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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Matt

    Board Error

    yes, that is the only error I ever get...
  2. Ok, then perhaps im wrong. But you should still be able to put the install files onto a CD, then just install them on the other computer
  3. I do think it is possible to run from a CD, you just have to make sure they scan the computer. If that doesnt work, you could always put it on a disc, then just save them to the HD, so they wont have to download. Someone correct me if im wrong.
  4. hi x-cannon, try this: control pannel > user accounts > change the way users log on or off, place a check next to use welcom screen and if you's like, place a check next to use fast user switching (if this was disabled but you would like to use it). click Apply those options, and you should be good. Matt
  5. oh... just read that the answer was posted
  6. Great choices B! Well that was fun! Good job everyone. Perhaps we'll be doing something similar to this in the near future... Matt
  7. Also, if you havent tried it before, is a great site full of internet radio stations. You can even type the song you want to listen to and it will find a station playing it. Matt
  8. hi thesidekickcat, I also have heard that. But, I personally have never had anoy problems with I would have posted links for these programs, but I can't find them anywhere except there. Good luck domingus.
  9. check it outL
  10. you can give this shortcut a shortcut key (to shutdown via keyboard)
  11. here is a link for how to do it in all windows OSes
  12. Matt


    Another reason why I am no longer part of JeePhor... lack of content...
  13. Matt

    Work Ethics

    LOL, is hould try that in my geometry class G-E-O-M-E-T-R-Y 7+5+15+13+5+20+18+25=108%