birth, marriage and death records but may be the same person
  7. Average because I was bored most of the time. Didn't have computers when I was in school. The only subjects I enjoyed were chemistry, physics and history till they got to the industrial revolution then it got boring
  8. diapers..............or depends...pick based on age
  9. sounds way to familiar, help please I need help
  10. 647.... actually more because 50 of them are complete albums What is or was your favorite subject in school
  11. I'm Scots - Welsh, pure celtic (noone would ever guess that from my avatar and sig would they) Used to be able to do the dances but the knees hurt too much any more. We celts get all over the world. A friend of mine was in Manaus, Brazil one time, 1000 miles up the Amazon. He walked into a bar and there was one other white person inthe bar, another scot. Also typical to find us in a bar Liz please don't say you are scotch, that is whiskey people are scots. Don't want everyone thinking you are drunk now do we
  12. My HP also has an OCR program that came with it. Google found this simpleocr free program that should do what you want if you didn't get one with your scanner
  13. Watergate welcome back wired monkey
  14. Here is another site to get them from The Smile Project
  15. the sound card on these is integrated go to control panel / system / hardware / device manager and see if there are any devices with a red x or a yellow !, if so let us know what devices