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Everything posted by robroy

  1. Are you sure it was Holland. That may be too big a country, I thought it was Lichtenstein or Luxembourg.
  2. when I was installing ubuntu there was a psrtition manager in the install. Is this not available from the installed version. I never got the grub loader to work and never got to play around with it. I ended up with slackware instead
  3. Glad to see you back sidekickcat, we had a doozy of a storm pass through here last night about 5 pm. Sat out on the porch watching the sky light up. Wife thinks I'm nuts, I don't think it though, I know it Hey bd , how did 'the brit' do with driving test, tell him this one passed fine, only thing they told me was that I kept looking the wrong way first at intersections. We aren't the ones who drive bass-ackward, its you all we just carried on a tradition several times older than this country, of passing on the right. Liz, its the drums making them deaf
  4. I know what you mean. Our county website is only properly viewable in IE, it doesn't even display properly in firefox, windows version and is even worse if using linux. We try to tell them that not everyone uses windows and IE, that some of us are smarter than that, but they don't listen
  5. robroy

    About U?

    welcome aboard
  6. I think it may be the F8 key on an IBM to get into bios Think that's whatit was on mine before it died The boot screen flashed it up early in the boot process
  7. You can have 2 floppy drives and up to 4 hard drives, cd or dvd drives in a standard computerthere is a cable for the 2 floppies and 2 ide cables with 2 connections on each
  8. you are welcome, but if you are nervous about opening up the box to check how are you going to install it?
  9. try doing a search for flash or flashplayer, it doesn't show up in my extensions either but works ok. I also have shockwave installed
  10. not until you install the hard drive, you have room for one more
  11. Mine logs me in automatically as long as I don't delete the cache of stored passwords. I have Besttechie as home page on firefox so I'm logged in as soon as I start up
  12. what hardware do you have, hard drives and cd or dvd drives?
  13. Absolutely nothing Go Thundering Herd do you work out?
  14. A1, Heinz 57, Worcestershire, take your pick. Steaks up everyone Dark Side of the Moon to follow The Wall part 2
  15. dizzy Gillespie.................jazz player
  16. Didn't work right, only took me 25 seconds