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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Why is it that they had to ship it without WMP, its not like thats wha people have to use it? I heard it was some monopoly thing or something - but I dont get how. Matt
  2. Matt


    Also, if you guys really want this place to grow, suggest it to others. I talk about it all the time at school, and suggest it to other people I know online. Two of my classmates have joined - and many people told me my goodbye speach at JeePhor made them come here too. Matt
  3. Matt


    heh - yeah, compared to JeePhor, we do seem to have less 11 year olds. Not that I'm much older han that - I'm only 15, but yeah, the boards aren't huge. I kinda like it like that. Here you get help from people you know, and it seems more persnal. They dont just see who can reply first to get the highest post cout - you get good quality answers from those who you know and they know you. Great knowlege here too. Whoever thinks that just doesn't know you well enough Nic! Anyway - yeah I'm still here. Matt
  4. Matt


    ***please disregard***
  5. Yeah thats cool! Looks like something Zero made, you make it? Matt
  6. While looking for a useful and efficient way of tracking my site activity (Matt File) I came across this service known as Stat Counter. I got the free version, and it is great! It gives such information as: Page Loads, Unique Visitors, First Time Visitors, Returning Visitors, user's OS, user's browser, user's screen resolution, user's IP, where the user came from (ie google, incomming link) what they searched for on the search engine to find you, how long they stayed, and which pages they view. There's a lot more too. Chack it out. Matt
  7. I put a little thing up on Digg to help promote this. I think this project is pretty cool, and as soon as I get home, Ill download a copy. You can help promote this article by "digging" the story. The more diggs it gets, the closer it gets to the home page for more people to see. Matt P.s. sorry if I should have had different info
  8. jack in the box (was I supposed to reply to apple or jack??)
  9. Matt

    Tss Name No More

    No More Screen Saving
  10. Is this Linux distro a bootable from cd OS or one you install on the machine? I just ask because it was compared to knoppix. Also, is there a place to download it? Matt
  11. At my house, I use McAffe, and I used to periodically check what my firewall was blocking. I was also amazed at how high it was, but mine was only about 700 a week, compared to your 1,420 in one day. I guess its nothing to worry about as long as your firewall is doing its job and protecting you. You may want to wait for more opinions on this though.. Matt
  12. sears (didnt kmat just buy them?)